Chapter 653 Cough cough! They really can fly!

“Go to meet your Big Brother? Is it far?”

The girl looked at the two little guys, and then asked!

“Woo! It’s not too far away. When the time comes, we will sit on the blue and white bodies together, let them take us to fly, and we will be there soon!”

Hearing that, Xiao Yinyin thought for a while, and then said!

“That’s it! But I’m afraid Grandpa Grandpa won’t let me go!”

When Xiao Yinyin said that it was not very far away, the girl’s face was obviously moved, but soon the girl was bitter again, because she knew that Grandpa Own would definitely not let herself go alone!

“Woo. Then you can let your grandfather go with us!”

After hearing the girl’s words, Xiaoyin thought for a while, and then said!

“Huh? Let grandpa go with us? You can try this!”

Hearing “Three Nine Zero”, the girl’s eyes also lit up, and then nodded and said!

“Go! Then let’s go back and talk to Grandpa Grandpa now!

After speaking, the girl grabbed the hands of the two little guys, and then quickly walked in the direction where she came from!

the other side!

“Purple Jade Saint, I thought you were only just getting promoted to the holy rank, and you shouldn’t be very good at the theory of cultivation knowledge, but I didn’t expect you to be unique in the theory of cultivation!”

The Fire Cloud Saint looked at Winnie, and then said in admiration!

“Indeed! These theories of the Purple Jade Saint, I have never heard of it before!”

The Ogge saint next to him also nodded, and then said!

“Uh, how can I be as powerful as what you said! These theories are just a senior who once said when he was instructing him!”

Hearing this, Winnie suddenly showed a wry smile on her face, and then shook her head to explain!

“Oh! Does the Purple Jade Saint still know where the senior is now? So let us visit and ask for some advice!”

After hearing Winnie’s words, Saint Huoyun was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he was relieved soon!

After all, Winnie has only been cultivating for a few years, and the theories just now shouldn’t come from her.If you want to come, someone can only point them behind!

“The senior left after teaching me for two years. I still don’t know where he is.”

Hearing this, Winnie shook her head and said!

“However, although I don’t know, I do…

But after thinking of Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi, he was ready to continue talking!

But as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by a sound from outside!

“Grandpa Grandpa! Grandpa Grandpa!”

At the moment this voice sounded, I saw the girl hurried in from outside!

And behind the girl, there are two little guys, Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi!

“Ling’er, where did your usual etiquette go? So hastily become a style?”

Seeing the girl rushing in, the Oge Saint couldn’t help but frown at the moment, then gave the girl a fierce look and said!

“Um! Grandpa Grandpa, am I looking for you in a hurry!”

Hearing this, the girl couldn’t help but spit out her tongue, and then said!

“Huh! Let’s talk! What’s the matter in such a hurry to find me?”

Seeing this, Saint Ogg was also very helpless, but the reason why the girl was like this, I can only blame myself for spoiling her too much, and asked immediately!

“Grandpa Grandpa! I want to meet Yin and Qiqi with their Big Brother!”

“Huh? Big Brother? Who is their Big Brother? Why are you going to see him?”

After hearing the girl’s words, Saint Ogg suddenly became a little wary!

The royal family of the Yunling Empire has the best talent in Ling’er, and the Cultivation Base of the Magister at a young age!

As for the others, although they have good talents, they can’t be compared with Ling’er at all!

Therefore, the Ogg Saint is quite indulging in Ling’er, and he will not even let her go far away unless he is carrying it!

And now Linger ran over and said, she was going to meet a stranger, how could Saint Ogg not be wary!

“Because Kiki said their Big Brother is very powerful, so I wanted to meet him!

Linger replied directly without even thinking about it!

“Very good? You went to see him?”

Hearing this, the Oge Saint suddenly felt a little funny, he took a deep breath, and then continued to ask patiently:

“Huh! What do you want to do when you meet him?”

“Let him teach me to fly! Grandpa Grandpa, you might not know it! Actually Yinyin and Qiqi can fly!

Linger said with a look of excitement when she heard the question from the Ogg Saints!


Hearing this, Oge Saint shook his head immediately, and then said with a certain expression!

After speaking, he looked at Yin and Qiqi, the community who was standing behind the girl and eating fruit!

Since childhood Yin and Qiqi, Aoge Saints have not found any traces of cultivation fruit at all, nor have they felt any energy in their bodies!

You must know that even if a holy-ranked strongman wants to fly, it also consumes the energy in the body, and now, the Ogg saint does not feel that there is any energy in these two little guys, so how could it be possible? Believe Ling’er’s words!

“But… but I just saw them flying. When picking the fruit just now, I saw Guoguo and Qiqi flying to the fruit tree, picking the fruit!

Seeing that Grandpa Own didn’t believe it, Linger also hurriedly defended!

Keke “! That Oge Saint! Xiaoyin and Qiqi can indeed fly!”

Just when Ling’er was anxious because her grandfather didn’t believe in herself, suddenly, Winnie next to her spoke!


After hearing Winnie’s words, Ogle Saint also had a meal, and then looked at Xiao Yinyin and Kiki in a strange way!

For Ling’er’s words, Ogg Sage might not believe very much, but for Winnie’s words, Ogg Sage had to put away the 1.3 contempt in his heart!

“Yeah! This… what this beautiful Big sis said is true! Grandpa Grandpa, if you still don’t believe it! I’ll let Yinhe Qiqifei show it to you!”

Seeing Winnie helping her speak, Ling’er nodded in agreement at the moment!

“Yin, Qiqi! You guys will fly to show my grandpa!

After speaking, Linger turned her head and said to the two little guys behind her!

Although the two little guys didn’t quite understand what happened, they did what Ling’er told them!

After all, she promised to give us a lot of fruit.

Thinking of this, the two little guys quickly swallowed the fruit in their mouths and wiped their mouths, and then floated in the shocked gazes of the Oge Saint and the Fire Cloud Saint!

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