Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 217: The people in the tribe almost all know.

"Tomorrow you still have to continue to leave the tribe. Aike will still lead the team. It is best to bring back as much food as you can.

But do your best. Don’t force yourself. What we need is not just fruits, mushrooms, wild vegetables, etc.

Also, in the future, I have completely handed everyone out of the tribe to Ai Ke, so Ai Luo, Lina, you have to help her. "

If you just rely on eating fruits, it is estimated that you will not be able to boil it for a few days, and you still have to supplement the protein that your body needs.

Aike may still have something that cannot be solved by himself, but the power of three people, leading them out of the tribe, should be almost the same.

After all, the saying goes well: three heads are better than one Zhuge Liang.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, don't worry! We will definitely help Aike." As soon as Ai Luo heard that Mi Xiaoxiao was going to give this task to Aike, she immediately promised as if swearing to the sky.

"Well, how much can I help." Lu Lina nodded one after another, but at the same time expressed her limited ability.

"Then Xiaoxiao will still follow the leader and them out of the tribe to hunt?" I heard that Xiaoxiao has been busy with traps these past two days, and I don't know what's going on.

"Well, today's trap has been reset, but I have other things I need to go out and see."

In autumn, there are a lot of good things outside. She can't just find some fruit and honey every time. There are always times when she is lucky.

Anyway, there is nothing big to do if she doesn't go out. Now she doesn't need to go out with the females, and the male orcs in the tribe don't need her to take care of them.

Therefore, if Mi Xiaoxiao does not leave the tribe now, the whole person is very idle.

"Xiaoxiao, come here soon, we should go home!" Ai Luo and his group originally wanted to have a good chat with Mi Xiaoxiao, but they didn't expect Jin Xuan to call her so soon.

"Wait a minute, I'll come here." Mi Xiaoxiao waved to Jin Xuan, indicating that she had heard and understood.

"Xiaoxiao, are you leaving so soon?" Ai Ke reluctantly touched, while Ai Luo held her hand and didn't want to let it go.

"Okay, it's not life and death. I can see it tomorrow. It's necessary to have such a joy and sorrow?" Mi Xiaoxiao was speechless. These guys really love her to'stick'.

"Indeed, then Xiaoxiao, you go back and rest early, see you tomorrow!" After hearing this, Ai Luo instantly let go and grab Mi Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Mi Xiaoxiao got up and walked towards Shi Nuo and Jin Xuan, not forgetting to wave to the three behind him.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about? He looks very happy." Jin Xuan took Mi Xiaoxiao's hand and walked towards the stone wall.

"Oh, nothing, just listen to them saying that Ni Na hasn't come out for so long because she is pregnant." I don't know Jin Xuan and they know the news.

"Well, we just heard about it." Shi Nuo turned his eyes and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao.

It's just that Ni Na, he doesn't want to mention her name very much, if it weren't for Xiaoxiao, he wouldn't want to hear it.

"How do you know?" Can gossip be spread so quickly here? Ai Luo and the others just heard about it.

"I don't know who said it first. In short, the people in the tribe almost know it now." He also knew when others were discussing it.

"Don't talk about her, tomorrow I will still go hunting with you."

The only thing that makes people feel puzzled is that, if you count this day, it has been almost a month since they came back from the Canglang tribe. If at that time, Niena was pregnant, why did she just say it now?

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