Chapter 611: The Lord of Life: What, Are You From The Flood?

But he said that when he heard Xiao Tutu say that he and Qiqi were from Honghuang, the life master next to him was exclaimed!

Compared to Audrey’s three daughters, she had heard of Honghuang this place!

Moreover, she has a friend, if Honghuang, once heard from her friend, she was fortunate to have been to Honghuang once!

There is no magic element there, and there is no magic, there is only something called Spiritual Qi, and it is very rich. I heard that the people who cultivate Spiritual Qi there are more powerful than the magic element!

Once, over there, heaven, The Netherworld, and the beast The Mortal Realm, the three interfaces had conflicts there, so they were ready to fight, but unexpectedly, there was a force called Buddhism to stop it!

They were stopped, and of course the Three Realms refused, so The Three Realms wanted to unite and prepare to fight Buddhism!

But what makes people never expected is that the Buddhists actually sent a few people and swept them The Three Realms, and even the Lord, the master of their heaven, the Grim Reaper, the master of The Netherworld, the beast world. The beast gods, the master of, were all cleaned up by these people!

Since then, the three forces on The Three Realms have all been honest, and they dare not continue to make trouble in the predicament!

When she heard what her friend said, she thought she was joking. After all, in her cognition, 047 God, the god of death, the god of beasts, these three are all invincible peak powerhouses!

In this world, there have been many people who wanted to overthrow the rule of the three of them, but they were all crushed ruthlessly!

And now, a force in a place on a prehistoric continent only sent a few people and swept their side, the three most powerful forces, and even the controllers of these three forces have not escaped!

Therefore, this is why she was so shocked after hearing that the community said that they were from the land!

“Are you really from the prehistoric?”

Temporarily suppressing the shock in my heart, the Lord of Life looked at Xiao Yinyin and asked again uncertainly!


Xiaotu nodded affirmatively!


Hearing this, the life lord god also showed a sudden enlightenment on his face, and then said: “I’ll just say, how can that fox be so powerful and so huge. If you are from the wild, then continue to explain!”

“Big Sister! You know Honghuang this place!

Audrey and Artemis looked at the Lord of Life with doubts, and then asked!

Regarding the two people’s ignorance of the matter (agbd), the life master does not feel strange at all, mainly because they are not at a level yet, so they don’t know this secret thing!

Moreover, the Lord of Life thought that he would never have a chance to go to the land in the future, so he didn’t tell them!

Because even if I tell them, it’s useless, but it adds to their troubles. It’s better to hide it, but it’s better!

“Yeah. I know!”

The Lord of Life nodded, indicating that he had heard of it!

“Then Big Sister, tell us what is Honghuang?”

Seeing that Big Sister actually knew this place, Audrey and Artemis couldn’t wait to ask!

And the Elf Queen Wen Dini next to her was also looking at the Lord of Life with a curious look, and wanted to hear what the Lord of Life said, what kind of place Hong Huang was like!

“In fact, I have only heard of Honghuang from my friends, and I have never been to it!”

Seeing this, the Lord of Life couldn’t help but smile, and then explained!

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Life had heard what he had heard from his friends, and he had told the three women again!

“There is still such a powerful place! Even the three major forces have been swept away, and how many people are there?”

After hearing the explanation from the Lord of Life, Audrey and Artemis also said in disbelief!

Wendini may not know what the three major powers represent, but Audrey and Artemis do know that it is the world’s strongest power, even if a single power strikes, it can sweep the whole world!

“Buddhism? Why do you seem to have heard of it somewhere!”

And looking at the small country of the four women with a strange expression, it is also a little puzzled!

Because the Buddhism spoken by the Lord of Life just now made her feel very familiar with it, as if she had heard of it, but she couldn’t remember it for a while!

“Kiki! Have you heard of Buddhism?”

The small country that couldn’t think of it for a while, couldn’t help but ask Qiqi who was eating fruit next to it!

“Buddhism? What is that stuff? Can you eat it?”

After hearing Big sis’s question, Qiqi, who hadn’t recovered for a while, also asked blankly!



Seeing this, Xiaocai couldn’t help being speechless for a while!

Don’t you just know what to eat? Although the fruit is delicious, but…wait, the fruit?

Suddenly, Xiaoyin flashed a flash of light in her mind, and turned her head to look at the white, round fruit in Qiqi’s hand, and instantly she thought that she had heard of Buddhism there!

As shown in the picture, Big sis looked at the fruit in her hand and looked excited. Qiqi wanted to eat the fruit because of Big sis. At the moment, she took out a fruit from the own space and handed it to Xiao Tutu said: “Big sis! Do you want to eat fruit? Come, Kiki will eat it for you!

“Uh, no, I just thought about where I heard Buddhism!”

Seeing this, Xiao shook his head, and then said smugly!


The small words were naturally heard by the four girls, and they were all looking at the small garden at the same time!

“Because! Can you tell Big Sis what kind of existence Buddhism really is?”

Asked the elf queen Wendini!

After all, although she has the lowest status among the four girls, who makes her have the best relationship with Xiaogong and Qiqi!

“Hehe! I know this.

Seeing everyone looking at him curiously, Xiaoguo couldn’t help but hold his head up, and then said with pride, “Buddhism is full of bald heads!”

“Light… bald?”

Upon hearing this answer from the community, Wendy’s four girls were also dumbfounded!

What kind of answer is this? Moreover, this force called Buddhism is too strange, right?

The people inside are actually bald? Don’t you have to shave your head if you want to join this force?

“Bald head? Big villain! Where is the bald head? Kiki is going to beat the big villain!”

And Qiqi, who was eating the fruit, suddenly heard the words bald head, she suddenly stopped, immediately raised her head, looked around, and then shouted!

However, I found that everyone looked at him strangely, and Qiqi couldn’t help but show a dazed look!

Because Big sis doesn’t mean that there is a big bald head? Why didn’t Qiqi see it?

“Kiki! Do you know Buddhism too?”

Seeing this, Wen Dini couldn’t help asking strangely!

“Buddhism? I don’t know!”

Kiki shook her head blankly!

“Then what did you just say you want to fight the villain?”

Wendini continued to ask!

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