Chapter 694 Great Ancestor!


At this moment, I saw that the door was knocked open from the outside. After the door was knocked open, I saw a beautiful figure running in!

“Father! I heard that you want me to marry the idle kid from the Dark Empire?

After this beautiful figure came in, he asked anxiously towards the middle-aged man sitting in the first place!

“Ling’er, why did you break in! Don’t you know this is the conference hall?”

Hearing the question from the Kaili woman, the middle-aged man sitting on the top did not answer directly, but frowned and asked!

“Are you discussing my business?”

But for the middle-aged woman’s question, the Kaili woman still stared at him persistently, and then asked again!

Hearing what the Kaili woman said, the middle-aged man did not answer, but he couldn’t help but sighed in his heart!

Although I said just now that I want to see Great Ancestor, and Great Ancestor is also one of the few god-level powerhouses on the Celestial Continent!

But the middle-aged man knew that even if the great ancestor appeared, there was very little hope for this matter!

After all, this time we are not facing the Dark Empire, but the Dark Vatican behind the Dark Empire!

And who knows how many god-level powerhouses are hidden in the dark vatican!

“I won’t marry! Father, I said nothing to marry to the Dark Empire!

Seeing the look of the middle-aged man in the dark road, the Kaili woman suddenly understood, and she couldn’t help yelling!

Therefore, the middle-aged man fell silent for the loud yelling of the Kaili woman!

Seeing that the emperor father ignored her, Kaili woman’s eyes dimmed suddenly, but when she heard the white-haired old man sitting next to her, her eyes suddenly brightened!

Then ran to the white-haired old man, took his hand and said coquettishly: “Grandpa Grandpa! Grandpa Grandpa! Help me! Help me beg my father, okay, mad!”

For the beautiful woman acting like a baby to herself, the white-haired old man’s eyes flickered, and finally gritted his teeth, and then said: “Ling’er, you should know that your father is under no less pressure than you, you…

“I don’t listen, I don’t listen! Grandpa Grandpa, I am the Ling’er you love, so don’t you have the heart to let me marry that dark empire?”

But before the white-haired old man could finish speaking, the woman Guanli shook her head and interrupted!

Hearing this, the white-haired old man’s face couldn’t help but began to show a trace of movement!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Help me! Ling’er really doesn’t want to marry the Dark Empire! If I marry, you will never see me!”

Noting the change of the white-haired old man, the Kaili woman was also happy in her heart.

“Go! Ling’er, let’s find your great ancestor!”

This time, after hearing the words of the Kaili woman, the white-haired old man seemed to have made a decision in an instant, stood up abruptly, and then took the beautiful woman by the hand and walked outside!

“This…Ah, let’s follow it too!

Seeing this, the black-haired old man suddenly sighed helplessly, and then said!

After speaking, he also stood up, and then walked outside!

And the middle-aged man who had just fallen into silence, seeing what happened just now, his face couldn’t help showing a trace of joy, he also stood up at the moment, and then quickly followed!

After a while, the white-haired old man and the Kaili woman came under a hill behind the palace!

“The Great Ancestor is here Closed Door Training?

The Kaili woman following the white-haired old man, seeing the white-haired old man suddenly stopped, her eyes looked at the hill not far away, and she couldn’t help but ask with curiosity!

Hearing the question from the Kaili woman, the white-haired old man nodded!

“Dage! Dage! I have something to look for you, if you hear it, please come out!”

At this time, the white-haired old man took a deep breath, and then yelled at the hill’s relieved!

Although the voice of the white-haired old man was not very loud, it spread so far, echoing throughout the hill!

After the white-haired old man finished shouting for a while, the black-haired old man and the middle-aged man also came!

“How is it! What did Dage say!”

The black-haired old man walked to the white-haired old man and asked!

Hearing the black-haired old man’s question, the white-haired old man also shook his head, even if he didn’t know it!

At this moment, the people present suddenly felt that a powerful aura radiated from the hill in front!

Under this powerful aura, the hearts of everyone present couldn’t help but feel an unmatched feeling!

However, this momentum came fast, and went faster, and in just a moment, it had disappeared without a trace!

If they hadn’t got their clothes wet by cold sweat, I’m afraid they would have thought that they were just having hallucinations!

At this moment, everyone only saw a streamer, rushing towards them quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the streamer was about to come to them!

As the streamer approached, a white light flashed, and everyone present only felt a sharp tingling in own’s eyes, and they closed their eyes unconsciously!

After a while, after the eyes were not so stinging, everyone present slowly opened their eyes!

But after they opened their eyes, they found that not far from the front, at some point, an old man with white hair and white clothes was already smiling!

At this time, the old man was facing the crowd, and seeing his back, everyone only felt that there was not a person standing in front of him, but a high mountain!


Seeing this old man in white clothes, the white-haired (Li Dehao) old man and the black-haired old man screamed with excitement!


Hearing the calls of the two, the old man in white also slowly turned around, and then nodded towards everyone!

(If Qin Zhan is here, I’m afraid he will roll his eyes and say: “Another pretender!”)

“Meet the great ancestor!

After seeing the white-clothed old man turning around, all the others present, except for the two old men, bend their waists slightly, and then call out respectfully!

“Well! Don’t be polite! Get up!”

The great ancestor waved his hand, indicating that they don’t have to be polite!

“Ogg! Ultron! Didn’t I say that the empire is not in the most dangerous time, don’t come to me? Did something happen to the empire?”

After greeted everyone, Dazu turned around, then frowned and looked at the white-haired and black-haired old men next to him, and asked!

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