Chapter 702 The dumbfounded emperor and a group of ministers!

“Ah! How about it, now I know why I asked you to prepare a little bit more!

Seeing the emperor and the others with a shocked look, Saint Org couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“But this is too edible!

Hearing this, the emperor couldn’t help being speechless for a while!

And here!

Seeing that Qiqi had swept away all the food on the table, Linger couldn’t help asking: “Qiki! Are you full? Do you want me to bring the food!

Ling’er is not surprised that Qiqi is so edible, because this is not the first time she has seen it!

In fact, what makes her even more curious is how much Qiqi can eat, and whether she will never be full!


Hearing Ling’er’s question, Qiqi directly agreed without thinking about it!

Seeing this, Ling’er didn’t hesitate, and immediately said, “Five, four, seven, go down, let someone bring a table of food!

In a blink of an eye, another hour passed!

This is already the second table that Ling’er has let people go to, that is to say, they have served five tables of food on their own at this table!

But even after eating so much, Kiki is still not full, and her belly has not changed at all!

Kiki “, still… do you want to continue serving?”

Seeing Qiqi wiped out another table, Ling’er was a little dumbfounded, and she stammered at the moment!

“no need!”

But this time Qiqi shook her head and refused!

“Huh? Are you finally full?”

Hearing this, Ling’er suddenly widened her eyes and looked at her, and then asked curiously!


Hearing Ling’er’s question, Qiqi still shook her head and replied!

“Then why don’t you continue to eat?”

Seeing this, Ling’er couldn’t help but wonder!

“You, you guys look at me like this, I’m a little embarrassed to continue eating!”

Hearing this, Qiqi looked up and looked around, then said embarrassedly!


Hearing Qiqi’s explanation, Ling’er couldn’t help but was taken aback, and then she also looked around!

At this look, Linger herself was shocked!

I saw in the Great Hall, not only the father and the ancestors, but also the ministers who had stopped for some time, and then looked at him like a monster!

Seeing this scene, Linger suddenly understood why Qiqi didn’t continue to eat, and she would be embarrassed if she changed to be herself!

“Father! Why don’t you eat anymore!”

In order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere, Ling’er couldn’t help but smiled at the emperor, and then asked!

“Uh! We are full! You eat slowly, don’t worry!”

Seeing this, at any rate, after being the emperor for so many years, he wouldn’t understand what happened, and he couldn’t help but smile back at the moment!


Upon hearing this, Ling’er nodded in response, then turned her head to ask Qiqi next to her:

“Kiki! You haven’t eaten enough yet, so you haven’t eaten some! They will let them see! Anyway, there will be no less meat!”

“No need! I’m full! And, Linger Big sis! Didn’t you say that you want to take us out to see the excitement? You see it is already night now! Or let’s go out now!”

After hearing Ling’er’s question, Qiqi shook her head quickly.

“Uh! Okay!

Hearing that Qiqi had already said this, Linger was not reluctant, and immediately asked the neighbouring community, “Yin! Then let’s set off now!”

“Hey! Let’s go!”

Hearing Ling’er’s question, Xiaoyin broke up without thinking about it, and then cheered!

“Father, let me take Yinyin first, Qiqi and the others are out!”

Seeing that Xiao Guoguo had also agreed, Ling’er stood up and said to the emperor and others!

As for why she didn’t ask Lan and Baibai’s opinions, it was because she knew that if she asked, it was a free question. They must be based on the meaning of Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

“Okay! Then you have to entertain your friends! By the way! Be careful!

Hearing this, the emperor also nodded, and then said, at the end he did not forget to give an order!

After all, this is a special time, who knows what insidious tricks the dark vatican will perform!

As for how he was so worried, why let Ling’er and the others go out, even if they go out, why not let the guards protect them!

Please, there are two magical beasts of the gods who are by your side, protecting them personally at all times.If they can’t protect them, no matter how many guards you send, it will be useless!

“Father, don’t worry! We will pay attention to safety! What’s more, Lan Lan and Bai Bai have been following us, I don’t believe anyone else can hurt us in front of them!”

Hearing her father’s instructions, Ling’er naturally knew what he was worried about, and she couldn’t help but look at the blue and white next to her, and then said proudly!

“Yeah! Then you go! Go early and return early!”

Hearing this, the emperor also nodded and said!

Because he knew that what Linger said was indeed the truth!

Hehe “! Because, Kiki! Let’s go!”

Seeing this, Ling’er directly took the hands of the two little guys, and then wanted to run outside!

And Lan Lan and Bai Bai also followed them inseparably!

“His Majesty!

After Xiao Yinyin and others left the Great Hall, a minister who was slightly older stood up, and then respectfully bowed to the emperor, preparing to say!

“Okay! I know what you mean! But you should know that it is impossible! What’s more, if they are evil, it will definitely be a disaster for our Yun Ling Empire!”

Seeing what the minister wanted to say, the emperor instantly knew what he was thinking, and immediately interrupted if he didn’t even think about it at the moment!

The minister just wanted to recruit the two sacred beasts, but judging from their obedience to the two little girls, the emperor knew that 1.3 was impossible!

What’s more, he can hear the second ancestor mention that behind these two little girls, there is a more mysterious strong man standing!

And these two sacred beasts are just the mysterious powerhouse who caught these two little girls and set the mounts for these two little girls.Even if they successfully recruited two sacred beasts, wouldn’t they offend a more powerful existence?

Unless there is a problem in my mind, how could I do such a stupid thing!

“Your Majesty! You have misunderstood what the veteran meant. How could the veteran not know the powerful relationship?”

Hearing the emperor’s words, the older minister couldn’t help but shook his head, and then said with a smile!

“Late! Aiqing, what can you do, just say it quickly!”

Hearing this, the emperor’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then he asked quickly!

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