Chapter 657 Wharf! Little Cause of Angry!

Sure enough, not long after the Ogg Saint left, everyone woke up, and after everyone woke up, I knew from Elena that Ogg Saint had left, and didn’t feel any strange, it was still the same as before. , Do what you do!

After eating breakfast, Elena suggested to take everyone out for a walk. The main reason why Elena wanted to do this was mainly because she took this opportunity to increase the feelings between each other!

Everyone responded positively to this, especially the three of Xiao Guoguo, Qiqi and Linger, who raised their hands in favor!

After all, the characters of the three of them are always active, people who can’t stay idle, and Elena’s proposal is also for the three of them to solemnly!

“Fire Cloud Sage! Do you want to go with us?”

Elena asked towards the Fire Cloud Saint!

“No! When you get old, you won’t mix with you young people!”

Hearing this, Sage Huoyun shook his head, and then said with a smile!

“So! Then let’s go first!”

Seeing this, Elena nodded and said without trying to force you!

“Yeah! Go!”

The Fire Cloud Saint waved his hand to them, and then said!

“Then let’s go!”

Elena said to everyone!

After speaking, he turned and walked out!

“Go out to play late! Goodbye, grandpa!”

Hearing this, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi jumped up in excitement, and then waved at the Fire Cloud Saint!

“Well! Goodbye, remember to be careful!”

Saint Yun also waved his hand, then smiled and replied!

The two little guys nodded, and then chased Elena out!

The center is the street of a rainbow-shaped bridge at Qiaotou Street.

At a rough glance, the crowds are crowded and chaotic; at a closer look, these people are people from different industries and are engaged in various activities.

There are some vendors and many tourists on the west side of the bridge. There are knives, scissors, and groceries on the stall. Some sell tea and some tell fortune-telling.

Many tourists rely on the railings on the side of the bridge, or point to them, or watch the ships passing by in the river. These ships are those big chambers of commerce that come to buy goods!

On the sidewalk in the middle of the bridge, there is a bustling flow of people; some are sitting on a sedan chair, some are riding a horse, some are carrying burdens, some are driving donkeys to transport goods, and some are pushing wheelbarrows…

I even saw some swordsmen and magicians with long swords and staffs!

Most of these swordsmen or magicians are adventurers preparing to enter the mountains, or hired mercenaries!

At this time, on the street not far away, two women and a young girl came. These three women were very gorgeous.

In addition, the two women are holding a little girl each. The two little girls are about four or five years old, and they look very flattering!

Needless to say, these five people are definitely Xiaoguo and Qiqi!

“Wow! Winnie Big sis! You look at a lot of people!”

Xiaoyin took Winnie’s hand, then pointed to the dock not far away and exclaimed!

On the dock not far away, those migrant workers came and came back and carried boxes. These boxes should be filled with magic cores and Magical Beasts fur.

“Yeah! There are indeed many people!”

Winnie nodded when she looked at the people buying and selling things over there!

Although this town is smaller than Burlington, it is the closest town to the Wolong Mountains, so it is naturally more prosperous than Burlington!

“Winnie Big sis! We used to be optimistic about it!”

Xiaoguo said with a look of expectation!

“Ah! Good!”

Wen nodded and said with a smile!

After speaking, he took Xiao Guoyin’s hand and walked towards the dock not far away!

“Go, Kiki, let’s go and take a look over the bridge!

After Winnie and Xiao Guoyin left, Elena pointed to the bridge not far away, and said to Kiki!

Kiki nodded!

“Go! Ling’er, follow up!”

Elena walked to Ling’er, who looked curiously behind her, and said!

After speaking, I walked towards the front!

Upon hearing this, Ling’er nodded quickly, and then followed!

the other side!

The community and Winnie walked for a while before they arrived at the pier!

When I really came to the dock, I was shocked by the blackness in front of me!

It’s not that there are so many people that are shocked here, but that it is shocked by the magic core and animal skins piled up into a hill!

How many Magical Beasts have to be killed to have so many magic cores and animal skins!

Seeing the migrant workers, putting the magic core and animal skins into the box one by one, and carrying them to put them on, for a while, Winnie was speechless!

“Winnie Big sis! What are those? So beautiful!”

At this time, Xiaoyin pulled Lavinie’s sleeves, and then pointed to the mountain of magic core not far away and asked!

0……Look for flowers…

At this moment, Xiaoyin’s eyes are full of small stars, and it seems that he has some thoughts about these magic cores!

Not to mention, these magic nuclei are really beautiful, and none of the magic nuclei exudes a faint brilliance.

“Because you like it? If you like it, Winnie Big sis will buy you one!”

Seeing this, he smiled when he heard the words, and then asked!


Hearing this, Xiao Meng nodded!

“Go! Let’s go over!

Seeing Xiao Guoguo nodding her head, Winnie took her and walked over!

But before he got close to the magic core, he was stopped by a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper!

This “Miss, you can’t go in here!”


The middle-aged housekeeper said politely!

After all, here are all precious things, if you lose one, it will be difficult to explain yourself!

“Huh! Why don’t you let us in! We are going to buy that shiny stone!”

At this moment, Winnie hadn’t had time to speak, and the neighborhood next to her suddenly stopped doing it. She couldn’t help but stared at the middle-aged housekeeper, and then said!

Seeing this, the middle-aged butler was also speechless for a while, but he didn’t say anything.

So, he just looked at Winnie!

Seeing the middle-aged butler ignored him, Xiao Yinguo suddenly pouted, looked at him fiercely, and said, “You dare to ignore it, Yintu is going to be angry!”

A small country that has always regarded her as an adult, so it can allow others to see her as a child, so it is normal for her to be angry!

However, she was not fierce at all when she looked angry. On the contrary, she felt very cute. The middle-aged housekeeper couldn’t help but glanced at her secretly. At the same time, she thought to herself: “It would be great if my own daughter was so cute too!”

“Ahem! Good cause! Let Winnie Big sis say it!”

Seeing this, Winnie hurriedly took hold of the community, and then quietly comforted her!

“All right!

After hearing Winnie’s words, Xiaoguo also fell silent, but still stared at the middle-aged housekeeper viciously!

That seems to be another matter, if it weren’t for Winnie Big sis, I would play and clean up your big bad guy, so that you don’t let Guoyin look at the beautiful stones, and you don’t let you pass! Factory,

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