Chapter 684: Three dumbfounded!

“Okay! Where do you go!”

After speaking, Lang Yun lowered the box in his hand to them!

Looking at the box in front of them, the three of them glanced at each other, and then Elena said, “Winnie Little Sister! Go!


Hearing this, Winnie did not postpone it, nodded, took the box in Ling’er’s dry eyes, and then turned around to walk towards the pool!

But as soon as she turned around, she was dumbfounded!

Because she discovered that Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi didn’t know when they had reached the center of the water pool, and they were looking curiously at the ice lotus in the water pool!

What really made Winnie dumbfounded was that Kiki reached out and plucked a leaf of the ice lotus, put it in her mouth, and ate it quietly and tastefully!

“Kiki, because! What are you doing?”

Without even thinking about it, Winnie yelled directly!

Hearing that, the two little guys also stopped, and then turned to look at Winnie with a puzzled look!

And hearing Winnie’s shout, Ling’er, Elena, and Lang Yun behind her turned their heads and looked upward in an instant!

When Ling’er and Elena saw the ice lotus in 06, there was already a leaf missing, and Qiqi’s mouth was still churning, and instantly thinking of what the two little guys had said before, they were also dumbfounded at the moment!

Seeing this, Lang Yun understood what was going on in an instant, and immediately patted his forehead speechlessly!

In the past few years with Qin Xuan, Lang Yun naturally knows how delicious these two little masters are, and there is still nothing that they are not good at!

Sometimes even when Lang Yun saw something that they saw contained highly poisonous things, they didn’t let it go!

However, after eating these highly toxic substances, they did not see the slightest sign of poisoning!

This made Lang Yun very curious about the physique of these two little masters!

You know, he doesn’t dare to eat those things that are highly poisonous.Although those highly poisonous things will not kill him, they can still make him suffer for a while!

“Winnie Big sis! What’s the matter?”

The two little guys looked blankly, and they flew to Winnie who was next to them, and then asked!

“Kiki! Why did you eat this thing?”

Looking at the two little guys with a blank face, Winnie felt amused immediately, and asked angrily at the moment!

Winnie “Big sis, I agree that although it is not very tasty, it is cold and very comfortable to eat! How about you try it too?”

After hearing this, Qiqi explained immediately!

After speaking, he stretched out his hand again to pick it up!


At this time, Erinna and finally arrived. When they saw Qiqi and wanted to pick it, Ling’er shouted directly!

“Huh? What’s the matter? Linger Big sis, don’t you want to eat it too? But don’t worry, there are many more here!”

Hearing Ling’er’s voice, Qiqi also stopped, and then asked with a puzzled expression on her face!

“Eat, eat, eat! Don’t you know how to eat! This is the treasure of Ascension Cultivation Base, and you guys gave me a slice!”

Linger’s eyes widened, and then said with a dissatisfied expression!

“But it’s cold, it tastes very comfortable!”

Seeing Ling’er’s dissatisfaction, Qiqi said aggrievedly!

“That’s right! This was discovered by me and Qiqi first. That’s what I and Qiqi belong to. We can eat whatever we want!”

Feeling Qiqi’s grievance, this small country as Big sis immediately stopped doing it, and immediately retorted!

After speaking, Ling’er gave Ling’er a look of dissatisfaction!


Hearing this, Ling’er was also taken in at once, unable to speak!

Because what she said by a small country is indeed true, if she didn’t lead the way, I’m afraid I would not have come to this place, let alone see this ice and snow lotus!

“Ahem! Actually, even if the leaves of this ice and snow lotus are removed, there will be no problem, as long as you give it some time, it can still regenerate!”

At this moment, Lang Yun, who came by, coughed dryly between the two of them, and then explained!

“Huh? Langyun senior, is there really no problem?”

Elena asked uncertainly!

After all, she had seen this kind of thing for the first time, so doubts were inevitable!

Don’t worry “! I said it can regenerate, then it can regenerate!”

Lang Yun nodded affirmatively, and then said!


Seeing Lang Yun’s face certainly did not look like a fake, Winnie and the three were relieved!

When Elena turned her head and saw that she was still in pain, I was very angry, so come and comfort me!

And a very wronged Qiqi next to him!

She suddenly felt a little funny, and immediately said with a smile: “Yueguo, Kiki! Isn’t your Linger Big sis in a hurry just now”? That’s why I said it a little more seriously. Look, she knows it was wrong now! Just forgive her!”

Later, after some promises, Xiaoyin and Qiqi forgave Ling’er again!

“Hoo. Install it! Let’s go back!”

After putting the ice lotus in the box, Winnie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to everyone with satisfaction!

Seeing this, everyone nodded happily!

In the palace!

Qin Xuan walked out of the partial hall, and saw that there were only Aoge Sages and Fire Cloud Sages, but no one else. He couldn’t help but said, “Ah! Haven’t they come back yet?”

“No! Could something happen?”

Seeing Qin Xuan coming out, the two quickly stood up, and then shook their heads, but after Qin Xuan mentioned it, the two of them couldn’t help but say with a worried look on their 483 faces!

“Ah! Don’t worry! With Langyun following, there will be nothing wrong with them, it should be played until the time is forgotten!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but explain with a smile!

Indeed, there is the wolf cloud, the god-level, following, and they are also surrounded by the two sacred beasts, blue and white, and Winnie, who is the Saint-level Cultivation Base, unless it is the lower realm of the gods, otherwise it is impossible. What will go wrong!

But the lower realm of the God Realm, how could it be full of him!

“But it’s noon! Why haven’t they come back yet?”

Although Qin Xuan said so, the Ogg Saint still said with some worry!

“Big Brother! We are back!”

At this time, a clear voice came in from outside!

Needless to say, this voice, who can be there if there is a small cause!

As soon as the words fell silent, I saw Winnie and others with a happy expression, and walked in from outside!

Hehe “! Big Brother, we are back!”

After bringing them in, the two little guys, Xiaoyin and Qiqi, couldn’t wait to shout again!

“Well! How about it, where did you take Winnie and the others to play!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan also smiled, and then asked!

“Secret! I can’t tell you!”

Who knows, these two little guys actually shook their heads, and then replied mysteriously!

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