Chapter 655 Winnie’s Guess!

“Woo… if you pick all the fruits you said, I’ll let him go with us!”

Xiaoyin watched Oge Saint for a while, and then said to the girl Ling’er!

“that’s all?”

Young girl Ling’er looked at Xiao Guoyin and Kiki with some astonishment!

“Yes, it is like that!

The two little guys nodded!

“Okay! I will order people to bring the fruit in these two days!”

The girl thought that the two little guys would offer any conditions, or simply not let Grandpa Grandpa go, but never expected that they would offer such a simple condition, immediately patted their own breasts, and said with assurance!

After speaking, the young girl Ling’er turned and walked towards the Oge Saint!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Yin and Qiqi have agreed to let you go! But…

The young girl Ling’er came to the Aoge Sage, and then said to him!

“But what?”

Saint Ogg hurriedly asked!

“But you have to order…

At the moment, the girl is not concealing it, she just said the conditions again!

“That’s it?”

After hearing the conditions stated by the girl, the Ogg Sage was also a little dumbfounded, and now looked at the girl with some suspicion, to see if she was joking with herself!

The girl nodded affirmatively!

“Okay! Tell them, two days, two days! The fruit can get here!”

Seeing that the girl didn’t seem to lie, Saint Ogg said with a certain face!

“I told them!

“Ling’er, I will be away for two days later. Remember, you will stay here for me during the two days I am away. You are not allowed to know anywhere!”

Saint Ogg stared at the girl, and then exhorted!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Are you going to get the fruit yourself?”

Hearing the words of Saint Org, the girl looked at him with a puzzled face, and then asked!

“Well! It’s far away from our Yunling Empire. Other people have gone. I’m afraid they won’t be able to make it in two days! So, let me take a trip myself, for a long time!”

Saint Ogg nodded, and then admitted!

“Did you remember what I just said?”

“Hey! Remember Grandpa Grandpa! I will stay in the manor well, not going anywhere!”

Hearing the Saint Ogg asked again, the girl nodded, then promised to reply!

Seeing this, Saint Org nodded in satisfaction, then turned and walked towards Saint Huoyun and Winnie!

“Old Huoyun, Purple Jade Saint! I have something to leave for two days! Can I trouble you with something?”

The Ogg Saint came to the two of them, and then said to them!

“It’s your junior!”

Although Saint Org hasn’t said it yet, Saint Huoyun can still guess how much, and immediately glanced at Ling’er not far away, and said!

“Yeah! Ling’er is a bit naughty, I’m afraid she will sneak out when I’m away, so I want you to take care of me!”

Saint Ogg nodded, and then said!

“Ah! Don’t worry! I will look at her and won’t let her run around!”

The Fire Cloud Saint patted own chest, and then assured him!

“So I’m relieved too!

Hearing this, Oge Saint nodded in satisfaction!

“Right! When will you leave?”

The Fire Cloud Saint asked!

“I will leave early tomorrow morning!

The Ogg Saint replied!

At this time, Elena also walked in from the outside, and behind her were a few maids and a few guards pointing at tables and chairs, and these maids were carrying dishes in their hands!

“Everyone, the food is ready!”

After Elena walked in, she said to everyone in the hall!

After speaking, he ordered the guards to set up the tables and chairs. After the guards set up the tables and chairs, the maid standing behind Elena brought the food!

“Hehe! Eat!

Seeing that the food was served, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi hurriedly took the fruit in their hands, then ran to the table and climbed to the chair to sit down!

“You two! As soon as you see something to eat, you are more anxious than anything!”

At this time, Winnie also walked over to be in the middle of the two little guys, and then said with a blank glance at the two of them!


Hearing that, the two little guys just smiled, and did not speak!

“Right! Yinyin, Kiki! When are you going back?”

At this moment, Winnie seemed to think of something, and immediately asked the two little guys!

“We have to wait for the little Big sis to bring us fruit before we will go back!”

Kiki looked at Winnie with her head high, and then said!

“Bring fruit for you?”

Winnie looked at the two with some doubts!

“Yeah! We promised Little Big Sis, if she picks the fruit to us, we will take her to the Big Brother!”

Xiaoguo said with a proud face with his head held high!

It seems to take people to meet her big Big Brother and earn so much fruit, which makes these two little guys very proud!

“Uh! You two! Actually sold your Big Brother for a bit of fruit! If you let your Big Brother know, wouldn’t you be angry?”

After knowing what had happened, Winnie suddenly felt a little bitter, she nodded on the foreheads of the two little guys, and said angrily!

“Huh! Who told the Big Brother not to come out with us!”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yin snorted, and then said dissatisfied!

“Winnie Big sis! The Big Big Brother is too lazy, he sleeps after eating, and eats after he sleeps. He is about to become a piggy!”

At this time, Qiqi also said to Winnie!


After hearing Kiki’s words, Winnie couldn’t help laughing!

Because she knew that what Qiqi said was true, and Mr. Qin was indeed a bit lazy!

I think the same was true when Mr. Qin directed Own back then!

Of course, Winnie could only think about this in her own mind, but she didn’t dare to say it casually!

“Huh! Is it possible that Saint Ogg left to help you bring fruits? (good promise)

Suddenly, Winnie thought that Ogg had just said that he was leaving for two days. Could it be that she wanted to help Xiaoyin and Kiki bring the fruit?

“Because, Kiki! Big sis asks you something, you must answer honestly, don’t lie, do you know?”

Thinking of this, Winnie asked the two little guys!

“Yeah! Guotu (Qiqi) is a good boy and never tells a lie! Winnie Big sis, please go back!”

Hearing that, the two little guys patted own chest, and then said with a promise to Winnie!

“Oge Sheng scared, that old grandfather, will he also go with you to see your Big Brother?”

Grandpa “? Is that the white-haired grandpa?”

After hearing Winnie’s words, Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi first looked at a blank expression, and then pointed to the Org Sage who was chatting with the Huoyun Sage not far away, and asked!

“Well! It’s him!”

Winnie nodded and turned back!

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