
  Chapter 120 After the Demise of Mankind

In the last few months of life and death, mankind has exploded strength.

Su Qi saw several hundred meters deep underground survival bases being established, and several manned spaceships appeared.

Even Su Qi saw that various countries kept moving towards Earth and sending messages, wanting to contact possible black hands and trying to let them free humanity.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if there are no black hands. I also saw deliberate ignorance. Countries did not receive a reply.

A beep appears.

[Time has come to the last day of the arrival of the asteroid...]

On this day, billions of human beings in the world are completely panicked, because the asteroid is so close to Earth. It will come in less than half an hour!    "God save us!"

"God, have you abandoned us?"

"Help, I don't want to die..."

Cries sounded in various places.

At the same time, all countries are also ready to stand up at this time.

Su Qi saw that one by one high-kinetic energy rockets carrying nuclear bombs, moved towards the asteroid, trying to make it deviate from orbit.

Boom boom boom!   As one nuclear bomb explodes, one after another shining spot of light blooms in the solar system, bright and dazzling.

Looking at it, Su Qi suddenly shook the head, "It's a pity..."

Although the asteroid has deviated a bit, it has not completely deviated, which means that the asteroid is still Go in the direction of moved towards Earth.

The human elites who were staring at Earth's outer space gradually turned pale.

During the asteroid's fall, Su Qi also saw that they used other methods to make the asteroid deviate, but unfortunately all failed one after another.

Boom!The   asteroid rubbed the atmosphere and moved towards Earth and fell straight.


All the high-level human beings and all scientists are desperate.

Su Qi heard a cry of prayer.

"Do you want to save them?" He fell into a deep thought.

After a long while, he shook the head and decided to watch the changes.

After all, this is not the real real world, and he is also going to see what is going on with this meteorite, and see what changes will happen after it arrives.

I don’t know, will there be any accidents when the meteorite descends?

Without Su Qi's intervention, the meteorite hit the land without any accident.

Boom boom boom!With   a blast , the mud and dust were thrown up and splashed into the air at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The heat wave swept through, and some nearby cities and people in the cities were swallowed up.

Su Qi saw that the affected area was as large as a Hua Xia Country, and everything nearby was destroyed.

Due to the size of the meteorite, the formidable power that bursts down this time is not as terrifying as the superpower world.

Compared to the size of Earth, meteorites of more than ten kilometers are not a big deal.

It's just...

Boom, the earth shook.

Su Qi saw tsunamis roaring, and volcanoes erupting.

"Because the direct death of meteorites is not much, but the subsequent impact is too great."

[Time is passing...]

His eyes changed rapidly.

Nearly a thousand kilometers of coastline was swallowed by the tsunami, and the broken cities sank to the bottom.

Boom boom boom!   Volcanoes are constantly erupting, fire and rain are flying, and there is a large amount of volcanic ash flying into the sky.

The sun was blocked and the sky was getting dark.

The climate is in an anomaly.

Volcanoes have erupted intermittently for hundreds or thousands of years, and the heat they emit has caused the Earth's surface temperature to rise sharply.

When the volcano subsided, the high temperature gradually cooled down, and because the sunlight was blocked, the surface temperature continued to drop because of the lack of sunlight.

A large number of animals and plants perished in this process, which is included...

Su Qi saw that all the surviving people on the surface died.

Even if they escaped the initial disaster, they also died in the rapidly changing temperature, and various diseases that were born due to the death of animals and plants.

[A thousand years have passed...]

Su Qi saw a flash, things are constantly blurred.

When the picture becomes clear, what he sees is still all black, no daylight.

The land is covered with snow and ice, a piece of decay, and little biological activity is seen.

"Humankind just perishes like this?"

Su Qi was a little surprised.

"What will happen next?"

Earth's current situation made him frown.

"Is the meteorite premeditated, or is it a coincidence?"

Up to now, he has not figured out this matter.

However, it is clear that if something strange enters the solar system, the warning sound should appear. If it does not appear now, it means that the solar system has been peaceful for more than a thousand years and no strange things have appeared. .

Su Qi's illusory body is running on the ice.

Looking at the endless whiteness in front of him, he sighed slightly, "Time Acceleration."

[When you sigh, fifteen thousand years have passed...]

Under the bright sun.

Su Qi looked up at the sky.

The dim sky that was obscured by smog disappeared, replaced by a blue sky with a bright sun hanging.

"Fifteen thousand years?"

Su Qi whispered.

This is the first time he has experienced such a long period of time.

silhouette With a flicker, Su Qi disappeared from the water and appeared high in the sky.

When he glanced down, he couldn't help showing a look of shock in his eyes.

High-rise buildings stand in great numbers, full of modern buildings everywhere, and he also saw a person walking.

In a daze, Su Qi almost thought that time was going back.

Had it not been for some differences in architecture, he would almost think so.

Compared with the 21st century, those buildings are more gorgeous and beautiful, with a stronger sense of technology.

"Are there any survivors?" Su Qi murmured.

His first single thought was that humans survived that disaster, and then after a long time, civilization restarted.

Thinking about it, he thought of the people hiding in the shelters deep in several hundred meters, and the people in those spaceships.

body flashed He disappeared in place and appeared on the street.

Su Qi took a closer look.

People in fashionable clothes walk by, and they sometimes lower their heads to fiddle with a watch-style item on their wrist.

A green light curtain projection comes out, and a picture or text message flashes on it. These people keep clicking on it, and it feels like browsing the web.

"Something to replace the mobile phone?"

Su Qi guessed.

The technology of this modern society seems to surpass the real world, giving him a feeling of coming to the future.

At this moment, on the projection screen of a Grand Plaza in the distance, a female host suddenly appeared in the projection.

She opened the mouth and said with a smile on her face, "Recently, in North America, we have detected a civilization site that may belong to the previous generation of ancient humans, the fifth generation of emotional humans in the rumor..."

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