Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 183: Slowly, I thought you were a woman!

"Why hasn't Li Shuo come yet?" Mi Xiaoxiao wore her white casual clothes and walked around the gate of the tribe.

Shi Nuo, who was standing next to her, was wearing a gray plush animal skin that looked like brown bear-like fur.

On the left, Jin Xuan was wearing a pale white animal skin, which looked more like the fur of a bear and rabbit.

But in general, both of them look so handsome. If they are placed in the modern era, they will be fascinated by thousands of girls.

"Xiaoxiao, do you want me to take a look?" Xiaoxiao walking around like this is not a solution, at least his head is almost dizzy.

"No, here it is." Shi Nuo looked forward, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"This guy still knows how to come!" Mi Xiao raised her head and looked at the three people walking towards her, anger surged in her heart.

These three people are not women, and they are all together. They thought they were walking at a turtle speed, but I have to declare that she definitely did not despise the tortoise.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go, let's go!" Li Shuo walked to Mi Xiaoxiao, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a big smile.

"It's a long time, I thought you were a woman!" In modern times, this guy would definitely avoid makeup.

"Come on, it's all my fault, okay?" Li Shuo is really helpless, how can this Mi Xiaoxiao be a awkward female?

"Forget it, let's go!" Mi Xiaoxiao walked in the forefront, and she had already greeted Otto today.

Saying that he was looking for a tree that was useful to the tribe, Otter didn't see any opposition either.

Moreover, the Otto chief was indeed a little strange lately. In short, no matter what request she made, he didn't see any particularly big reactions from him.

For example, it is the feeling of indifference. A person who used to be no good at this or that way suddenly became OK with anything, indeed something abnormal.

"Li Shuo, does this journey take that long?" Jin Xuan looked at Li Shuo, a little annoyed.

According to the information provided by Li Shuo last night, they know that this so-called place where bamboo can be found is a bit far from their tribe.

This time and again, it would take at least several days, of course, this distance was calculated according to Mi Xiaoxiao's feet.

If it were Jin Xuan or Shi Nuo, it would take three days for Mi Xiaoxiao to run like a beast.

Although far away from the tribe, Mi Xiaoxiao still wants to go out and have a look. Maybe he can find something else on the way?

I have been blessed by God recently. Don't stay at home all the time. Go out and try your luck actively.

"Well, of course, if we turn into a beast and run all the way, time will naturally be shortened."

If they want to move forward quickly and reach their destination, they must first speed up their pace. If they do it step by step like this, it will take at least three days.

"It's better to walk when we go, and when we come back, we can choose to run back in the form of a beast."

Mi Xiaoxiao spoke to a group of people. The reason she said so was that she wanted to see the surrounding environment on the way to see if she could find other useful things.

"Well, I agree with Xiaoxiao's words." Jin Xuan was the first to express his opinion.

Because of Xiaoxiao's trap, plus some of the food they retrieved before, and the food owed by the Canglang tribe, their tribe has no food crisis for the time being.

However, although there is no crisis, we still have to step up hunting, but with these few days, there is no problem at all.

"Well, no problem." Shi Nuo nodded one after another. Anyway, what Xiaoxiao said, he just nodded, except for things that are harmful to Xiaoxiao.

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