Chapter 625: The Extreme West!

“I’m back! How’s it going? What fun things came across when I went out this time!”

Qin Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi who ran in, and was not surprised at all, because this was not the first time!

“No! But Big Brother, guess what we heard outside!”

Xiaoyin and Qiqi shook their heads, and suddenly the two little guys seemed to have thought of something, and then both said to Qin Xuan with a mysterious expression!

“Listen! What did you hear?”

Although Qin Xuan didn’t care much about what he heard from the two little guys, he asked with a curious look on his face!

If this is not the case, I am afraid these two little guys will have an endless fight again!

Hee hee “! Big Big Brother. We heard the news of Winnie Big sis!”

“Huh? Winnie Field?”

After hearing Xiao Yinyin’s words, Qin Xuan asked again uncertainly!

“Yeah! It’s Wendy Big sis!”

The community nodded affirmatively!

Qin Xuan is also interested now!

Although Winnie Field is not a true apprentice of Own, she taught how to say it, and it is also about Own meeting. Therefore, Qin Xuan is more concerned about her news!

“What news did you hear from her?”

We “heard that the person outside called Wendy Big sis as a saint. Moreover, Wendy Big sis seems to have just defeated a person! That person seems to be called a mad saint!”

Xiao Yin thought for a while, and then said!

“Holy? Huh? Is Winnie Field’s Cultivation Base already breakthrough the holy order? And also defeated another holy-order powerhouse!”

Qin Xuan guessed in his heart from the words of Yinyin since he was a child!

“Unexpectedly, after a few years, Winnie Field, the little girl, has actually become a holy order!”

Qin Xuan couldn’t help but said with emotion!

“What else do you hear?

“Woo… By the way, I heard from others that Wendy Big sis has to challenge recently, what kind of saint!”

After listening to Qin Xuan asking again, the community bowed his head and thought for a while, and then said again!

“Ah! It seems that this little Nizi is going to challenge all the Saint-Rank powerhouses in the world, female!”

In an instant, Qin Xuan guessed what Winnie Field was going to do from the words of a child!

“Big Big Brother! How about we go and see Wendy Big sis!”

At this time, Xiaoyin looked at Qin Xuan expectantly, and then said!

“Didn’t you just come back? Why do you want to go out in such a hurry?”

Qin Xuan looked at Xiao Yuantu and Qiqi in depression, these two little guys!

To be honest, Qin Xuan really does not want to go out now. For most people, the saint may be a very powerful existence, but for Qin Xuan, it seems to be watching two strands of ants fighting, which is a little attracted to him. No power!

Had it not been for Winnie Field’s acquaintance, I’m afraid Qin Xuan would not even pay attention to it!

“But people want Wendy Big sis! Kiki, do you want Wendy Big sis too?”

Xiao Guoguo acted like a baby at Qin Xuan!

In the end, I don’t forget to pull Kiki into the water!

“Uh! How about it! You two are still the same as before. You two can go, and the Big Brother will stay and see the house? After you come back, tell the Big Brother about the matter?”

Qin Xuan rolled his eyes, and then proposed to the two little guys, Xiaoyin and Qiqi!

“To see this boring competition, I might as well stay and sleep for a while!”

Qin Xuan secretly said in his heart!

But “… Yin Yin and Qiqi don’t know the way! If we get lost, the Big Brother will not see us in the future!”

“How is it possible to get lost? You know, Yinyin and Qiqi said that you have grown up! And adults, you won’t get lost! Are you lying to Big Brother, you are not adults at all? ”

Qin Xuan looked at the two little guys with suspicion, and then asked!

“Why and Qiqi could lie to Big Brother? We are really grown-ups! If you don’t believe me, ask Qiqi!”

Hearing this, Xiao Yinguo suddenly became anxious, and then defended!

Speaking of the last, I didn’t forget to point to Qiqi next to him, and signal Qin Xuan to ask her if she didn’t believe it!

“Hmm! Kiki has grown up! She is an adult!”

Qiqi next to her also nodded back quickly!

The thing is like this!

It turned out that Qin Xuan, Xiao Yinyin, and Qiqi began to travel around the Celestial Continent after hearing the elves. After more than a year, the three of them had almost moved the entire Celestial Continent!

In the end, it was really boring, Qin Xuan settled down in this extremely western land, planning to live here for a long time!

And the scene of the extreme west is covered with glaciers, so no one will come here at all, so I am not afraid of being disturbed by anyone, it is very quiet!

But Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi are so easy to live in, and within a month, the two little guys want to go out again!

But Qin Xuan finally calmed down, how could he agree?

Is it not good to be blowing cold wind or sleeping when there is nothing wrong?

So, without thinking about it, Qin Xuan rejected the proposal of the two little guys!

Hearing Qin Xuan’s refusal, the two little guys suddenly became displeased, and they started to quarrel. At first, Qin Xuan didn’t care about it. If they wanted to, let them quarrel!

But what Qin Xuan didn’t expect was that these two little guys were so persevering. Seeing that Qin Xuan was indifferent, they continued to make trouble the next day. On the third day, the fourth day, in the next month, the two This little guy didn’t stop at all, and came to Qin Xuan every day to make trouble!

In the end, Qin Xuan was really annoyed by these two little guys, so he said, if you grow up, it will be fine, don’t bother me here every day!!

Who knows, when the two little guys heard Qin Xuan’s words, their eyes suddenly brightened, and then they said, “Big Brother, we have grown up! If you don’t go out, the two of us can go out by ourselves!’

After speaking, the two little guys ignored him, turned their heads and ran out!


Seeing this, Qin Xuan is also happy and pure!

After all, although a large part of the Cultivation Base of these two little guys has been sealed by themselves, no one can hurt them on the Celestial Continent!

What’s more, don’t they have two Saint-tier Magical Beasts beside them?

So, seeing the two of them preparing to go out by themselves, Qin Xuan did not stop him!

However, even though they knew that no one could hurt them here, Qin Xuan still left a mark of Divine Sense on them and let them go out!

The two little guys came back after being away for seven days, and then told him what they had learned about the two of them going out this time!

In this way, the two little guys stayed in the Extreme West for a few days, and then ran out to play for a few days. Repeatedly, Qin Xuan couldn’t remember how many times the two little guys went out!

And this time, the two little guys wanted to let him go out for the reason of getting lost, and Qin Xuan blocked them with the reason that the adults would not get lost!

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