Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 246: Reluctantly? By the way?

If such a lake can really be found, then she won't have to worry about the salt she has been recovering for the past few days.

Of course, in return, she was also very happy to tell the man next to her how to extract pure salt.

"Always in a daze, I must have smashed my brain in the river." Tamo stretched out his hand and shook in front of Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes, and found that there was no response at all.

"... I have absolutely no problem with my sister's IQ. You can rest assured about this." He broke his mind, and he thought it out.

"Also, do you agree to help me get water back?" If she wants to follow along, don't say if Ta Mo agrees, at least it depends on her own leg.

Even if she has crutches, she must have strength, right? Besides, she is not familiar with this forest. In case of danger, she will finish playing 100%.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Mi Xiaoxiao didn't have to ask Tamo for advice, it's better to hope that he would be willing to help!

"What do you want the water for?" He was curious, and the water couldn't be drunk. What did Mi Xiaoxiao bring back for?

"I! I guess you don't understand if you say it, do you bring it with you?" It is estimated that I will explain to him unclearly for a while.

Still wait for the accurate information to be confirmed and demonstrate to him, and explain while doing it when the time comes!

"Reluctantly, I'll bring it back for you by the way." Tamo glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, and then said in a rather helpless tone.

Reluctantly? By the way? Okay, Mi Xiaoxiao is completely immune to his tone these days, and he's nonsense, it's really troublesome.

If he went hunting, it was such a coincidence that the arranged route happened to pass through that lake?

Actually, Tamo is still a good person, if it really resembles what he said, then she might not be here.

There are all kinds of dissatisfaction with her, but it is not to take care of her with all my heart, even the quality of roasted meat is the most tender and delicious.

As for the set on his mouth, Mi Xiaoxiao has perfectly developed antibodies against him, that is to say, it is no longer useful for her.

"Then I would like to thank you for your reluctance!" Mi Xiaoxiao wiped her mouth, the meat roasted by Tamo still tastes good, if only some salt is available.

"Well, I'm going hunting, don't walk around." Tamo stood up, said this to Mi Xiaoxiao, and walked directly towards the entrance of the cave.

"Just like me, where else can I go!" Mi Xiaoxiao muttered a few words quietly looking at the back of Tamo leaving.

She was limping, and she couldn't walk far. Besides, what kind of hunting did Tamo go hunting at noon? Didn’t you bring back several pheasants in the morning?

It should be enough for them to eat two meals. Could it be that...?

Oh, it turns out this guy is shy! Do you want to be so cute? !

"Big Brother, you said that we have all gone around here, and we have shot so many prey. Then we can't be scolded to death by Boss Lu when we go back?"

Just when Mi Xiaoxiao was thinking about adding some firewood to the fire, there seemed to be some sounds outside the cave. She didn't hear it so real, and she didn't know what they were talking about.

"Shut up your mouth! If you have time to say something useless, it's better to find a place to take a break. If you have enough rest, we have to continue hunting."

Another voice continued to sound, and Mi Xiaoxiao heard it clearly this time, because this voice was getting closer and closer to here.

"It seems that these people are coming in this direction." Mi Xiaoxiao put down the damaged casual clothes in her hands, originally thinking of doing it while there is nothing to do, trying to make up for the clothes, but now it seems that there is nothing That time is up.

I don't know if they are good or bad. She is now injured again. For her own safety, Mi Xiaoxiao thinks that she still needs to find a place to hide temporarily.

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