Chapter 627: Wolong Mountain Range!

And in such a dangerous Wolong Mountain Range, many people have recently come!

What is the reason why so many people come to the Wolong Mountain Range regardless of danger?

It turns out that some people here have been competing against each other recently, and Bidou is still a strong man of two holy ranks.This news has spread throughout the entire Celestial Continent!

For the rare competition in this century, how can those who cultivate or do good things not come?

What’s more, this time than the person who fights is also particularly curious!

Because, one of the people in the competition this time is a powerful saint who is only a newcomer!

Although this is only a newly promoted holy rank powerhouse, he has defeated some time ago, the veteran holy rank mad sky saint!

However, not many people knew about the match, and the news came out only after the match!

But this time is different, this time before the competition, the news has spread throughout the entire Celestial Continent, so there are so many people rushing here!

This is to see the newly promoted holy rank powerhouse while watching the competition, and see if you can have a good relationship with her by the way. After all, there are only dozens of saints in the Celestial Continent!

Moreover, this newly promoted holy rank powerhouse is not an ordinary holy rank, which new holy rank have you seen that defeated the older generation’s holy rank!

What’s more, the defeated Crazy Heavenly Saint is not an ordinary Saint-Rank powerhouse, but among the Saint-Rank of the Celestial Continent, it is also an existence that can rank in the top ten!

And this newly promoted holy rank defeated him, doesn’t it mean that as soon as he was promoted to the holy rank, he immediately has the strength of the top ten?

Although there are still ten days to go before the competition, no fewer than 10,000 people have come here!

And a hundred kilometers away from the Wolong Mountains, there is a town!

This town is also the only one, built in the town closest to the Wolong Mountains!

Since this town is closest to the Wolong Mountains, it is also overcrowded. Most of these people come here to do business. After all, this is the only town closest to the Wolong Mountains!

Therefore, some cultivators often go into the mountains, hunt down Magical Beasts, and then come here to sell them!

And they came here to acquire the magic core of Magical Beasts and the hide of Magical Beasts!

A wide street in the east-west direction is lined with shops. People are picking and picking before a dazzling array of goods, bargaining loudly, noises, crowds, and prosperity.

The west section of a north-south street was filled with crowds. People pupae came from all directions and rushed to a square at the end of the street. The noise reverberated through the sky, the crowd was raging, and it was unstoppable.

After exiting the alley of Xitou, I came to a wide road in the north-south direction. This road starts from the southern foot of Qingfeng Mountain in the north. It runs through the whole town, goes south, and leads directly into the distance.

Walking along the road paved with sand and stone, but seeing that the road is level, the trees next to the road are shaded, the crown of the tree rises into the clouds, the old stems are slanted, and the sparse branches and leaves are screaming from birds and birds. , It is intoxicating.

At this moment, on the overcrowded street, there are two little girls who are only four or five years old, looking around curiously!

Among them, a relatively young man is holding a strange white pony in his hands. This pony has a single horn on its head, and its sides are also printed with golden lightning marks. Extraordinary!

And another little girl, a little older, is holding an unusually colorful blue bird in her hand!

“Big sis! There are so many people here!”

I saw that the younger one said to the older girl next to him!

Needless to say, who else can these two little girls have besides Xiaoyin and Qiqi?

And the blue bird and white pony they are holding are their mounts and look white!

“Yeah! There are so many people!”

Hearing that, Xiao Guo also nodded and said!

“But because of Big Sis! Do you think Winnie Big Sis will be here?”

Kiki asked again!

Winnie “Big sis should be here! Because the uncle said that? As long as we head in this direction, we can see a town, and Winnie Big sis fights in this town. nearby!”

“What’s more, we searched for a long time, and found that there is only this town here! I think Winnie Big sis should be here!”

Xiaoyin hesitated for a while, and then replied!

After these two little guys left the Far West, they asked people all the way, and finally found here!

Of course, during this period, there are also some greedy people who want to catch two little guys.

But the two little guys are so good?

Not to mention the Cultivation Base on them, just the two Saint-Order Magical Beasts next to them, let them go sideways on the Celestial Continent!

0……Look for flowers…

Then someone asked, how can it be possible to walk sideways? Isn’t there a god level?

Do you think that a strong person who cultivates to a god level would be so stupid?

Two Saint-tier Magical Beasts can be used as mounts for two little girls. If there is no strong behind them, I am afraid that no one will believe it!

So needless to say, when those who are greedy for rewards want to do it, they are directly destroyed by Lan and Baibai!

Of course, these are all done in secret, even the two little guys Xiaoyin and Qiqi don’t know!

As for Lan and Baibai, why do they dare to do it privately without the consent of Xiaoyin and Qiqi?

Of course it was Qin Xuan’s order!

Although Mingmian is Xiaoguo and Qiqi are their masters, they all know that Qin Xuan’s words are the most useful in the face of major events!


What’s more, the reason why they can become Saint-tier Magical Beasts are all bestowed by Qin Xuan.

“Then how do we find Winnie Big sis!”

Qiqi watched the people coming and going, and couldn’t help asking now!

“Uh! I don’t know! How about we are looking for someone to ask as before?”

“Okay! Then we will find someone to ask!”

Qiqi also nodded in agreement!

“Kiki, look at the three of you beautiful Big sis who came by, or let’s ask them!

At this time, Xiaoyin saw the three women walking not far in front, and then said to Qiqi next to him!

“Yeah! These three beautiful Big sis must be good people, let’s go and ask them!

Hearing this, Qiqi also nodded with approval!

Therefore, the two little guys walked towards the front!

“Miss, I didn’t expect to have such a prosperous town in such a remote place as the Wolong Mountains!”

Elena walked in front, looked around, and suddenly heard the maid behind her, a little surprised!

“Of course, you have to know that this is the only town in the Wolong Mountains. Most of the Magical Beasts, magic cores, and animal skins of our Spirit Dragon Empire come from here! Can you say that this is not prosperous?”

“What’s more, what do you say we are here for?”

Hearing that, Elena gave the maid behind her a white look, and then said angrily!

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