Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 222: Hey! Shall we make an agreement?

"It doesn't matter, even if the water is rising, our house will not be flooded, and the tribe has nothing particularly important here.

So even if it was submerged in the tribe, there was nothing particularly serious about it. "Except there is a cellar behind the tribe, but this cellar is slightly higher behind the tribe.

The water can't flood the back mountain, so the cellar is still safe. After all, most of their food is still in that cellar, isn't it?


The rain is still falling, the fire in the cave is still burning, and there is a slight crackling sound from time to time.

"You can't sleep either?" Jin Xuan joked while looking at Shi Nuo who was sitting at the entrance of the stone cave.

"Yeah." The answer to him was only a muffled single tone.

"To be honest, your personality at the beginning is completely the opposite of what you are now. It's like a heaven and an underground."

Jin Xuan sat down on the other side of the cave entrance, opposite Shi Nuo. Thinking back to the original Shi Nuo, Jin Xuan still sighed.

I still remember when he brought Xiaoxiao back, Shi Nuo was in the crowd, looking at Xiaoxiao's inevitable eyes, he still remembers it to this day.

Originally wanted to monopolize Xiaoxiao for a while, he tried to guard him everywhere, but he didn't expect that he would take advantage of it in the end.

It's just that he didn't expect at all that Shi Nuo would change his personality, and he would still be so thorough, as if he were two completely different people.

"I didn't expect it either." Shi Nuo raised his head, with golden amber eyes, looking at the black sky, thoughtfully.

If it hadn't been for Xiaoxiao's words, if it wasn't for Xiaoxiao, or for Xiaoxiao's existence, perhaps he wouldn't be what he is today.

Perhaps he would worry about his strange illness, or he would live in the confusion of his identity all day long, unable to extricate himself from it.

"Hey! How about let's make a promise?" Jin Xuan turned his head and raised his eyes to face Shi Nuo, his eyes full of seriousness and earnestness.

"Talk about it." Shi Nuo seemed to have heard something of interest, and turned his attention from the sky where there was nothing to Jin Xuan.

"No matter what happens in the future, we must work together to protect Xiaoxiao." In fact, the two of them have not had a good conversation for so long.

For a long time, he wanted to find a chance to talk to Shi Nuo, but it was all delayed. Now, taking advantage of Xiaoxiao's sleep, he has time.

"Well, it's settled." Shi Nuo nodded. Although Jin Xuan looked a little simple at times, it was nothing more than an appearance.

He is more concerned with protecting Xiaoxiao than anyone else. Of course, he also doesn't lose to this guy, guarding Xiaoxiao, he is willing.

"Go, go back to sleep, Xiaoxiao alone, it will be cold when you fall asleep." Jin Xuan got up, patted the dust on his body, paused, and then returned to the cave after speaking.

Shi Nuo looked at Jin Xuan's back, sat for a while, then walked into the stone cave and walked in the direction of Mi Xiaoxiao.


His **** eyes looked at the cave for a while, and Xu Shi found nothing, so he scratched the skin under his head with his forefoot.

Then his feet straightened, his round head arched, his small body shrank into a pile, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

The fire was still burning, and the rain was still falling. The cave was bright and light yellow, illuminating the three people lying on the bed.

They leaned against each other, moved closer to each other, and both felt the warmth of each other, and there was a faint but even breathing sound.

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