Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 240: Are you silent when you walk?

"Guru~" The voice from Tamo's stomach successfully attracted Mi Xiaoxiao's attention.

This guy, taking care of her all night last night, it's impossible not to eat anything, right? Just listening to his grunting sound seems to have proved this.

Forget it, because he is not bad, and because she is her savior, she doesn't like to owe others kindness, so she should cook and cook something to eat.

Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxiao carefully raised the injured foot, slowly put down the bed, and then stood up on one foot while supporting the edge of the bed with her hand.

I don't feel much at ordinary times, but once I can only use one foot, it's still quite inconvenient.

It seems that she has to find a way to get a better wooden stick to replace her injured leg, otherwise it will always be a foot, which is very inconvenient to move.

"It's just meat, how do you cook it?" There is no stone pot, no bowls and chopsticks, which is understandable. After all, people don't know these things are normal.

It's just that there is no salt here either. The little salt in her pocket at any time has been washed away by the river and I don't know where to put it.

It seems that this can only be used to cook barbecue, without any ingredients, she hasn't eaten food without salt in a long time.

I still remember that the last time she ate was the first time she came to the Taer tribe, but fortunately, they were lucky to find their promises later. I hope they are also lucky this time, not to mention that she didn't want to drink animal blood.

"This flint is really troublesome." Mi Xiaoxiao sat on the stone, bent over and worked hard to make the two stones in his hand collide, thus generating sparks.

Sometimes this flint and steel still needs some skills. Fortunately, she learned a lot from Jin Xuan and the others last time.

This rabbit meat should have been caught by Tamo this morning, but it was only cleaned up, but it was not roasted, probably because she was delayed.

Mi Xiaoxiao picked up the bone knife on the side, picked out the bones of the rabbit meat one by one, and then cut out two pieces of the meat with the best and the most fat meat, skewered them with wooden sticks, and grilled them over the fire. .

This process is fast and not fast. If you want to grill it deliciously, you have to control the heat, but Mi Xiaoxiao is holding two pieces of barbecue, and there is no extra hand to control the size of the fire.

"Jin Xuan, put that..." Inadvertently, Mi Xiaoxiao habitually called out Jin Xuan's name.

But halfway through, they discovered that Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo were not by her side at all now. At the same time, Mi Xiaoxiao discovered that the degree of her dependence on the two of them might have far exceeded her imagination.

It turned out that inadvertently, she became more and more inseparable from them.

Once, when she was alone, she did two jobs a day, or sometimes even three jobs, and didn't feel that she wanted to rely on others.

But now, she may understand that before, no one can let her rely on.

Now, it's different. After spending so long with Jin Xuan Shi Nuo, they suddenly separated, and suddenly something seemed to be missing in my heart.

"Jin Xuan? Is he your male?" Just as Mi Xiaoxiao sighed, the voice that rang behind her surprised her.

"You walk without a sound?" Don't you know the truth about scaring people to death?

"That's because you didn't hear it, and you didn't answer my question." Ta Mo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes with seriousness.

"Is Jin Xuan? Count it!" Does eating and living together count? Although the name has not yet been corrected.

"Well, it seems that your injury is already healed! You are ready to go to the ground." Ta Mo said, turning his eyes to Mi Xiaoxiao's ankle ring.

"How could it be so fast? I didn't think you were hungry!" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Tamo and smiled awkwardly.

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