So, when Ai Ke came over this morning to inform them that the little females needed their help, there was no doubt that the big ones were all out.

But now this little female only arranges the work of the females and ignores them. Does this mean that the little female does not need their help?

The big guy feels a little worried at this moment, everyone in it hopes that he can help the tribe.

Among them, some of them were injured because they were hunting, and they couldn't continue hunting. They even had problems with their actions.

Some are elderly orcs who are older and have some inconvenience in their actions and cannot continue to contribute to the tribe.

Whether it is an orc who is injured and cannot continue hunting, or an old orc who is inconvenient to move, they have one thing in common, that is, they hope that they can also contribute to the tribe.

Because of their physical defects, they have always been able to live on the ready-made food captured by the hunters.

He didn't have the ability to survive at all. If it were Mi Xiaoxiao, he could also describe it like this-eating free food.

But since Mi Xiaoxiao led the females in the tribe to bring back so much food that time, their hearts were also a little excited.

Can they follow the little female Mi Xiaoxiao and do something for the tribe?

In any case, it is better than just waiting idly to eat ready-made food.

The big guys got together and elected him as the representative. They were about to discuss with the little females to see if they could find something to do for them.

Unexpectedly, this morning, the little females were the first to call them, so everyone couldn't wait to come to the place where the females gathered in the past.

"Don't worry, I am calling everyone today to discuss something with you."

What Mi Xiaoxiao thought in her mind, others might not agree to her, in fact, her purpose of calling them here today is to let everyone go fishing together.

In the original fishing, you can use fishing nets or special fishing props, such as fish baskets.

It's a pity that there is no fishnet here, and no fish basket. Maybe you would say that you can make it yourself.

Not to mention this fish net, there is no material needed to make it, but this fish basket, that is woven, also needs bamboo as the raw material.

But the problem is that so far, she has not seen any bamboo or materials similar to bamboo.

"Fishing? Is it something in the creek? Those can be eaten?" The excitement on the old man's face suddenly turned into doubt.

As soon as the fish in the river was mentioned, the females who were making animal skin skirts also turned their attention.

"Yes, of course those can be eaten. Jin Xuan and I have eaten them before. They are not poisonous. Just be careful of the fish bones when you eat them."

Of course Mi Xiaoxiao knew that the reason for the old man's question was nothing more than the incident of eating fish to death.

"But this thing has really eaten people to death!" At this moment, a younger orc suddenly stood up.


"We believe you, what she said is true, and our two brothers can testify."

Just when Mi Xiaoxiao wanted to explain further, Tali and Dewen suddenly stood up.

Mi Xiaoxiao was stunned by mistake, this German and Tali, don't you like to get out of a rock cave? But why is it here?

But when they came out and helped her speak, Mi Xiaoxiao still politely smiled at them.

"In this case, little female, we all listen to you."

Since the Tali brothers who generally don't interact with people say this is true, they should also believe in them.

"Well, that's fine, come with me!" Mi Xiaoxiao blinked at Ai Ke, motioned to her here.

After getting Aike's response, Mi Xiaoxiao led a group of orcs towards the river without any worries.

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