Chapter 651 Feifei is up!

“what are you going to do?”

Hearing that, the two little guys looked at her with alertness!

“Of course I’m going to pick the fruits too! Don’t worry, I can’t eat much, I won’t eat all the fruits!”

Seeing this, the girl directly replied without thinking about it, but seeing the two little guys looking at herself warily, she added another sentence immediately!


The two little guys still stared at her suspiciously!

“Yeah! Really!”

The girl patted Own’s chest, and then promised!

“That… that’s okay, but you can’t pick more at that time!”

Hearing this, the two little guys couldn’t help showing a trace of hesitation on their faces, but they nodded and agreed!

“Hehe! What are you waiting for, let’s go quickly!”

Seeing that the two little guys were no longer repelling themselves, the girl couldn’t help showing a happy smile, and then said!

After speaking, the girl stood up, then took Xiao Yin and Kiki and walked outside!

“I tell you, I will climb to the top and pick the biggest one!”

“Humph! Because the cause is the biggest pick!”

“Kiki will pick the biggest one too!”

“You are younger than me, and you must not climb trees as fast as I am. Moreover, I tell you that when I am at home, I often climb trees!”

“Because I don’t climb trees, but because I can fly!”

“Kiki can’t climb trees, because Kiki can also fly!”

“Hee hee! Don’t brag about 373, how can you fly? You know, I shouldn’t be able to fly now, but after I have cultivated to the holy rank, I will be able to fly!”

“Yin Yin (Qiqi) is a good boy, don’t lie!”

“Hey! Ling’er is good at everything, but she’s too naughty!”

Listening to the prestige that is getting farther and farther away, Saint Aoge couldn’t help but shook his head helplessly, and then sighed and said!

“You are a young junior, and there is the Cultivation Base of the Sword Master and Magister. Why, are you still not satisfied?”

Hearing this, the Huoyun saint next to him couldn’t help but glared at him, and then said angrily!

I think he also has a few younger generations, but they are all unskilled generations who do not cultivate or engage in business. If he is still there, or something goes wrong, I am afraid that sooner or later the family business will be lost in their hands!

“Haha! Those in your family, as long as you take care of them, you should be able to save them if you think about it!”

Hearing this, Oge Saint couldn’t help laughing, and then said!

He also knew a little bit about this old friend’s house, so he couldn’t help but sigh with emotion when he stood watching the holy person of Huoyun!

I think back then, the Fire Cloud Sage could wait to be energetic, but in this generation, even if it is (agbd), it will be a waste!

“Winnie, two saints, then you talk, I’ll go down first and order the people below to prepare meals!”

At this moment, Elena came over and said to the three of them!


Hearing that, the three of them also nodded!

Seeing this, Elena said nothing, turned around and walked outside!

After Elena left, Winnie, the Fire Cloud Saint, and the Ogg Saint all sat down again, and then began to talk about cultivation!

The Fire Cloud Sage and the Oge Sage, after all, they are people who have lived for hundreds of years, so they are naturally better than Winnie, the new rookie, on the question of cultivation!

Therefore, most of the two people are talking about the fire cloud saint and the Ogg saint, Winnie is listening by the side, and if there is anything she doesn’t understand or doubts, Winnie will ask!

Of course, sometimes when she talks about issues that Winnie understands, Winnie will also ask her own understanding, and even sometimes Winnie will move out Qin Xuan to guide her some theories!

Upon hearing these theories, the Saints of Fire Cloud and Saints of Aoge also exclaimed again and again, looking at Winnie with bright eyes!

Although they all know that Winnie’s combat effectiveness is very strong, after all, it hasn’t been long since she was cultivated. Therefore, regarding the issue of cultivation, the two used her for tens of thousands of miles!

But what they didn’t expect was that the theories that Winnie sometimes put forward really made them unheard of!

However, one method can be used to cultivate them in their Realm. Although they don’t understand the theory proposed by Winnie very much, even if they absorb a little bit, they will avoid some detours in the future!

At the moment, the two of them were even more active, and they were not talking about simple questions, and specifically picked those rare questions that have puzzled them for many years, and come to ask Winnie!

Seeing this, Winnie smiled bitterly, how could she compare the two in front of her to the question about cultivation!

What I said before was only based on the original words Qin Xuan instructed her.

But now seeing the Fire Cloud Sage and Oge Sage, both of them looked at her expectantly, and she had to bite the bullet and answer!

the other side!

“Isn’t there yet?”

The girl asked Xiaorourou and Qiqi:

“Here! Meow, look, isn’t that right?”

The small picture pointed to a few fruit trees not far away, and then said!

“Go! Let’s go over!

After seeing the fruit trees, the girl couldn’t wait to say!

After finishing speaking, I didn’t wait for Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi to react, so he ran over!

“Ah…you have to come! Kiki, let’s go over quickly, or she will finish picking the fruit!”

Seeing this, Xiaoyin exclaimed, and then hurriedly greeted Qiqi next to him!

After speaking, he chased after the girl!

“Because of Big sis, wait for me!”

Even Xiao Guoguo ran over, so Qiqi didn’t hesitate, shouted quickly, and then chased it too!

Hee hee “! How can the two little kids pass me faster? I will finish picking the biggest fruits first, and save the small ones for them to pick!

The girl running in front couldn’t help but think proudly in her heart!



Just when the girl was about to run to the fruit tree, she suddenly felt that two white shadows flashed in front of her eyes, and she looked up!

This hopelessness is okay.At this look, the girl’s mouth opened wide, as if she had seen something incredible!


The girl glared her eyes, and said in disbelief!

Following the girl’s gaze, I saw that the two little guys, Xiaoqu Yin and Qiqi, were floating beside the fruit tree, while picking the fruit from the fruit tree, while showing a smug smile at the girl!

“Hmph! I still want to deceive the country’s cause!

Xiaoyin hummed twice, and then said!

After speaking, he told Qiqi who was next to him: “Kiki, let’s pick them quickly, and finish the fruit, let her wait for the ones that are missing! Who let her lie to us!”

“Hmm! Because of Big sis, Kiki knows!”

After hearing this, Qiqi also nodded, and then said sternly!

After speaking, the two little guys started to speed up. After a while, the fruit on a tree was picked by the two little guys. After picking this one, the two little guys moved on to the next one. !

However, after a while, the surrounding fruit trees have been picked by the two little guys!

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