"Yeah." Shi Nuo looked up, her purple eyes staring at the starry night sky.

It turns out that the appearance of stars also needs to be baptized in the dark night. It turns out that there is light belonging to him in the dark night.


"Morning, Xiaoxiao!" Shi Nuo greeted Mi Xiaoxiao who was still a little confused while wearing an animal skin skirt.

"Um... early." Mi Xiaoxiao was confused, raising her hand and rubbing her eyes.

Last night, she was crazy when she watched the stars on the rock and saw her in the middle of the night, which caused her to not wake up at all.

Hey~, thinking about it, she must have been crazy last night.

"What is Xiaoxiao doing today?" Jin Xuan put out the fire in the cave, then turned to look at Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Today! It depends on the situation! But in the past two days, it should not be out of the tribe.

Oh, by the way, we used almost all the salt last time. We used it to make kippers. When you come back today, find some people to get some back! "

Last time, because we wanted to make salted fish, we did use a lot of salt. If we don’t get some back, I guess the salt in the tribe will not last long.

"Yes, we just need to bring back more this time."

After hearing Mi Xiaoxiao's words, Jin Xuan picked out two not-so-good ones from the pile of animal skins and brought them.

"Xiaoxiao, we're leaving, be careful about Lisuo." The one named Lisuo, who is so close to Xiaoxiao every time, knows that he is interesting to Xiaoxiao.

Although Li Shuo's unkindness toward Xiaoxiao may not be the unkindness he said, but it's not wrong to say so.

"Oh." Although Mi Xiaoxiao didn't understand why Shi Nuo said this, she nodded obediently.

"Xiaoxiao, what are we doing today?" Ai Luo ran to Mi Xiaoxiao excitedly, looking at her curiously.

"Today! Let's dig the cellar together today." Last time it was good to dig the cellar, I originally wanted to make it overnight, but he didn't expect Otto disagree.

Just because what Otter said was correct, Mi Xiaoxiao also dispelled the thought of last time.

But this cellar still needs to be dug out, otherwise there will be no place to put those apples.

But if you have to wait for the hunters to come back and help, it will be almost dark that day, and they must be tired after hunting for a day.

Therefore, Mi Xiaoxiao is going to mobilize all the remaining orcs in the tribe today to dig the cellar together.

Although digging a cellar requires a lot of energy and time, fortunately, this cellar does not need to be too large, as long as some scattered food is enough.

"Digging the cellar? But Xiaoxiao, isn't there still someone in the Canglang tribe in our tribe?"

Ai Ke came over and watched Mi Xiaoxiao whispering, if they were digging the cellar today, wouldn't they have to learn it for them?

"It's okay. We and the Canglang tribe are now in a cooperative transaction relationship. If they learn, they will have to pay us tuition."

Mi Xiaoxiao said mysteriously, there is no reason to eat for nothing if you don't give money?

"Oh, all right, I will gather everyone here." To dig the cellar, everyone needs to be prepared with tools, so she has to hurry up, otherwise it will be time.

"By the way, Tali and Devin don't need to come, and then choose a few more flexible hands and feet, good eyesight to help them."

Tali and Dewen are very busy at this stage, because they have to work overtime to make wooden bowls, so don't bother them with these little things.

"Okay Xiaoxiao." Ai Ke nodded, and then hurriedly ran to gather everyone.

"Xiaoxiao, what are we now?" Ai Luo looked at Ai Ke who was walking away, a little bored, and it was Ai Ke who gathered everyone every time.

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