Chapter 668: Leaving!

“No! Linger wants to sit with Guoguo and Qiqi!”

Unexpectedly, when Ling’er heard the words of the Oge Saint, instead of walking over, she shook her head and said!

“What? You want to sit with Guoyin and Qiqi on the sacred beast… together?”

After hearing Ling’er’s words, Saint Ogg suddenly widened his eyes, and then asked in an incredible way!

The Oge Saint wondered if he had heard it wrong, and he couldn’t help but asked again: “You said you want to sit with Guoguo and Qiqi?”

“Yeah! Grandpa Grandpa, okay?”

Linger said coquettishly!

“No! Do you know…Forget it! Anyway, you won’t listen, you have to be with me this time, otherwise, don’t go!”

The Oge Saint directly refused without even thinking about it!

What a joke, that’s a holy beast, how can I let you sit so casually!

“Four Three Seven” Yinyuan, Qiqi!”

Seeing that her grandfather didn’t work, Ling’er immediately looked at Xiaoyuan and Qiqi, and said pitifully!

Seeing that Ling’er hadn’t listened to Own’s words unexpectedly, Saint Ogg was suddenly smoked by Qi Qiao’s anger!


Seeing Ling’er looking at herself so pitifully, Xiaoyin and Qiqi, who were sitting on Lan and Baibai, suddenly felt a little softened!

Turning his head and looking at Lan Lan below him, he asked, “Lan Lan! You see Linger Little Big sis is so pitiful, can’t she let her sit with us?”

“Does the little master want her to sit with us? If the little master wants to, then it doesn’t matter if the little master wants her to sit!”

Lan Lan said directly without thinking about it!

For it, apart from the owner’s words, then only the little master’s words are left, so that it does not consider it and directly agrees!

Hehe “! Of course I want Linger Little Big sis to sit with us!”

Seeing Lan Lan promised, Xiaoguo smiled happily and said!

“Linger Big sis! Lanyan promised to let you sit with us, come up quickly!

After speaking, he turned his head and shouted at the poor Ling’er below!

“Ah! Really?”

Hearing this, Ling’er’s eyes suddenly brightened, and then asked again uncertainly!

“Yeah! Really! Come up quickly!”

Xiao Guo nodded with a certain look, and then said!

“Hehe! Here comes!”

Seeing that Xiaoguo didn’t seem to be false, Linger replied happily!

After speaking, Ling’er ran to the side of Lanlan, jumped onto Lanlan’s body, and then sat down beside Xiaotutu!

And Elena below looked at Ling’er enviously, you know, not everyone can sit on the body of the holy beast.

If you can sit down once, that will be enough for you to brag for a lifetime!

However, although she wanted to sit too, she didn’t dare to pretend to be pitiful like Ling’er!

“Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Come up and sit with Kiki too! The white body is big, and there are many places to sit!”

Just when Winnie and Elena looked at Ling’er with envy, Kiki’s shout suddenly came from their ears!


Hearing that, the two of them instantly turned their heads and looked at Qiqi!

Elena and Winnie looked at each other to see if she had heard it wrong!

But the two found that they had not heard it wrong at all, but it was true, but the two of them still suppressed the excitement in their hearts, and then asked Qiqi: “Kiki! Can we really go up and sit? Lord Saint Beast Won’t you be angry?”

“Hehe! Winnie Big sis, Irene Big sis! Don’t worry, Bai Bai is very good, it won’t be angry!”

After hearing Elena and Winnie’s inquiry, Kiki said with a smile!

“Okay! Let’s come now!”

Hearing this, Elena and Winnie glanced for nothing, seeing that it didn’t react, they couldn’t help but say!

After speaking, the two ran towards Qiqi’s direction!

“For nothing! You squat down and let Irene Big sis come up, Irene Big sis can’t fly!”

Seeing this, Qiqi immediately patted the white back, and then ordered!


Nodded in vain, then replied!

After speaking, he knelt down!

“Eileen Big sis, Winnie Big sis, come up quickly!

Qiqi shouted at the two women!

The two girls nodded, then climbed onto the white back and sat behind Kiki!

Seeing this, Sage Org and Sage Fire Cloud suddenly opened their mouths, looking at all this with incredible expressions!

For the two holy beasts, they naturally understand the oil stickers, knowing that the holy beasts are very arrogant, but what is going on in front of them?

Is this still the proud sacred beast in their perception? How can people ride on their backs casually? Where is your pride as a sacred beast?

Although these two sacred beasts are now other people’s mounts, there have also been sacred beasts caught as mounts in the Celestial Continent!

They were fortunate to have seen it once, but its owner was a god-ranked powerhouse, and the holy beast at the time was extremely arrogant. Outside of the god-ranked powerhouse, no one else was allowed to touch it. Let alone riding on the back!

In fact, this can’t be blamed on the lack of self-respect for Lan and Baibai, but when they were at the seventh level, they were captured by Qin Xuan and used as mounts for the community’s Yin and Qiqi!

This is just a few years, and their Cultivation Base has skyrocketed, and suddenly the Cultivation Base of the peak of the holy rank!

Although it is now the Cultivation Base of the peak of the holy rank, they have not been changed all of a sudden, so they do not have the pride and dignity of the holy beasts that have cultivated for thousands of years!

And, even if they have, so what?

Pride and dignity can quickly Ascension their Cultivation Base, dignity allows them to lie comfortably every day ascension Cultivation Base?

What’s more, don’t say that they are sacred beasts, even if the sacred beast in the family is facing the two little masters, it is not cautious, the little master let it go east and it dare not go west!

“Little master! Are you sitting down? We’ll set off after sitting down!”

At this time, Lan Lan asked Xiao Guoyin on his back!

“Yeah! Sit down, let’s go!

Madoka nodded, and then replied!

“Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Huoyun! You have to catch up! Let’s go first!”

At this moment, Ling’er suddenly turned her head and shouted at the Aoge Sage and the Fire Cloud Sage!


After speaking, he turned his head and left them alone!

“Sit down!”

Lan Lan replied, and then his wings spread out, and it suddenly turned into a streamer and flew quickly toward the sky!

“Hehe! For nothing! Let’s catch up too, don’t let them run too far!”

After seeing Xiaoyin and them disappear into the sky, Qiqi also said quickly!

“Little master, don’t worry, we will soon catch up with the masters of the elementary school!”

Nodded for nothing, and then assured him with a face!

After speaking, I saw the lightning marks on both sides of its body lit up, and then turned into a stream of light and quickly chased in the direction of Xiao Guoyin!

Seeing this, the only Aoge Saints and Fire Cloud Saints left at the scene suddenly laughed bitterly!

However, they didn’t dare to hesitate, they also rose into the air at the moment, and then chased after them!

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