Chapter 664: Magical Beasts of the Peak of the Holy Order!

The Aoge Sage and the Fire Cloud Sage are different. They are not as careless as Ling’er. They feel the speed of the two streamers just now, and the two long in the arms of Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi. Very cute pets, all make their faces change wildly!

Because, just now these two very cute Magical Beasts, their speed is beyond the dust of the two, and even only a trace of afterimage can be seen!

The two looked at each other, and both read the same information from each other’s eyes!

“Holy Order Magical Beasts!”

A thought flashed through their minds!

At the same time, their hearts are indeed full of horror!

Saint-tier Magical Beasts as mounts? At this time, they couldn’t even think of something, but now it is literally appearing in front of them!

And listening to the two little girls, this is the mount that their big Big Brother found for them.What kind of strong person is it to make the Saint-tier Magical Beasts mount the two little girls?

Moreover, judging from the speed just now, it seems that these two Magical Beasts are not just as simple as the holy step, at least they are also the holy step 06 advanced, and even the peak of the holy step can be broken at any time!

It’s good to say that the high rank of the holy ranks, after all, they are at this level.

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn’t help but become excited, and at the same time they were looking forward to seeing the Big Brother this time!

Suddenly, I could feel the Fire Cloud Saint and Aoge Saints staring at them, and Lan Lan and Baibai also glanced at them!

Although it was just a glance, it made the Ogg Saints feel tremendous pressure!

You know, when Magical Beasts are in the same rank, they are already better than human beings.

Although the cultivation speed of Magical Beasts is slower than that of humans, they are born with talents, and when they reach the Magical Beasts of the Holy Order, their talents have been further strengthened!

Therefore, ordinary human holy orders have no chance to win when they encounter holy order Magical Beasts. Therefore, when the two of them face the two Magical Beasts, blue and white, why do they feel so much pressure? reason?

What’s more, their Cultivation Base was originally lower than Lan and Baibai. You know, Lan and Baibai are Magical Beasts at the peak of the holy rank, and the pressure can be imagined!

“How about, our mount is pretty!”

Hearing this, Xiaoyin and Qiqi immediately raised their heads and said with a smug expression!


Ling’er nodded sharply, then asked expectantly: “Can I hug them?


Before the mad Xiaoyin and Qiqi answered, the Ogg Saint next to him yelled anxiously!

Can you not be in a hurry? You must know that these two Magical Beasts, which are at the peak of the Holy Order, are not ordinary pets!

When it comes to the Magical Beasts of the Holy Order, their intelligence is basically the same as that of adult humans. Moreover, Magical Beasts sometimes pay more attention to own meeting. Sometimes humans may run away if they can’t beat them, but Magical Beasts are not at a critical juncture, they will not Easily escaped!

And now, when he heard that Ling’er wanted to hold the Magical Beasts of the peak of the Holy Order, Ogg almost fainted, because he was really afraid that Linger annoyed the two Magical Beasts of the peak of the Holy Order. !

However, Linger didn’t pay any attention to the words of the Oge Saint, she only had the two Magical Beasts in the arms of Xiaoyin and Qiqi in her eyes!

“Of course you can! Blue and White are very obedient! They won’t bite!”

Upon hearing that Ling’er wanted to hug Lan and Bai Bai, Xiao Guo nodded in agreement because he and Qiqi didn’t even think about it!

After speaking, the two little guys handed the blue and white in their arms to Ling’er!

After hearing Xiaoyinyin’s words, Lan and Baibai suddenly covered black lines!

“Biting? Are you treating us like dogs?”

The two Magical Beasts thought to themselves, but they dare not say this!

At this moment, they finally understand the feelings of that god-rank forest wolf!

Seeing this, Ling’er couldn’t help but smiled happily, and then reached out and took it!

After Linger took it, she looked seriously at the two very cute Magical Beasts in her arms!

I saw a unicorn covered with snow.Although this unicorn was only the size of a palm, it exuded an invisible aura!

The other is just a little bird, this little bird is covered in blue feathers, holding a long colorful tail!

From this tail wing, you can also feel that there is a powerful force. I am afraid that this WeChat will destroy the world as soon as it is opened!

It’s just that Ling’er didn’t feel it at all, but the Oge Saint and Fire Cloud Saint beside her felt that the two Magical Beasts, which were only palms, contained the power to destroy the world!

“The Magical Beasts of the top of the holy step are definitely the Magical Beasts of the top of the holy step!

The two of them kept shouting in their hearts!

Seeing the two Magical Beasts in Ling’er’s arms and being touched constantly by her, the two of them suddenly felt shocked!

“Hehe! So cute!”

Linger hugged the two Magical Beasts and said with a smile!

“Because! Didn’t you say that you are sitting here” with Slan Slan and White? But they are so small, how can they sit on people?”

Looking at Magical Beasts with only 407 palms in her arms, thinking that Xiaoguo and Qiqi once said that they came with these two Magical Beasts, Ling’er couldn’t help but ask with confusion!

“Hehe! Because both blue and white can become bigger! When that happens, we just need to make blue and white bigger, we can sit on them!”

Xiaoguo said proudly:

“Bigger? How big can it be?

After listening to the community’s words, Ling’er looked at her arms, these two Magical Beasts, which were only the size of a palm, couldn’t help but think!

Linger “Big sis! Don’t look at Lan and Baibai so small, but they will become very big! If it is so big, it should be so big!”

Perhaps seeing Ling’er’s doubts, Xiao Guoguo said while making gestures!

“Can it really become that big?”

Although listening to the community’s words, Linger still asked suspiciously!

“Yeah! Linger Big sis, if you don’t believe me, I can show you Lan and Baibai!”

Seeing that Ling’er still didn’t believe it, Xiaocai couldn’t help but say!

“What’s the change for you?”

At this moment, a voice came over!

Xiao Yin followed his prestige, and saw Elena and Winnie walking towards them not far away!

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