Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 230: Aike wants to jump into the river

But this kind of thinking should be completely impossible. After all, it is the rainy season. Even if someone enters the Taer tribe, he cannot steal the little orc.

Because during the rainy season, the outside is particularly dangerous. All the orcs in the tribe will stay in the caves without going out.

This is true for adult orcs, not to mention the minor orcs, they are even more unlikely to run around without the ability to protect themselves.

Without running out of the cave, even if someone deliberately wants to steal, it is harder to reach the sky, because they have their own parents to protect them, and there shouldn't be any major problems.

But if it wasn't stolen, what happened?

"Jike, don't worry, make it clear." Jin Xuan handed him a glass of water and motioned him to slowly explain the whole thing.

"That's it. Today we all stayed in the cave for lunch, but Shi Tuo suddenly ran over and said that his cub was gone.

At first we just thought that little orc was playful, maybe he ran down the stone wall to play, after all, this orc would transform between this animal form and human form since he was a child.

So Otter took a few of us out to find a circle, but at this moment, Darson ran over and said that his little orc was gone.

At this time, we knew that this matter was a bit serious, and it would be okay if it was just for fun.

But don't just run out of the tribe, be caught by other predators, or be washed away by water. "

Jin Xuan paused, and took another sip of water before continuing: "We realized that the matter was serious, so Otter asked me to gather all the males, and then search the nearest terrain to see if they might be found.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that I came to you, hurry up and follow me! "

After a while, the two children would be a little more dangerous. There were not many people from the Taer tribe, but they must not lose a few more little orcs.

"In this way, Shi Nuo, you stay and take care of Xiaoxiao, and I and Ji Ke will go to find the little orc." Xiaoxiao is uncomfortable, someone has to take care of it.

"Okay, pay attention to safety." Shi Nuo nodded, although he was a little worried, Xiaoxiao was the most important thing in his heart.

"In my opinion, you two should go together. Losing such a big thing as a little orc is more important than taking care of me.

Besides, my illness is cured, I can eat and drink, no problem, you should go now! Must find them back. "

What she had just heard correctly, among the two missing little orcs, one of them was the child of Darson and Aike, and her son had disappeared.

And it is very likely that something has happened, I must be very anxious now, one more person will have more strength.

She, Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo will definitely not agree to her going, but Shi Nuo does not need to stay to take care of her at least.


"Stop it! Go now!" Mi Xiaoxiao interrupted Shi Nuo, pushing Shi Nuo and Jin Xuan to the entrance of the cave.

"Then... okay! Xiaoxiao, stay home obediently, don't run out, wait for us to come back." Shi Nuo confessed uneasy, and hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Jin Xuan and Ji Ke.

"Oh~, I hope they can find that child, otherwise Aike should be very sad." With Aike for so long, I really don't want anything to happen to her.

"No, my head is a little dizzy, it's better to sleep for a while." Mi Xiaoxiao shook her head, and found that her head was a little confused. Maybe it was just a long time since the air was blowing, so she thought about going to lie down for a while.

"Mi Xiaoxiao? Are you at home? Go save Ai Ke, you have the best relationship with her, she is going to jump into the river, no one can stop her!"

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