Chapter 638

Really “! Because I didn’t lie to you, Irene Big sis!”

“Kiki didn’t lie to Irene Big sis!

“If it weren’t for Yinyin and Kiki, who were sealed by the Big Brother, they would definitely be so much better than Winnie Big sis and the old grandfather, no! That’s so much!”

Even Irene looked disbelieving, and the two little guys suddenly became a little anxious.

“Huh? Seal?”

Hearing this, Elena frowned, and then asked the two little guys with a puzzled look: “You are sealed by your big Big Brother? What does this mean?”

“Big Brother said, Yin Guo and Qiqi are too powerful, and they are afraid that we will control their own power, so they sealed us up!”

Hearing that, Xiaoyin and Qiqi couldn’t help but froze, and then tried to find out why the Big Brother wanted to seal their “Three Seven Three”. After a while, the community suddenly brightened its eyes, as if thinking of something, right now. Said!

“You are too powerful? I’m afraid you can’t control your power?

After hearing the explanation of Xiao Yinyin and Qiqi, Elena was stunned!

“Hey! Yinyin, Kiki, don’t you guys make fun of Big Sis, okay?”

After recovering, Elena finally couldn’t help laughing out loud, then looked at the two little guys and said!

“Huh! Irene Big sis is a bad guy! I don’t believe what we said: We are not ignoring you anymore!”

Unexpectedly, after hearing Elena’s words, the two little guys actually snorted with dissatisfaction, then turned their heads and made an expression of ignoring you!

At this time, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi only felt abnormally wronged in their hearts, and they clearly told the truth, why doesn’t Irene Big sis believe them?

She actually didn’t believe in Yin and Kiki, Nayin and Kiki ignored her!

The two little guys secretly said in their hearts!


Seeing this, the corners of Elena’s mouth couldn’t help but twitched!

At this moment, Elena suddenly felt two eyes looking at her, and then looking down at her, it was the two sacred beasts in the arms of Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

Feeling the gazes of these two Saint-Order Magical Beasts, Elena suddenly shuddered!

Because, in these two eyes, she felt a little dissatisfaction, although it was only a faint, but Elena walked away and stabbed her back!

Obviously, these two Saint-tier Magical Beasts are angry with the two little masters who provoke them, and feel dissatisfied!

“Good, good! Because, Kiki! It’s Irene Big sis that is wrong, so don’t be angry. Forgive Irene Big sis, okay?”

Without thinking about it, Elena directly coaxed to the two little guys!

At the same time, I couldn’t help but scolded myself secretly, didn’t I say that I wanted to have a good relationship with them? Why did I make them angry again!

It seems that I have been a bit too proud recently, and I forgot my original intention!

Really “? Irene Big sis, do you believe us?”

Little boy, it’s fast to get angry, and it’s fast to go. Isn’t this, Elena apologized together, and the two little guys turned their heads, and then asked happily!

“Yeah! Irene Big sis misses you and the others!”

Hearing this, Elena nodded quickly, and then said!

“Hehe! Irene Big sis is so good! After Yinyin and Kiki go back, you will definitely let Big Brother treat you as good as Winnie Big sis!”

Seeing this, the two little guys also laughed happily, then patted Own’s chest, and said with assurance!

“Um! Okay! Then Irene Big sis is waiting for you, your Big Brother will make Irene Big sis even more powerful!”

Now Elena didn’t dare to make these two little guys angry, and immediately nodded and agreed!

As for Xiao Guoyin’s mouth, what kind of Big Brother asked her to transform herself into as powerful as the newly promoted saint, Elena certainly won’t believe it!

After all, it is impossible for a person to Ascension the highest order, even if it is a god!

This is not only Elena, I am afraid that no one will believe it if you go to tell it to anyone!

However, she did not dare to say this idea.

In the battlefield!

Seeing Winnie’s own attack so easily, the fire cloud saint waved his hand again, and in an instant, Winnie in mid-air felt that the surrounding scenery began to change constantly, and the next moment seemed to be coming. Arriving in an extremely unfamiliar place, it seems to be a self-contained Minor World.

“This is?”

Seeing the sudden change of scenery, she came to a strange place, Winnie also looked puzzled!

Wasn’t you in the valley just now? Why did you come here suddenly?

“Haha! Girl, is it strange that I suddenly came to this place?”

Just when Winnie was puzzled, she suddenly heard the voice of the holy priest of Fire Cloud!


After hearing this voice, Winnie also became alert!

“This trick is called Realm! It is the exclusive skill of the holy rank!”

This is, the voice of the Fire Cloud Saint rang again!

“Realm? Holy rank’s exclusive skill?”

Hearing that, Winnie was puzzled again!

I am also a holy order, but why is there no such trick as Realm?

“Ah! Although you have the Cultivation Base of the Holy Order, after all, the breakthrough time is too short, and you don’t even know the existence of Realm!”

“After breaking through the holy order, I began to comprehend Realm. I heard that as long as Realm reaches a certain level, it can break through to the gods… It’s just that this rumor is not true, because I haven’t reached the rumors. Somehow!”

Perhaps seeing Winnie’s doubts, Saint Huoyun couldn’t help but explain!

“Unexpectedly, after the holy step, it was actually Cultivation Realm! If it wasn’t for this time to compete with this fire cloud holy person, I am afraid that I still don’t know the news?”

“Mr. Qin is also true, he didn’t tell me the news!

After hearing this, Winnie also suddenly realized that, at the same time, she couldn’t help but complain about Qin Xuan, complaining that he didn’t tell her this information!

In fact, Winnie was wronged by Qin Zhan, 1.3 because Qin Xuan didn’t know that she had to cultivate Realm when she reached the holy rank!

I thought the cultivation method here was just to absorb the power of those elements!

“Now you have to feel Realm well, and it will help you understand Realm in the future!”

At this time, the voice of the Fire Cloud Saint came over again!

Hearing that, Winnie was also slightly taken aback!

Although I don’t understand why this Fire Cloud Saint wants to help herself, Winnie didn’t feel that he wanted to hurt own!


Although I don’t know why, the Fire Cloud Saint would help herself like this, but if you help, you will help. This is a fact that can’t be changed, so Winnie still thanked her!

“Haha! Thanks, no need! Okay! Then you have to pay attention, I’m going to start!”

Hearing this, the Fire Cloud Saint also laughed loudly, and then said!

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