
  Chapter 138 Realistic Reactions   After some people’s reminders, everyone was shocked.

Watching the movie, they forget the most important thing, the doomsday!   Since there are meteorites in the movie, they must also be in reality!    "What to do, it's dead!"

"No one can save us, we are over..."

"I don't want to die yet..."

Netizens lose one's head out of fear When I got up, there was despair in my heart.

Although they feel very novel to see the future world when watching a movie, when it's their turn, they won't be wonderful or novel.

And in the movie, countries have used nuclear bombs to deviate from the direction of the meteorite, but they all failed, which also made them lose confidence.

When they think of the horrible scene in the future, their hearts are filled with helplessness and despair.

not very long, the officials of various countries quickly made a move.

One after another, TV stations, film and television websites, and social software have begun to broadcast the latest news.

Su Qi in his hometown, this will also be watching the news.

Looking at it, he couldn't help shook the head.

The general meaning of this news is that after discussion, they will unite to treat and respond to this crisis with caution.

At that time, scientific researchers will gather together and will work out a solution to the meteorite as quickly as possible. Please don't worry about it.

Looking at the male and female hosts hosting the news, Su Qi murmured, “The reality of the world knows the news of the arrival of asteroids in advance. Maybe there is some possibility to solve the meteorites, but I can’t put my hope on it. On them."

After all, in the movie, all countries have failed. Even if you know it earlier, how much success rate can you increase?

The probability of finally solving the meteorite will not go anywhere!    "When the meteorite comes, even I will not be spared..."

Su Qi wrinkles He raised his eyebrows and began to think about how to save himself.

Thinking about it, in less than half a minute, he directly came up with several solutions to the problems that plagued the whole world.

First, naturally, relying on deduction to improve strength, and then with absolute strength to solve the meteorite.

It’s just that how long it takes to reach this level of strength is a question.

Second also relies on deduction...

"As long as we continue to deduct the Qin Shihuang line in the past, and deduct it to modern times, relying on the peer model, it should be able to solve the meteorite problem. ......"

Su Qi pondered, "However, there is also a problem..."

If it is deduced from the past to the modern, then when the time comes, I will not Will appear in the deduction?    Although it did not exist a few times before, but this time it was deduced from the past...

Will there be any space-time refutations?   Therefore Unknown situation? For    a long while, he shook his head, "Forget it, this problem is still thinking about when I have to face it later, my brain hurts when I think about it now."

"Except for these two In addition to this method, there is also the Third Type method..." Su Qi murmured, "There are several battleships in the warehouse, among which there are battleships equipped with star destroyers. If you take it out, it will naturally solve the problem."

It’s just the same. If you take out the battleship, you will face the same problems, whether you use it yourself or give it to others.

If you use it yourself, those battleships are all controlled by Super SmartBrain. Who knows what will happen when the time comes.

Not to mention that when using battleship, it is very likely that you will face the problem of identity verification, but that if those SmartBrain send out some information, when the time comes, they will face a series of problems.

Su Qi does not dare to bet that those super SmartBrains are all mentally retarded, what will not do, and do not think that after stealing the battleship, anyone can control it. Is there such a good thing?    Don't look like a movie It's the same, because there is a problem with the identity, and then those super intelligences don't agree with each other, and they turn around and use high-tech weapons to fuck themselves.

When the time comes, there are really tears that can't be said, and it's not worth it at all.

Give the battleship directly to other people, such as the country...

Su Qi didn't even think about it, so he clicked X in his heart and rejected this.

Those battleships are dangerous things!    From the information in the deduction, as well as their own battleship knowledge, it is unceremonious to say that the high-energy weapons carried on the battleship are all It's scary.

Although Su Qi hasn’t seen them show their power, he doesn’t think that the weapons on those battleships will be worse than nuclear bombs. You can refer to one of the battleship’s star destroyers to know, even if the other battleships will Weak, but it will never be weak.

Putting them under the control of others is the same as giving lives to others for safekeeping.

If there are dark guys, use them to start the war, when the time comes...

Even if no one does this, just improper operation may cause such consequences. .

Su Qi doesn't want to fall asleep, the room and itself disappear in a blink of an eye, and the unfathomable mystery hangs.

No matter how small the odds are, he is not willing to take this risk.

"This thing is just like nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs alone are dangerous enough!"

Foreign Einstein once said that if world war breaks out again, then nuclear war It is very likely to be opened, and in the next battle, the weapons used may be stones and wooden sticks.

Because humanity will suffer heavy casualties at that time, civilization will regress, and even return to the period of primordial civilization.

In the face of this threat, it is estimated that if all mankind is given a choice, it is conservatively estimated that more than 70% will choose the nuclear bomb to disappear, because no one wants to face this horrible weapon one day.

And battleship, which is more dangerous than nuclear bombs...

"I am crazy to give them to other people to control, is it not fast enough to die."

Su Qi shook his head.

In summary, these three methods should all solve the meteorite problem, but there are also some minor problems.

"Forget it, let's take a step and take a step. There is still some time before the meteorite arrives. I will consider it later."

Su Qi sighed.

After thinking of a solution, he clicked on the smart watch and began to check the situation on the major social software.

He didn't surprise him, because of the news, perhaps the panic of the masses has calmed down a little bit, but if you want to really make the masses not panic, they still haven't done it.

One by one panicked comments, constantly swiping the screen on various social software.

Brushing and brushing, Su Qi also brushed a few bad deeds in reality because of this incident.

Because of the end of the world, some individuals have begun to commit crimes.

Time goes by...

Crimes in reality are constantly increasing.

Because firearms and other dangerous weapons are strictly prohibited, Huaxia is relatively stable, but the places where the United States and other countries are incapable of guns and racial discrimination are miserable.

I used to have gun battles every day, but before most of them would choose to be held in hidden places, now I almost swept the street with a machine gun.

The screams of men and women kept ringing.


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