Chapter 633 Winnie Field’s Arrival!

However, everyone in the valley, after seeing the holy person of Huoyun coming, began to talk, and they all looked at him with hot eyes, and then consciously made a way so that the holy person of Huoyun could be able to Go in!

As for the Fire Cloud Saint, he didn’t care about everyone’s hot gaze at all, because he didn’t know how much he felt this gaze!

He just walked to the center of the valley on his own, then closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged!

“Sage Huoyun is preparing to adjust own spirit to the best state? For the next test?”

“Well! It’s possible! After all, the newly promoted saint who competed with him this time, but the one who defeated the mad sky saint!”

“So, he should be prepared first!

Seeing this, the crowd began to discuss again!

In fact, what everyone didn’t know was that the Fire Cloud Sage didn’t pay much attention to the “Three Two Seven” in this competition. It’s not that he despises opponents, but that he doesn’t care about winning or losing at all!

For him who has lived for hundreds of years, he has never experienced anything. For the Huoyun Saint who has lived for so many years, winning or losing is not so important!

As for why he doesn’t pay so much attention to winning or losing, he still wants to compete?

There are two main reasons:

The first point is that he is also a little curious about this newly promoted saint!

The second point, that is, because this saint is a member of their Spirit Dragon Empire!

Therefore, he took the opportunity of this competition to instruct the other party, even if he loses, it doesn’t matter!

Time passes slowly!

Almost an hour has passed since the Fire Cloud Saint came!

The newly promoted saint still did not come. Regarding this, the fire cloud saint was not in a hurry, but still sat there quietly cross-legged!

However, the Fire Cloud Saint was not in a hurry, but the waiting crowd became a little impatient!

“You said, why isn’t that newly promoted saint coming? Are you afraid?”

“Yeah! What time is this? Moreover, Saint Huoyun has been waiting for nearly an hour, and he is not coming. Doesn’t he take this test too seriously?”

“Yes, yes! This newly promoted saint does not respect the Huoyun saint and everyone too much! How to say, the Huoyun saint is also his senior!

Right now, some impatient people who were waiting began to talk!

“Okay, you two! Didn’t you see the holy ones waiting there quietly? And, are you impatient when you are alive? You dare to talk about the holy ones behind your back? What’s more, isn’t the time yet? ”

At this time, the people next to them heard what they said, and suddenly became a little unhappy, so they said!

Indeed, no one begged you to come and see, didn’t you see it, didn’t even the Huoyun saint sitting there quietly and waiting?

He is not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?

This is a typical emperor in no hurry!

Or prepare for other presence?

Time came to noon again without knowing it!

Because the past few days are very hot, and the blue sky is transparent, the sun hangs like a fireball, the clouds seem to be burned by the sun, and disappear without a trace.

There is no cloud in the blue sky of Walanwa, the hot sun is scorching the earth, the water in the river is hot, and the soil in the ground is smoking.

At this moment, the Huoyun Saint, who had been quiet and there the most, suddenly opened his eyes and said, “You are here!”

Regarding this, the crowd present is also unclear, so now follow the gaze of the fire cloud saint!

I saw a light orange-red color long gauze skirt weft, coat rose red brocade jacket, white rabbit fluff stitched on the corners.

An orange-red section of the belt is around the middle of the waist, with a piece of fine Hetian jade inlaid on the left side of the section, and a piece of fine glazed jade pendant is hung on the waist.

A long brocade-like hair was replaced with a red jade coral hairpin. A row of pendants, Liuli Emperor, is inserted under the hair calculation, which is more seductive and graceful, and the elegant jade face is painted with light plum makeup!

Originally Zhang Li’s beautiful face was timid because of being a woman, and the immature greenness showed a fascinating charm and awe-inspiring spirit; if it was originally like an immortal, it seems to be contaminated by the world. Fairy-like, another man suddenly lost Hun and Po, but the most unforgettable thing is the pair of brilliant starlight water.

“What a beautiful woman!

Everyone present, when they saw this woman who appeared suddenly, they couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts!

“Unexpectedly, the person who defeated the Crazy Sky Saint was such a beautiful woman!!

When he saw this woman, Saint Huoyun couldn’t help but sigh!

Because the last time I competed with the Crazy Sky Saint, there were not many people watching at all, and the Crazy Sky Saint was forbidden to spread the news, so no one knew whether the person who defeated the Crazy Sky Saint was male or female, and how old they were. !

“What? The old man looks down on women?”

Hearing the sigh of Huoyun Saint, the woman couldn’t help but glanced at him, and then asked!

“Ah! I didn’t look down on women, on the contrary, some women made me very respectful! I just exclaimed that you, a young woman, can cultivate the most sacred rank!”

Hearing this, the Fire Cloud Sage hurriedly waved his hand, and then said with a smile:

Although he is a holy person, there are some things that can’t be said casually!

If this news is used by someone who is interested, then he will also feel very tricky!

After all, on the Celestial Continent, there are many women who are better than him. Let alone the distant ones, among the sages of the Celestial Continent, there are two women ranked higher than him. In the ears of the middle one, I am afraid I have to finish playing!

“By the way! Although you challenged me, I still don’t know your name yet!

Saint Huoyun looked at the woman not far away with a dangerous face, and then asked!

“My full name is Winnie Field!”

The woman still said indifferently!

Indeed, this woman is Qin Xuan, Xiaoyin and Qiqi, met in Burlington City, and lived in her house for a while, and later received guidance from Qin Xuan, and Winnie Big sis from Xiaoyin and Qiqi. !

It turned out that after Qin Xuan and others left, even though Winnie got Qin Xuan’s guidance, the Cultivation Base also flew to Ascension, but 1.3 she didn’t even know it, and thought she was just a rookie who had just been cultivated!

Therefore, after the three of Qin Xuan left, they did not go out and cultivate, but worked harder to cultivate!

In the end, a year ago, she finally couldn’t help it, so she bid farewell to her parents and left Burlington City, ready to go outside!

At the beginning, when Winnie left Burlington City, she was also agitated. After all, growing up at this age, this is the first time she has left Burlington City!

However, after leaving for a few days, this uneasy heart disappeared without a trace, but was full of curiosity, curiosity about the Celestial Continent!

As a fox clan, Winnie is born with this extraordinary charm, and with her cultivation, this charm is even more prominent. Therefore, there are many Kays along the way who are beautiful, and she is trying to be unruly!

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