Chapter 622: Goodbye Giant Wolf Cough Cough!

“Divine Sense? Is Mental Energy called Divine Sense?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Audrey and Wendini couldn’t help but guess!

“Wow! Better than fruit! Hee hee! Thank you Wendy Big sis!

At this moment, the nearby community suddenly exclaimed, and then thanked Wendini!

“Hee hee! There are a lot of Qiqi here too! Thank you Wendy Big sis!

Kiki also showed a happy smile on her face, and then thanked Wendini!

“Aha! You’re welcome, anyway, thank you that wherever the fruit is placed is a waste, it is better to bring Guoguo and Qiqi, so that you can eat it on the road!”

Wen Dini smiled upon hearing this, and then explained!

There are not many other elves, but there are many fruits!

“Okay! Since your Wendy Big sis has sent you so many fruits, should we also leave?”

Qin Xuan looked at the two little guys with smiles on their faces, and said immediately!

Hearing that, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi also nodded!

“Let’s go then!

After speaking, Qin Xuan took the lead and walked outside!

Seeing this, not only Xiao Guoyin and Kiki, but also Audrey and Wendini who were next to them hurriedly followed!

Village entrance!

“Okay! Don’t give it away either!”

Stepping out of existence, Qin Xuan stopped, and then said to Audrey and Wendini behind him!

“Yeah! Good. So, then Mr. Qin Xuan, go slowly!”

Hearing this, Audrey and Wendini also nodded, and then said!

“Yin, Kiki! Goodbye! Remember to come back to see us when you have time!

“Hmm! Beautiful Big sis, Wendy Big sis, goodbye!”

Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi also waved at these two women, and then they felt loudly!

After shouting, he turned around and followed Qin Xuan’s steps and left!

Looking at the disappeared backs of the three of Qin Xuan, Audrey and Wendini couldn’t help but wonder!

After a while, Audrey, who had recovered first, said to Wendini: “Okay! Let’s go back too!

After speaking, Audrey turned and walked into the village!

“Yes! Mother God!”

Wendini responded, and then she also walked into the village!

On the other side! Qin Xuan three people walking in the fairy forest!

“Big Brother! Where are we going now?”

Xiao Guoyin was looking at the surrounding environment while eating a fruit quietly with his mobile phone, and then asked Qin Xuan!

“Wherever you want to go, we will go!”

Qin Xuan, who was walking in front, said without looking back!

“But we don’t know where to go!

Hearing that, Xiaoguo also stopped eating fruit, and then asked Qin Xuan blankly!

Kiki “How about you?”

Qin Xuan looked at Qiqi next to him again!

“Kiki doesn’t know! Where are the Big Brother and Big sis, where is Kiki?”

Kiki looked at Qin Xuan a little dumbly, and then said!

“That’s it!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also fell into deep thought.After a while, Qin Xuan raised his head, and then said to the two little guys:

“Since we don’t know where to go, then we will follow this direction and keep walking until the end, how about?


After hearing Qin Xuan’s proposal, the two little guys would naturally not object!

“Wait! I’ll find transportation first!”

Suddenly, Qin Xuan thought of something and said!

“Traveling? What is Big Brother Traveling?”

Madoka and Kiki asked curiously!

“Transportation is not good. Let us like a mount, so that we can be more comfortable!”

Qin Xuan explained!

“Okay, okay! Yinyin and Qiqi have to travel too!”

Hearing this, Xiao Tuguo’s eyes lit up, and then he nodded and said!

“Big Brother! Kiki wants to travel too!”

Qiqi next to him is also looking forward to Qin Xuan!

“Okay! I will find a way for you all!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan also nodded helplessly!

After speaking, I saw Qin Xuan Divine Sense released, and the whole Elf Forest was covered in an instant!

“Hey! Unexpectedly, you are still here!

Suddenly, Qin Xuan seemed to see something, and whispered involuntarily!

After speaking, he waved his hand and a giant wolf appeared in front of Xiaohe Qiqi!

“Huh! Isn’t this the giant wolf that the Big Brother sat before?”

After seeing this giant wolf, Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi couldn’t help but look at it curiously!

And the giant wolf is also at a loss for his sudden appearance here!

0……Look for flowers…

“Isn’t I staying in the territory? How come I suddenly appear here!”

The giant wolf couldn’t help but secretly!

Right now, the giant wolf was going to look around to see where it was!

But when the giant wolf just turned around, he found that a familiar face was printed in its eyes!

After seeing this face, the giant wolf’s pupils shrank fiercely, as if seeing something that made it fear, and quickly retreated, and its huge body was shaking violently!

“Hey! Little guy, we meet again!”

Seeing the giant wolf, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but raised his hand and waved at it, and then greeted him friendly!

But for Qin’s friendliness, the eyes of the giant wolf are full of fear!


“Big Brother! It seems to be afraid of you!

Even Yin and Qiqi in the neighborhood can see that this giant wolf is afraid of Qin Xuan!

“Little guy, don’t worry! I am arresting you this time, not to harm you!”

Regarding the community cause, Qin Xuan didn’t give a chance at all, but said to the giant wolf!

Although the giant wolf can’t speak, it can still understand Qin Xuan’s meaning, and now it is staring at Qin Xuan suspiciously, wanting to see if what he said is true!

“Really! Don’t lie to you!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan said affirmatively!

“I want you to come here this time because I want you to carry us around and go around! Of course, I won’t let you do it in vain, and it will also benefit you!”

Hearing Qin Xuan’s words, the giant wolf’s eyes hesitated!

“I think you should feel the benefits I gave you when I went to the elves before!”

At this time, Qin Xuan said again!

Hearing this, the giant wolf’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then its huge head unconsciously nodded!

It turned out that the second day after the giant wolf returned, it went from the sixth Ascension to the seventh.As for why it is ascension, the giant wolf itself can feel it, that is, there is a powerful force in its body!

As for why this powerful force suddenly appeared in its body, the giant wolf used its not very smart head to think about it, and knew that it must have been given to it by the previous person (Qin Xuan)!

Therefore, now that Qin Xuan is talking about benefits, he nodded involuntarily like this!

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