Chapter 723 It’s really you, the bad old man!

Because the reputation of these three gods outside the Heavenly Cang Cang Continent is too great!

One is a god worshipped by the orcs!

You know, there are already many orc races integrated into humans, so, for the gods of the orc race, naturally many people understand!

Needless to say, the dark gods, the gods of the dark vatican, as long as they are the cultivators of the dark elements, they basically worship him!

Some people may not know the Dark Vatican, but how could they not know the Dark Empire, one of the four great empires of the Celestial Continent!

As for the God of Light, let alone, the god of the Holy See of Light, the entire Celestial Continent has the power of the Holy See of Light, and even the orcs that are far away in the barren land have the power of the Holy See of Light!

“If so, are we just waiting here?”

Hearing the explanation from the great ancestor, the emperor still asked unwillingly!

“Oh! So, now I only hope that Ling’er’s girl was just taken away, instead of falling into the space channel or the space node!

“If it is the front, we still have a great chance, but if it is the latter, then the chance is slim!”

Great Ancestor sighed, and then said!

Aoge Saint and Third Ancestor also looked dim, and 06 shook his head helplessly!

Just when a few people felt helpless, they suddenly felt a breath from the back mountain!

“Huh? The breath of a Saint-Rank expert?”

After feeling this breath, several people looked at each other, then stood up one after another, and rushed towards the back mountain!

In the blink of an eye, a few people came to the back mountain, and then stopped not far from the breath!

Following the direction that the breath came from, a few people saw a small white snake floating in the air, and that breath came out of it!

“Holy Order Magical Beasts?”

After watching Little White Snake, several people couldn’t help but feel puzzled, why would there be Saint-Order Magical Beasts in the back mountain?

“You are here! Bad old man, long time no see! She really didn’t lie to me!”

Seeing the arrival of a few people, the little white snake took a look at them, and finally stopped on the body of the Oge Saint, and said!

Needless to say, this little white snake is naturally the sacred beast that signed the contract with Linger!

“Weird old man?”

When the white snake was small, the few people looked at each other, especially the Oge Saint, the bad old man who was the small white snake was obviously called at himself!

But obviously I don’t know it! How can it call itself a bad old man?

“This sacred beast, do you know him?”

Saint Ogg asked with a puzzled look!

“Humph! You are so weird! Have you forgotten that we had a fight a hundred years ago?

Seeing that Saint Org had forgotten himself, the little white snake couldn’t help but snorted, and then said with a dissatisfaction!

“Hundred years ago? Have you played a game?”

Hearing this, Oge Sage frowned involuntarily, and then tried to remember it in his mind!

After a while, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if thinking of something, his eyes widened at the moment, and he exclaimed at the little white snake in disbelief:

“Are you the white snake in that valley back then?”

“Humph! It’s me!”

Seeing the old man recognizing himself, Bai Snake Xiaoye raised his head and said proudly!

“But didn’t you stay in that valley? Why are you here?”

Ogg Saint asked again!

“Second! What’s the matter? Do you know this white snake?”

Seeing that Saint Aoge seemed to have met Little White Snake suddenly, the great ancestor also hurriedly asked!

“Yeah! Dage, you may not know it! But the third child and Aolong must know it!”

Seeing the doubts of several people, Saint Ogg nodded and said!


Hearing that, the three ancestors and Aolong couldn’t help but look at each other!

At the same time, there was a burst of doubt in my heart, because in the impression of the two, they had never seen this white holy beast.

However, seeing the affirmative look of Saint Aoge, the two also began to wonder if they had seen this Saint Beast there, but they couldn’t remember it for a while!

“Have you forgotten the lake outside the city a hundred years ago? Aolong may not have a big impression back then, but the third child, you have fought against it!”

Seeing the two of them, it seems that they still can’t remember, the Oge Saint can’t help but prompt!

“Wait! You mean, this little white snake is the big snake back then?”

After being reminded by the Oge Saint, the third ancestor seemed to have thought of something in an instant, and at the moment he looked at the little white snake in disbelief, and then said!

“Yeah! That’s it!

Saint Ogg nodded!

“But why is it here in Houshan?”

“I don’t know this anymore!”

Seeing the three ancestors look puzzled, Oge Saint also shook his head, saying that he didn’t know it!

“I was brought here by Ling’er! How else would I be here?

Seeing all four of them looking at him with doubts, the little white snake couldn’t help but said depressed!

Can you not be depressed? That girl obviously promised to take her to the mainland to look around, but now she is missing with herself!

That’s right, Xiao Bai Snake didn’t go in with Ling’er, but was bounced out by a mysterious force!

“Ling’er? You know Ling’er? Do you know where Ling’er is now?”

Seeing this little white snake actually mentioned, the emperor couldn’t help but hurriedly asked!

Others are also staring at the little white snake, to see if it knows Linger’s message 593!

“Huh? Don’t you know?”

Hearing the emperor’s question, Xiao Bai couldn’t help but look at him strangely, and then asked!

“Know? What do I know? And do you know about Ling’er?”

Hearing that, the emperor was also confused, but soon he took the confusion out of his own mind, and then continued to ask!

“I don’t know the news about Ling’er very well! I only remember that I followed her when I came here, and then when I saw her yelling at the hill, I heard a voice!”

“That’s right! It’s your old man’s voice!”

Speaking of this, the White Snake pointed at Oge Saint, and then shouted!

“What? Did Ling’er call me? But why didn’t I hear it? Dage, did you hear it?”

Hearing the words of Little White Snake, Oge Saint was also at a loss, because he did not hear Ling’er’s yelling at that time!


Hearing the question of the Oge Saint, the great ancestor also shook his head with a puzzled expression!

“Impossible! How did you let Ling’er in if you didn’t hear it?”

Seeing that Saint Ogg didn’t admit it, Bai Snake couldn’t help but stared at him fiercely, and then questioned!

“Wait! I will let her in? Where?”

Ogg Saint seems to have some clues, but he is not sure, so he continues to ask!,

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