Chapter 662: Is there a fox living in the body all the time?

And Elena next to it also helped Xiaoyin wipe the oil stains on her mouth!

In the end, under Winnie’s persuasion, the three talents slowed down as they did before, but for ordinary people, they are still fast!

Time came to noon without knowing it!

“Ah! Do you still eat?”

Winnie looked at Xiao Guoguo and Ling’er, was touching her puffed belly, couldn’t help but smiled, and then joked!

“Woo! I’m full by myself! Can’t eat anymore!”

The two shook their heads, and then said!

“Wow! Kiki, you’re still eating!”

At this moment, Linger noticed that Qiqi beside her still didn’t stop, her hand kept delivering the food on the table to her mouth, and she couldn’t help but exclaimed!

And Elena and Winnie next to them also looked at Kiki with shock!

Although Qiqi usually said that she would eat better than Big sis, they had never seen it before, and seeing it this time really shocked them!

“Yueyin! Isn’t it okay for Qiqi to eat like this? Will it hurt your body?”

Elena asked with some worry towards the small country next to her!

“It’s safe! It’s nothing, you haven’t seen Qiqi eat a giant behemoth alone!”

Hearing that, Xiaoyin waved his hand with a look of indifferent expression, and then said!

“Great behemoth? What is that?”

Linger asked curiously!

“The prehistoric behemoth is the prehistoric behemoth!”

Little looked at Ling’er strangely, and then said:

Although Xiao Yinyin said so, but Kiki is so young that she actually eats nearly ten times as much as an adult, which still makes Elena and Winnie very worried!

Winnie “Big sis, Irene Big sis! Don’t worry! The Big Brother said that the reason why Kiki can eat so well is because she is consuming her own power to refine the energy in that body!”

The small picture seemed to feel the worry of the two suddenly, and immediately couldn’t help but say it again!

“The power of the body?

After hearing Xiaoyinyin’s explanation, the two looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes!

The reason why they are puzzled is because they don’t have any, and they feel what power is in Qiqi’s body!

“Hmm! I heard from the Big Brother that a very powerful fox was sealed in Kiki’s body. The Big Brother also said that if that fox was in its heyday, Yin Guo would not be an opponent!”

Little nodded, and then said!


Hearing this, Winnie was shocked!

Because she remembered that when she saw Qiqi for the first time, Qiqi also said that she was also a fox!

Could it be for this reason that Qiqi said that she is a fox clan?

Although the two were worried, after hearing Xiaoguo’s explanation, they did not stop this time!

A few people watched Qiqi eating like this, and after a while, Qiqi finally wiped out the food left on the table!

“Kiki! How is it, are you full?”

Winnie asked cautiously!

“Not yet! Kiki can eat more!

Kiki shook her head, then said proudly with her head high!

Suddenly I am proud of what I eat the most!


Hearing that, except for the small country, the rest of the people present were suddenly full of black lines!

“Kiki. You think it’s almost noon, how about we go back to eat? When you get home, you can eat as much as you want!”

Elena asked in a discussing tone!

“Okay! Then let’s go back and eat!”

Hearing that, Qiqi smashed this mouth, and then agreed!

Seeing that Kiki agreed, Elena and Winnie were finally relieved!

“Boss! How much is it?

At the moment, Elena didn’t want to stay here anymore, so she stood up and asked the stall owner!

“The guest officer, your table has 63 silver coins!”

The stall owner quickly replied!

“Yeah! Here you are!

Hearing that, Elena nodded, and then handed a gold coin to the stall owner!

“Good! The guest officer will charge you a gold coin and find you 37 silver coins!”

Seeing this, the stall owner took the gold coins and said!

“Okay! No need to look for it!”

Seeing the stall owner asking for money, Elena shook her hand and said!

After speaking, he said hello to the community and others, and then left!

Looking at the back of Xiao Yinyin and others leaving, the stall owner couldn’t help but sighed: “It won’t be the children of wealthy people, it will be generous!-Under 37 silver coins, if you don’t want it, you don’t!”

And here, Xiao Guoyin and others have already walked towards the manor of the Elena family!

After a while, everyone returned to the manor!

Big Miss “! The old man before went out!”

Elena and her party walked into the Manor Gang, and saw the manor housekeeper greeted him, and then Elena said to him!

0……Look for flowers……

“Hey! Going out?”

Hearing this, Elena couldn’t help showing a strange look on her face!

The manor housekeeper nodded!

“Then when he left, did he tell you something?”

Elena asked again!

“Late! The old gentleman did tell me when he left, let me tell you Miss Miss? He said he had left a bit beforehand, and he won’t be back tomorrow!”

Hearing Elena’s question, the butler seemed to think of something suddenly, and immediately said again!

“Ah…hmm! Is there anything else?”

“there is none left!”

The butler thought for a while, and finally shook his head and replied!

“Well! Since there is no more. Then you go down first! By the way, today’s lunch, remember to prepare more, it’s better to make a serving of 20 people!”


Seeing this, Elena waved her hand, ready to let the butler go down first, but she suddenly thought of Qiqi, so she ordered again!

“Big Miss! Are there any guests coming today?”

After hearing Elena asked him to prepare so many meals, the butler couldn’t help asking!

However, after the housekeeper finished asking, he regretted it, because although you are a housekeeper, you are still a servant. You can just do what the master ordered, don’t ask too much!

Especially for people from a big family like Bruce, once you ask more, it is a taboo!

Thinking of this, the butler also felt uneasy in his heart!

“You don’t have to worry about it! You just need to follow my instructions!”

Elena couldn’t help but glanced at the housekeeper, and then said!

It was this look that scared the housekeeper into a cold sweat!

“Yes! I’m going to get people to prepare!

But seeing that Elena didn’t care, the butler was also relieved, and immediately replied!

After speaking, I didn’t dare to stay here, turned around and left!

“Huoyun Saint has left, haven’t you?”

At this time, Winnie also came over, and then asked Elena!

“Yeah! He left because of something, but he will be back tomorrow!”

Elena nodded, and then replied!


Hearing that, Winnie did not continue to ask!

“Go! Let’s go in!”

Elena said to Xiao Tutu and others!

After speaking, I walked towards the hall! Factory,

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