Chapter 644 Fire Cloud Saint: I lost!


Hearing Winnie’s words, the unknown existence was also speechless for a while!

“Senior, can this power be retracted? I’m almost unable to hold it!”

At this moment, Winnie’s gathered power has reached a zero point, but the unknown power still continues to gather together!

She couldn’t hold it anymore. Suddenly, the power couldn’t stop. Moreover, Winnie felt that the powerful power she had gathered was constantly losing. After a while, the power she had gathered was her own. All disappeared!

Feeling this power disappearing, Winnie couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. She knew that she must. It was the senior who took back his power!

Otherwise, if the Realm of the Fire Cloud Saint is broken, then she really doesn’t know what to do, how to face the Fire Cloud Saint!

“Thank you senior!”

Winnie thanked her quickly!

“Haha! You are welcome! After all, I rely on you now!”

The voice said with a smile!

“Senior, don’t say that, we two are cooperating with each other, not to mention in 06, your kind of flame also greatly increases my combat power, isn’t it!”

Winnie said quickly!

“Haha! Good, good! We are indeed cooperating with each other!

Hearing that, the unknown existence can’t help but laugh out loud!

For Winnie did not take credit, the existence of the unknown seemed very happy!

the other side!

The fire cloud saint and the fire demon disappeared when they saw that the power gathered by Winnie disappeared, and they were suddenly dumbfounded!

They can feel how powerful the force just now is!

With such a powerful force, they actually took it back when they said it was taken back. This made them feel whether they had hallucinations just now!

You know, sometimes it is more difficult to release power than to regain power, but the girl in front of me can actually retract and unwind so freely, how can it not make them think that they have hallucinations?

At the same time, the two of them couldn’t help but feel fortunate in their hearts.If the power really smashed down, the own Realm might really be broken. When the time comes, I really don’t know where to cry!

For the Fire Cloud Saints who have comprehended Realm, they naturally know how difficult it is to comprehend Realm, and they don’t know how much they have experienced before comprehending Realm to what it is now.

If in the competition, the girl is really broken by this girl, then at that time, I can’t understand it from the beginning or two!

After regaining his senses, the gaze of Saint Huoyun looking at Winnie was a little more complicated!

Although he doesn’t care too much about winning or losing, when he loses, Saint Huoyun still feels a little complicated!

After all, I am a saint who understands Realm, and I still use Realm, and the other party is just a newly promoted saint, and has not yet understood Realm. In this case, I still lost, which made the fire. How is Yun Shengzhe uncomplicated in his heart?

Although I don’t know where the power of this girl came from at the time, but if she loses, she loses. If this is in a real life and death duel, I am afraid I will die!

Thinking of this, Saint Huoyun couldn’t help showing a wry smile on his face!

At the moment, the Fire Cloud Saint waved his hand, and saw the entire Realm disappear in an instant, and with the Realm disappearing, there was also the Fire Demon!

After doing this, the Fire Cloud Saint walked towards Winnie!

“Fire Cloud Saint!

Seeing the sage Huoyun approaching, Winnie also nodded at him!

“I lost!”

The Fire Cloud Saint also nodded, and then said with a smile!

“Fire Cloud Saint! I’m just a speculation, or I would have lost a long time ago!”

Winnie shook her head quickly, and then said!

This Fire Cloud Saint has been helping him from start to finish, and he is indeed making opportunistic tricks. If it were not for the help of the senior, he was indeed not his opponent!

“Aha! If you lose, you lose. There is no reason. If this is a battle of life and death, I’m afraid I will fall. What’s more, it is your skill to be able to speculate!”

Hearing this, Sage Huoyun smiled, then waved his hand and said!

“Right! Don’t you give yourself a title?”


At the words of the Fire Cloud Saint, Winnie couldn’t help but be shocked!

Because she never thought about it!

“Yes! When you are a saint, you must be given a title, so that it can show the majesty of the saint. What’s more, I am not your opponent anymore. I can’t always call you a girl or a girl. Respect, after all, the strong first!”

The Fire Cloud Saint nodded, and then explained!

“Title? Woo. Then I will use the title of Ziyu!”

Hearing that, Winnie thought for a while, and then said:

“Purple jade? Purple jade saint?”

Winnie nodded!

Comprehend the outside!

Everyone in the valley, even Winnie and Fire Cloud Saint suddenly appeared, they were also curious at the moment!

“Who’s winning?”

“Does this still need to be said? Of course it is the Fire Cloud Saint! You said that a newly promoted Saint, how could it be possible to beat the Huoyun Saint, an old saint?”

“It’s not necessarily! You know that she has defeated the Crazy Sky Saint!”

“Hehe! How can the sage of the wild sky compare with the sage of the fire cloud?”

Among those present, only the white-haired old man and Xiao Guoguo and his party knew what happened in Realm!

Regarding Winnie’s win, 373 Elena was also very shocked!

However, she quickly accepted it. After all, after spending a few days with Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi, her ability to accept her own ascension has no idea how many grades!

The white-haired old man is different. He never dreamed that the Fire Cloud Saint would lose, and he was still using Realm!

He is also a saint who has comprehended Realm, and he naturally knows how powerful Realm is. This time the fight has simply changed his perception!

I thought that the saint who owns Realm is not an opponent who has not yet understood the saint of Realm. This is simply subverting him, and his previous knowledge of the saint, the Realm!

At the same time, he was also extremely curious about asking you just now that you can burst out such a powerful force!

“Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa! Do you know who won? Is it the Fire Cloud Saint or the newly promoted female Saint?

At this time, the young girl next to the white-haired old man pulled his sleeves anxiously, and then asked!

But after a while, the girl discovered that Grandpa Own was just there, so she didn’t answer Own’s words at all, so she asked, “Grandpa Own, what’s the matter with you? Why don’t you speak?”

“Huh! It’s nothing, grandpa grandpa just now was just a matter!”

The white-haired old man seemed to recover suddenly, and then shook his head and said!

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