If, if the backer behind them is really the Canglang tribe, then they have just kicked the iron plate this time.

"Just kidding? Do you think it is necessary for me to make a joke with you?" How could she make a joke in such a serious scene.

"Evidence! There is no evidence, you little female is just making up her mind." That's right! They have no evidence.

If what the Taer tribe is saying is false, then he will go to the Grey Wolf tribe again when the time comes. In this way, if the Taer tribe is destroyed, they may not need to do anything.

"I said, Chief Lisuo, you should have almost the same good show? Shouldn't it be time to come out for a stroll?"

So this guy has been standing aside and watching the show for so long with relish, really he can't see it?

"Oh! Was discovered by the little female?" Li Shuo jumped off the stone with regret.

"..." Standing in such a conspicuous place, how could she not find it? Unless she is blind.

"Li..., Li Shuo?!" Chi Mu looked at Li Shuo walking towards Mi Xiaoxiao, with surprise in his eyes.

"It's over! It's over!" Chi Mu looked at Li Shuo and kept talking about this sentence.

The Canglang tribe is powerful, although it hasn't been long since it came to this place, it has quickly become a hegemon here.

Even their Wall tribe, when they met people in the Canglang tribe, they had to behave with their tails between their tails, which shows how powerful their Canglang tribe is.

"Xiaoxiao, this matter is so troublesome, it's better to solve it soon." Li Shuo looked at Chi Mu and his party impatiently.

It's okay to ask him to watch the excitement. If he is asked to mix up the troublesome things, he won't be willing to say anything.

This time, if it wasn't for the appointment with Mi Xiaoxiao this little female, he couldn't stand idly by, otherwise he wouldn't care about it.

"This matter of time, the decision is not still in your hands."

Mi Xiaoxiao gave Li Shuo a white look. If she could solve it quickly, how could she still use him!

"Tell you the leader, the Taer tribe is covered by our Canglang tribe. If you dare to pay attention to it, I don't mind to dismantle your tribe myself!"

What Li Shuo said was a brave and domineering, and Zhi Mu directly turned around and ran away, without any intention of taking the orc's corpse back.


"Tonight, you live here, and the orcs who came with you live next to you.

Also, those bowls and chopsticks, it is estimated that it will take a few days to complete, you should be very busy, you can go back to the tribe first. "

Mi Xiaoxiao and Jin Xuan stood at the entrance of a stone cave, and standing in front of Mi Xiaoxiao was Li Shuo, the leader of the Canglang tribe.

"Thank Xiaoxiao for leading the way, it feels so normal here!" Li Shuo looked around and nodded rather reluctantly.

"...Uh, then you take a rest early, we will leave first." Mi Xiaoxiao was speechless, this guy's brain circuit, as expected, is not on the same line as them.

"Hey? Xiaoxiao is leaving now? Why don't you stay and talk to me?" When Li Shuo heard that Mi Xiaoxiao was leaving, he immediately put on a tearful look.

"..., I have something, you can talk slowly by yourself." Mi Xiaoxiao gave him a white glance.

Shi Nuo said he was going to the river to wash his hands, but he should have returned at this time, but he didn't even see half of the shadow.

"Jin Xuan, let's go!" Mi Xiaoxiao took the initiative to hold Jin Xuan's hand. She has to find Shi Nuo now, but she still feels a little worried anyway.

"Okay! Xiaoxiao hug it tightly." Jin Xuan hugged Mi Xiaoxiao, and rushed down the stone wall with a swish, and there was no shadow.

"Hehe, this Mi Xiaoxiao is really interesting, and the one called Shi Nuo is not easy!"

Li Shuo looked at the direction where Mi Xiaoxiao and the others were leaving, whispered to himself, and after a while, he walked into the cave.

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