Chapter 690 Small Picture: I mean, you catch it!

“Thank you! Thank you gentleman!”

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in the stall immediately thanked him!

Qin didn’t say anything about this, just waved his hand and continued to walk forward!

“You two little guys, what else, hurry up and pick!”

Qin Xuan said to the neighborhood and Qiqi as he walked!

“Big Brother, and prawns and crabs!”

Kiki took Qin Xuan’s hand, and said expectantly!


Hearing this, Qin Xuan nodded, then pointed to a pool not far in front, and said to the two little guys: “Look, it should be the place where lobsters and crabs are sold! Let’s go!”

After speaking, he took the two little guys and walked toward the front!

“Wow! Lots of prawns and crabs!”

When I followed Qin Xuan to the pool, when I saw the dense lobsters and crabs in the pool, I couldn’t help but exclaim!

“This gentleman, two Miss! I don’t know what you want to buy?”

Just when the three of Qin Xuan stood in the pool for a while, one of them came over and asked them!

It seems that this should be the owner of this stall!

“I want prawns and crabs. They are big, big and many, many!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan hadn’t spoken yet, and Qiqi next to him couldn’t wait to speak!

“513 Aah! Okay! The lobsters and crabs here are all first-class! I don’t know how much you want?”

The stall owner smiled and replied!

But when he was talking, his eyes were yelling Qin Xuan!

In the eyes of this boss, Qin Zhan must be the last one who bought it, not Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

After all, Xiaoyin and Qiqi are too small, so the boss thought it was Qin Xuan who had the final say!

“They have the final say!

Suddenly, I understood what the boss meant, and now Qin Xuan pointed to the two little guys next to him. Then said!


Hearing this, the stall owner also showed an awkward look on his face, but he quickly converged back, and then said with a smile to Xiaoyin and Qiqi: “Two Miss, I don’t know how much you want to buy?”

For them in this industry, the skin has long been better than the city wall, this little embarrassment is nothing to him!

“Kiki wants to buy big, big, and many, many more!”

Hearing the boss’s inquiry, Qiqi replied again, and also made gestures with her own hands!


Seeing (agbd) Qiqi who was gesturing, the stall owner was suddenly full of black lines, because he didn’t know how much Qiqi was going to buy!

“Big Brother!”

Seeing that the stall owner suddenly didn’t understand the meaning of own, Qiqi quickly turned her head and asked Qin Xuan next to her for help!

This time “you choose what you want to buy, the Big Brother just pays for you!

For Qiqi’s help, Qin Xuan just shook his head and said!

“Big sis!”

Even if Big Brother doesn’t help herself, Kiki looks at Xiao Yinyin next to her!

“Kiki, don’t worry, leave it to me!”

Lian Qiqi asked for help, Xiaoyin immediately patted own chest, don’t worry, look at me!


Seeing this, Time nodded quickly, and then looked at Xiao Yin expectantly!


After assuring Qiqi, Urinating shouted at the stall owner next to him!

This “Miss, have you figured out how much you want to buy?”

Hearing the call from the community, the stall owner hurried over and asked with a smile on his face!


Hearing the boss’s inquiry, Xiao shook his head!

“then you.

Hearing this, the stall owner suddenly looked at Xiaoli with a speechless expression!

“I mean, catch it! We all buy it!

At this time, Xiaotu looked at the speechless boss, and then said word by word!

“Well, yes, Miss, you mean, I’ll catch it for you!”

After hearing the words of the community, the boss also nodded quickly!


Xiao Guoyin nodded to the stall owner, and then said to Qiqi next to him: “Kiki! You come too!”

Hearing this, Qiqi nodded with excitement, and then quickly ran to the pool!

“This one and this one…just want it!”

Xiaoyin is by the pool, directing the stall owner to help him catch lobsters and crabs!

“Big sis! To me, to Kiki!”

Seeing that Xiaoyin kept pointing to the lobsters and crabs in the pool, after a while, the stall had already caught more than a dozen of them.At the moment, Qiqi was also anxious, and then hurriedly shouted!

“Okay! It’s Kiki!”

For Qiqi, this little friend, the community is still more concerned, and now he nodded and said!

“Hehe! Thank you for Big sis!”

Seeing Yinyin Big sis really stopped, Qiqi immediately thanked her with joy!

After thanking him, he also pointed towards the largest lobsters and crabs in the pool, and said, “This one. And this one, and that one too!”

Qin Xuan didn’t stop seeing the two little guys having fun. After all, to him, this gold coin is really nothing!

And as Xiaoguo and Qiqi ordered more and more, the stall owner looked at the boxes next to him, and his face couldn’t help but smile!

Because these boxes were ordered by Xiaoyin and Qiqi, and there were at least dozens or hundreds in them, which made him earn a lot of money, so how could he be unhappy!

After a while, a box was filled again, and Xiaoyin and Qiqi listened to them with unfinished talent!

“Two Miss! Is that enough?”

Seeing Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi stopped, the stall owner asked with a happy face!

“Well! There will be more for the time being!”

The two little guys nodded and turned back!

“Big Brother!”

The small picture yelled to Qin Xuan!

“Well, don’t order anymore?”

Hearing Xiao Guoyin’s call, Qin Xuan walked over and asked!

“Well! Enough! These should be enough for us to eat for a while!”

Xiao nodded, then smiled and replied!

“Boss! How many gold coins are there!”

After listening to Xiao Yinyin’s words, Qin Xuan didn’t talk too much, and directly asked the stall owner!

“Mr., there are a total of 156,944 gold coins! You can give me 15,600!”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s inquiry, the stall owner hurriedly came out of the pool, and then said with a smile on his face!

Fifteen thousand gold coins, if this allows him to sell for a year, there will not necessarily be so many!

At the same time, I was thinking that these few children from that big family are so generous!

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