
  Chapter 174 Su Qi sentenced to death

"If I don’t stand up, I will It will be another ending, and you will not hear my story. Perhaps, now I am being bullied by those five people in a corner, and you will never know it."

Su Qi expression Looking at them coldly and coldly.

These are what he said in his heart, which is regarded as an injustice for the pitiful person who has disappeared and no one has spoken for him until now.

At the end of the conversation, the surrounding reporters, the family members of the deceased, and the netizens who watched were all stunned.

The family members of the deceased looked at him incredulously, as if they could not believe that he could speak these upside-down words like a tongue.

A middle-aged woman in her forties, with a fat body and a very mean-looking face covered in white powder, scolded fiercely, "Obviously it is your fault. It is reasonable to kill. "

His Yu Family members also sneered one by one, and did not listen to Su Qi's words at all, thinking that he was just sophistry.

"The murderer deserves to die!"

"What a quibble kid!"

Su Qi shook his head, "Since you can't discipline them well, Let them do evil outside, then I will discipline them for you, and get rid of them easily, so that they can no longer do evil, and it is considered as an eradication for the people."

With that, he calmly said "Why, isn't this right?"

"You, you..."

The words fell, the mean middle-aged woman An Yan, and other family members, could not help but extend the The hand pointed at him, the fingers of anger tremble, and some of them fell on their backs with anger and almost fell to the ground, obviously in a hurry.

These dozen family members flushed with anger, but couldn't say anything to excuse for a while, so they could only hate fiercely, and scolded Su Qi's painful foot.

"You are so vicious!"

"You are dead, you will be sentenced to death!"

"Wait for death, kid!"


"The sin is deserved!"

Cursing, the sadness on their faces gradually disappeared, as if they had foreseen the day when the boy was executed, his face could not help showing grudges. The refreshing color that deserves to be reported.

Su Qi, who had turned his head and didn't want to bother them, was about to walk away, frowned fiercely, and looked over again.

Then, Su Qi slightly smiled, scanning the family members and other people around him with a hint of sarcasm.

Next moment, he just listened to his calm voice saying, "As long as I want to, I can be released soon."

As he said, he added indifferently , "And it's just and honorable to be released."

After finishing speaking, he continued to move towards the front.

"What did you say?"

The surrounding family members, as well as a reporter, maybe other people, looked astonished and incredulous, as if they had heard something Unbelievable words.

After stupefied, the family members ridiculed and laughed.

An Yan, a mean woman, said with a sneer, "I have been sentenced to death, do I still dream of going out?"

"Is it soon? Just and honorable?"

"You opened the prison in your house, it's really crazy!"

Her husband Sun Zhuang disdain, "Smell of mother's milk not yet dried kid, you can say anything. I'm afraid you are crazy when you say it?"

The other family members agreed.

"It's arrogant!"

"Oh, maybe I'm dying, and hallucinations appeared before my death!"

More than a dozen family members continue to speak Ridicule and ridiculed words.

Not only them, but the surrounding police officers are also stupefied, looking at Su Qi with surprise and disbelief.

After the reporters were astonished, they became excited like a shark smelling blood.

The big news!

At this moment, they all thought about the title afterwards.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast were stunned.

This boy is crazy, otherwise, how could he say such irrational words?   Where does his ability come from, can he say such things?   Too arrogant!

Before, they thought that what the boy said before was reasonable, and some people wanted to support him, but now that he said so, they all felt that he was too arrogant!

"This guy is so arrogant and boasted shamelessly!"

"Yes, I still figured it out after this is the case. Haven't the dream been woken up yet?"

" haha, let me go. I can really say anything. Isn’t he a blind person?"

"If he can be just and honorable to be released, I will shit live and eat my own Shit!"

When netizens are discussing.

Inside a police station.

The three Chen Ye, who had interrogated Su Qi, are now watching the scene with their mobile phones and computers. After hearing Su Qi's speech, they hook the head one after another.

Chen Ye Captain sighed disappointedly.

Hu Hailong shook the head.

Policewoman Li Qiu thought with a sneer, "This kid is still indistinguishable from reality. He is going to be sentenced to death. Can it turn the world upside down?"

"The country is not law." In a place outside, how can he allow him to be arrogant!"

"Death without repentance!"

Not only them, some inmates in the detention center are hearing that this cruel boy is going to be judged Later, the trust relationship also saw the live broadcast.

After hearing Su Qi’s words, they laughed one by one, thinking that he was crazy, and suspected that he had a mental problem, otherwise how could they say such arrogant and conceited, arrogant, and impossible things? .

Su Qi does not control the public opinion of the others, and is following the police into the court.

As time passed, the defendant, the plaintiff, the judge and the others soon took their place.

During the trial, facing the hateful eyes of the family and the judge's question, Su Qi lightly, who was standing at the defendant stand, spoke.

"No need to ask, the thing is what I did, I killed them cruelly, I will do it again, and I don’t mean to repent, because I think I’m right ."

When talking, Su Qi's expression was very calm, "Okay, let's end it quickly, I'm still in a hurry to go back to rest."

bang!   The scene became silent for a moment, and the quiet needle drop was audible.

Surrounding a policeman, a family member, a judge, and a crowd of onlookers, they were shocked and looked at him with wide-eyed eyes.

What did they hear?   What did this kid and boy say?   I confessed the guilt so simply, and said that he did not have the slightest repentance?   Give him another chance, he will do the same?!

The most important thing is the attitude of this young man!

What kind of arrogant attitude is this?!

The judge on the high platform looked dazed.

He had never seen such an arrogant, unrepentant criminal, and looked upon him as a criminal with nothing! The   eyes are not official!

I don’t know, I thought the court was his home!

At this moment, in the silent scene, one after another stared at the young man with stunned eyes, shocked by his words.

There was no surprise. In view of his unrepentant and extremely arrogant attitude, in the triumphant and cheerful eyes of a group of families of the deceased, his sentence came down.

The death penalty!

Thanks to the'Squirrel Party Leader' 5,000 coins reward.

Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins from'Max Zhaoruqingsi'.

Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins for "Smiles are so beautiful at that time".

Thank you for "Being with me, please bring a sincere" 500 coins reward.

Thanks to'Bao Lingyu' for the reward of 500 coins.

Thank you for the reward of 200 coins for "Understanding You FTP".

Thank you for the reward of 190 coins from'God, Lin'.

Thank you for the 100-coin reward of "Shengdao Myriad Realms".

Thank you for the 100 coins reward of'Dust in the Fireworks ( ̄ ̄)'.

Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from'Vine'.

Thank you '20201214143639999' for the reward of 100 coins.

Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from'Bajitian'.

Thank you!


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