Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 181: Xiaoxiao, I have seen it!

"What are you looking for? Why do you bother your chief, who took a lot of trouble to come over and run?" Mi Xiaoxiao still remembered the hatred last night!

To talk about holding grudges, it can be regarded as one of the few advantages of Mi Xiaoxiao!

"I heard that the traps your tribe hunted were designed by you?" When he went hunting today, he accidentally saw it, and it was indeed amazing.

The design is very clever, and once the prey falls in, there will be no chance to climb up. The moment it falls in, it gives it a fatal blow.

"Guess?" Mi Xiaoxiao shrugged indifferently, and then took a bite of the meat with enjoyment.

Well, the grilled meat is fresh and tender, the meat tastes very tender, with the sweet taste of honey, it is amazing!

Sure enough, the saying that food heals the soul is still true. Just like her, she is in a much better mood now.

"Xiaoxiao, can you give me a pair of chopsticks? It seems to taste good." The things Mi Xiaoxiao made are still very fragrant, at least they smell.

"Oh, okay! Please stand up, turn around, go straight, turn around and you will be there." When she said this, Mi Xiaoxiao didn't lift her eyelids.

"..." The two men on the side were eating what was in their bowl, Xiaoxiao was obviously driving people.

Regarding this strangeness, the two did not have a good impression of him, and now they do not know how they are proud of Mi Xiaoxiao's approach!

"Xiaoxiao, don't be so unfeeling, anyhow we are also related?" Li Shuo instantly turned on the mode of dead skinny face.

"I can be more unfeeling, do you want to try?" Mi Xiaoxiao stopped the movement in her hand and looked at Li Shuo speechlessly.

"Xiaoxiao!" Seeing that the softness is not good enough, Li Shuo came up with a softer one, but she didn't know that Mou Xiao got angry and didn't eat hard or soft.

"Come on, it's impossible for the trap to tell you for the time being, wait until you have paid the fruit this time before mentioning other things." He owes more and more when the time comes.


"Xiaoxiao, will you go hunting with us tomorrow?" Jin Xuan wiped his mouth and hiccuped with satisfaction.

"Well, I'm going to find a tree." It was a good harvest today, and I didn't plan to take the female out of the tribe tomorrow. If that happened, they would better rest for a few days.

"Looking for a tree? What tree?" Shi Nuo asked curiously. Shouldn't Xiaoxiao generally find something to eat?

"Well, the tree I'm looking for is called bamboo. It is emerald green and tall. The trunk is section by section." This bamboo is a good thing.

So far, the baskets used in their tribe are still woven from rattan.

This rattan is woven, and it won't take long. When the moisture in the rattan evaporates, the back basket will not be strong.

But the basket made of bamboo is completely different. It is strong and can be used for a longer period of time.

Of course, the role of bamboo is more than this, it can be used to weave a fishing basket, and it can also build a house.

"The trunk is section by section?" It seems that I have never heard of such a tree. I have never seen it before.

"I haven't seen it either, but I can ask Otto tomorrow, maybe he knows." Jin Xuan nodded in agreement.

"Okay, take your time and don't rush." ​​Although it's better to find bamboo, you don't need to find it immediately.

"Ahem, Xiaoxiao, I've seen it before!" At this moment, Li Shuo spoke again in silence.

"Have you seen? Where? When?" Mi Xiaoxiao said to Li Shuo in a questioning tone.

This guy said he had seen it, who knows if what he said is true, and besides, he has no reason to help her unless he is for those traps.

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