"Okay, okay, let's eat! Rest early after eating, and I will be preparing to return to the tribe tomorrow." Mi Xiaoxiao interjected to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Xiaoxiao, eat!" Jin Xuan thoughtfully cut a whole roasted chicken with a bone knife, but his own share was still just set aside.

"I'll do it myself, you eat quickly, otherwise it won't taste good when it's cold, it must be very greasy to eat like that." Mi Xiaoxiao took the roast chicken cushioned by leaves on Jin Xuan's hand and said with a grin.

"Well, be careful, don't get cut again." Jin Xuan stared at Mi Xiaoxiao and cut a piece by himself. Seeing that it was all right, he was relieved to eat his own piece of food.

Mi Xiaoxiao saw Jin Xuan's behavior, sweet in her heart, but how could she finish eating such a big chicken by herself?

Also, they have been out for several days. I really don't know what happened to the tribe, and whether the Wall tribe, which was killed by Shi Nuo, would go to seek revenge.

Although they came out this time, there was no one but the leader, but Mi Xiaoxiao was still a little worried.

After all, the person who offended the Wall tribe is not someone else, but Shi Nuo. If the Wall tribe takes advantage of this opportunity to call, then she also has a certain responsibility.

"Don't worry, no one knows that we are here. There will be nothing wrong with the tribe." Mi Xiaoxiao was in a daze, her small hand on her thigh was suddenly held by a big hand.

"Well, I hope so." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Shi Nuo.

Forget it, I don't want that much anymore. In short, it's no use worrying about it now. She should finish eating quickly, rest early, save energy for tomorrow, and rush back to the tribe sooner.

I barely finished eating half of the roast chicken, and Mi Xiaoxiao was supporting Mi Xiaoxiao so much that he was lying on the ground motionless as it is now.

"Li Shuo, returning to the tribe this time, they should have finished making your things in Tali.

Then you can return to your tribe. "This guy Li Shuo, although he looks scornful on the surface, he is still good.

It's just that she admires it. If he hasn't returned to her tribe in such a few days, this guy doesn't seem to be worried at all. Isn't she afraid that someone will attack his Canglang tribe while he is away?

"Well, it's time to go back to the tribe, why? Xiaoxiao can't bear me anymore?

If you are reluctant to bear me, you can follow me back to the Canglang tribe, I am very welcome. "

Li Shuo spoke in a serious manner, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. As for the words that contained some real feelings, perhaps only he himself knew.

"Stay in the tribe every day and have nothing to do, I wish you got out soon!" Mi Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Tsk tusk tusk, sure enough, you are a white-eyed wolf." Mi Xiaoxiao, this little female, is heartless.

"White-eyed wolf? If it is used to describe you, it should be more appropriate." Isn't Li Shuo just a white wolf?

"Puff!" The Scar lying next to Li Shuo laughed accidentally. He didn't expect that his leader would be speechless when he was blocked.

"Ahem." At this moment, Li Shuo wished to throw a certain knife into outer space. Is this simply friendly to the pig team?

"Xiaoxiao, if you don't have this bamboo, can you still make this kettle?" Jin Xuan turned his head and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao who was lying beside him.

"It should be possible! I'll show them at Talli when I go back, and try to find some other pieces of wood when the time comes."

It should be possible, but the process is much more complicated, and with the current level of handwork in this world, whether it can be done is still a question.

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