
  Chapter 157

This strange phenomenon makes both ordinary viewers and biologists feel To the doubt.

"Is it just an illusion before?"

When they were strange, another reminder sounded.

[Time passes, a million years will pass in an instant...]

The various changes of millions of years have passed by in the eyes of netizens. When the blurred scene becomes clear, first What caught them at a glance was the small dinosaurs.

The camera appeared on them, and there were many close-ups on them. Netizens who watched carefully, secretly said in one's heart.

Before, they were a little suspicious. Millions of years have passed, confirming their speculation.

Except that the head has grown a little bit bigger, the rest is no different from before.

Their changes really stopped!   One by one netizens started talking.

"It scared me to death, I really thought about it too much."

"Yes, how can they change so much, it turned out to be a flash in the pan..."


Many people relaxed.

However, just when they thought about it, the scene of the movie quickly changed again, and a reminder sounded.

[The time came to the late Cretaceous, 65 million years ago...]

They saw the changes in mountains and rivers over tens of millions of years, as well as the changes in the small dinosaurs.

Looking at it, they were dumbfounded.

I saw the bodies of those small dinosaurs, changing and changing, and finally their bodies became straight, their arms became longer, their heads became bigger and bigger...a living humanoid creature!In the   process, they communicate more and more, and they don't know when wisdom will appear.

Netizens saw these feared draconians forming tribes, saw them shouting and holding sacrifices, worshiping Heavenly God in awe, and seeing them gradually develop a technological civilization...

For tens of millions of years, they have grown from nothing, from dinosaurs without intelligence to draconian with high technology!

Looking at the white and modern buildings that appeared in the camera, netizens felt ka ka in their heads. It was the sound of the cracking of Sanguan.

At this moment, one after another exclaimed from all over the world.

"Fuck it!"

"I'll go!"

"What happened?!"


They looked at this scene and felt shocked.

These dinosaurs actually possessed wisdom and developed a civilization!   What an incredible thing this is!The   previous knowledge of dinosaurs, etc., have all been beaten by this scene Broken.

At the same time in the shock, they also felt confused.

What happened? Obviously, the small dinosaurs in the past have not changed, but now they have changed so much. They felt astonished at this strange phenomenon.

What happened during this period!The    lens kept skipping from high above. White high-rise buildings and some equipment far beyond the modern technology level appeared in their eyes one by one.

Some people who originally looked down on dinosaurs are even more frightened.

From observation, the level of civilization of this fearful draconian has surpassed them!   The sound of suck in a cold breath appears from time to time around the world.

The capital of China.

Dinosaur Museum Hall Master, a greasy middle-aged man, looked at the dinosaur skeleton not far away, and took a deep breath subconsciously.

At this moment, he can no longer look at these dinosaur skeletons with his usual eyes.

The apartment house.

Song Daxun sat at the computer desk and doubted his life.

He said in disbelief, "How come dinosaurs can develop such a strong civilization!"

"Why, why can they evolve wisdom and develop civilization? !"

Before, he even mocked netizens for speculating on strange things. Song Daxun, who was slapped in the face at this moment, felt shock and embarrassment in his heart.

Just when he doubted his life, after the initial shock, every netizen could not help but discuss.

"Civilization 65 million years ago, this refreshed our understanding of the time when civilization appeared. We thought that there would be no civilization in the Cretaceous period, but there was civilization. What a Shocking thing!"

"Fuck, it's true, 65 million years ago, was there a fucking civilization?"

"Shocked face, expressing Sanguan has been broken into slag."

"I am also broken..."

Billions of netizens, because of the existence of civilization 65 million years ago, it’s fierce. The discussion.

Discussing and discussing, suddenly someone thought of the top search in the morning.

"Hey, I thought about the hot search in the morning, does anyone remember?"

The others were taken aback and quickly recalled.

As to whether there were humans hundreds of thousands of years ago, did God only exist for more than ten thousand years, and whether God created the universe?   After thinking about it, they quickly understood.

Comments appear one by one.

"In the morning we are still guessing whether humans came hundreds of thousands of years ago, but now Origin Network shows us a civilization tens of millions of years ago???"

"By the way, since dinosaur civilization existed so long ago, there seems to be nothing strange about human civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

"Hey, yes. !"


Everything is afraid of comparison. Since there were tens of millions of years ago, if there were also hundreds of thousands of years ago, it would appear drizzle under the comparison of time. It won't make them feel strange anymore.

At this moment, there is obviously no confirmation, but many people think that there may be a first generation of humans!    After understanding this, some people think of being brought to the rhythm in the morning, and join doubts. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was an impossible human team, and immediately felt ashamed, as if being tricked, and nameless anger arose.

Soon, one by one angry comments, moved towards the culprit in the morning sprayed away.

"Damn, so so and so, really clown, I actually believed his nonsense and was led by him!"

"It seems to be called Song Daxun, right? A silly X."

"There was civilization tens of millions of years ago, how does that guy explain?"

"Believe in his evil!"

Each netizen either complains or scolds others.

The apartment house.

Seeing the words scolding himself, Song Daxun's face became extremely dark, and his face was so ugly and ugly.

I used to be very happy because of a fire in the morning, but now it disappears thoroughly, and my angry eyes are red.

"Damn it!"

He panted, blushing and holding back for a long time, he fiercely suffocated a sentence, "A bunch of idiots, how old was it tens of millions of years ago? Thousands of years ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago were hundreds of thousands of years ago, and they are not the same!"

He angrily defended himself.

Of course, cursing is cursing, and now he dare not show up, so he can only bear it temporarily.

When the netizens sprayed Song Daxi, the movie footage was broadcasted for a while, and then the draconian-fearing buildings, technological equipment and other sceneries were suddenly moved to a building.

(End of this chapter)

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