Chapter 616 Can You Take Us To Honghuang Together?

“Mr. Tang, do you know the way to the great wilderness?”

The Lord of Life looked at Qin Xuan expectantly!

“Yeah! Do you want to go to Honghuang?”

Qin Xuan looked at her strangely!

Hearing this, the Lord of Life nodded firmly!

“Why go to Honghuang? Honghuang is not as beautiful as you think!”

Qin Xuan said with a smile!

Although there is darkness and slaughter in any world, the existence of the predecessor will be annihilated if it is not careful.Any big Luo Jinxian, or even a quasi-sage war, will destroy the sky and the earth, and then I don’t know how many creatures it will take!

This is still Hongjun Daozu forbidding Sage to take action in the prehistoric, or else the entire prehistoric will be shattered!

Thinking of the year, whether it was the dragon, phoenix, Qilin tribe war, or the lich war, it spread to more than half of the prehistoric state. At that time, I don’t know how many creatures have fallen and how many races have been annihilated!

“I’m not afraid! Mr. Tang, my Cultivation Base is in this world, so I can’t Ascension anymore, so I hope I can go to a broader prehistoric world! Only in this way can I have the possibility of Ascension!

The Lord of Life looked at Qin Xuan firmly with his eyes, and then said!

“Woo. 217 like this!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but fell into thought!

Seeing Qin Xuan sinking into thought, the Lord of Life couldn’t help raising his heart, and then looked at Qin Xuan nervously!

“Let’s do this! We will stay in the Celestial Continent for a while. During this time, you should think carefully about whether you want to go with us! If you have decided to go, then when I go back, I will take you with you! ”

Looking at the life master with a nervous face, Qin Xuan said with a smile!

“Mr. Tang”, don’t think about it, I have already made a decision, I must go!

Who knows that the Lord of Life said directly to him without thinking about it!

“Okay! Then when I go back, I will look for you!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan didn’t try to persuade him more, so he said it right now!

“Mr. Tang, can you take us too?

At this time, the goddess of nature and the god of forests next to them also asked expectantly!

“Ah! Anyway, I bring one with me, and I bring two with me. If I want to go, I will take you there when I arrive!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but smiled, and then said!

“Mother God! You want to go too? What about our elves?”

Seeing that the mother god is actually going to the land, Wen Dini next to him is anxious, and immediately asked!

“Ding Ding? Wendy, your current Cultivation Base is already the pinnacle of the gods. Except for other people from The Three Realms, otherwise in this Celestial Continent, very few people can do anything to you! So, I’m here It doesn’t really matter if you are there or not!”

Hearing this, Audrey couldn’t help but said with a smile!


“Okay! It’s nothing good, but I’m determined!”

Seeing what Wendini wanted to say, Audrey directly waved her hand to interrupt, and then said firmly!

“Ah! You don’t have to be like life and death, you just go to the wild world, and it’s not that you can’t come back!”

Seeing this, the face of Qin Xuan next to him couldn’t help, showing a funny color, and then said!

“Um? Mr. Tang, you mean, after going to Honghuang, we can come back again?”

Hearing that, the Lord of Life next to You Tie asked in shock!

“Of course! Otherwise, why can the creatures of your world come back after they went to Honghuang?”

Qin Xuan rolled his eyes when he arrived, and said angrily!


After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, the Lord of Life came to mind and told him that the friend who was in the prehistoric world seemed to be in the prehistoric world, but isn’t she staying in heaven right now?

“Um! I didn’t expect it for a while!”

Thinking of this, the Lord of Life couldn’t help showing (aqbd) an embarrassing look on his face!

And Wen Dini heard that she could return to the prehistoric world, and the worry in her heart was also relieved!

Just now, she thought that God would not come back after he left, so she was so anxious, and now she heard that she could come back, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief!

And Audrey next to her, after hearing Qin Xuan’s words, smiled on her face!

“That’s right! Mr. Tang, can you tell us about the prehistoric world? So we will also prepare early!”

The Lord of Life looked at Qin Xuan, and then asked curiously!

“Honghuang? Yes!

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but hesitated, but nodded when he came back to his senses!

“Then I will introduce to you the top powers in the prehistoric! So you don’t need to get rid of the predominant, your eyes will be blackened!”

“In fact, there are a few of the strongest forces in the primordial land. They are, interception, interpretation, and own Buddhism! These three forces all have Sage in charge! Therefore, if you can not sin, it is best not to offend them!

“Sage? Mr. Tang, what is Sage? Is it the name of a certain Cultivation Base stage in the prehistoric world?”

The goddess of nature asked curiously!

Not only her, except for Xiao Yinyin and Qiqiwei, everyone else looked at Qin Xuan with curiosity!

Because they have never heard of this name!

“Yes or not!”


Everyone was also fooled by Qin Xuan’s words, yes, yes, no, no. What does it mean?

“It can be said that Sage is a Realm in the past, and it can be said that it is not. Sage is actually a fruit position. Only people recognized by Heavenly Dao can become Sage! And the real name of this Realm is called, Chaos Daluo Jinxian! ”

“Chaotic Great Luo Jinxian?”

“Well! It’s the Golden Fairy of Chaos Daluo!”

Qin Xuan nodded, and then continued: “Of course, it’s not harmless to do so, that is, to become a Sage person, you must say that the own soul is integrated into Heavenly Dao and controlled by Heavenly Dao! The good thing is, even if you fall. Now, your soul can be resurrected through Heavenly Dao!

“So, this is why Sage is immortal!

Speaking of this, Qin Xuan looked at the people who shined in the double line, and shook his head speechlessly at the moment!

I thought, in fact, Sage is not as good as you think on the surface. Before they do something, they have to think carefully about what they can and cannot do!

But Qin Xuan did not say this, but left them as a goal!

“Immortal? Even if you fall, you can come back to life! Is this Sage?”

The Lord of Life’s eyes are full of yearning, as if Sage is his own goal!!

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