Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 112: A large white cotton field!

"Are you there?"

Mi Xiaoxiao cautiously walked through the grass, and sure enough, it was still very inconvenient to go into the woods wearing a fur skirt!

"Yeah, look at Xiaoxiao!" Ai Ke excitedly pointed to a flat place in front of him.

"Oh." Mi Xiaoxiao responded indifferently, and then looked over there. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, the happy Mi Xiaoxiao soul is almost lost.

There is a large area of ​​white flowers in the relatively low-lying place in front of Zhijian.

The tidbits on the branches are like small white clouds, following the direction of the wind, surging up and down.

"Cotton...Cotton?!" Mi Xiaoxiao couldn't help rubbing her eyes. Isn't she dim-eyed? ! What she sees now is really cotton?

And is it still a large white cotton field? Should she be so lucky? !

"Cotton? This turned out to be just a flower!" The Quercus who found this cotton field was a little bit lost. She thought it was something edible!

"Did you find this?" Mi Xiaoxiao turned and looked at the woman whispering behind her, a little too excited.

"Yes...Yes!" Xiaoxiao wouldn't she blame her for not looking for food seriously, right? !

"You're so...awesome!" Mi Xiaoxiao is now in an excited period, so she hugged Lisa without even thinking about it.

"Too... great?" Lisa, who was hugged by Mi Xiaoxiao, didn't recover at all, the expression on his face was stunned.

Did she hear me right? Xiaoxiao just praised her, right?

"Well, this is called cotton. Don't look at it like an ordinary flower, it's actually very useful!"

Cotton can be used to make quilts, which play a certain role in keeping warm, and most importantly, it can be used to make aunt's towels!

Therefore, cotton is too precious for the current Mi Xiaoxiao. Is there any wood?

"So that means, I found them useful?"

It took a long time for Lisa to react, and then looked at Mi Xiaoxiao expectantly.

"Of course it's useful!" Mi Xiaoxiao was puzzled, she just said so much, this girl didn't listen?

"Great, then let's go and bring them back to the tribe?" When Lisa heard that Mi Xiaoxiao said it was useful, the whole person was happy.

"Well, yes, but we count as much as we can pick."

After all, they only have so many people, and most importantly, there is too much cotton here.

Even if their manpower is twice as many as they are now, or even twice as many, don't even think about picking them in one day.

But it's better to pick it up earlier, because this cotton won't stand the rain.

Mi Xiaoxiao didn't know if it rained in the past few days, so she had to do her best to collect them.

Mi Xiaoxiao prayed in her heart that it's better not to rain these days! Otherwise, the white cotton will be ruined abruptly.

"Aike, you call Ai Luo and the others, and then tell them to pour out all the food they picked and pile them together."

It's still early, looking at the position of the sun in the sky, which is what it looks like at eleven o'clock.

Asking them to pour everything in their boxes together, but also to free the boxes to pick cotton.

"Okay, Xiaoxiao, I'll go now." Ai Ke looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and nodded, then immediately turned around and ran towards Ai Luo and the others.

"Okay, everyone is stunned, let's all go down to pick cotton! Remember, when picking, don't get rid of dirty things.

That is to say, in the cotton that is picked, no other sundries can be involved, which will greatly reduce the quality of the cotton. "

"Okay, Xiaoxiao."

Although they didn't understand most of the content, be careful when picking them, and don't take the debris with you.

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