Chapter 598 Pill Emperor Elder!

The headed female elf smiled back!

Yes, this female elf headed is the Elder Elder in the Queen’s mouth!

Originally, she was patrolling outside with people today, but just now she suddenly received an order from the queen that someone attacked the barrier, so she followed the fluctuations coming from the barrier and hurried over.

But I didn’t expect that after coming here, I didn’t find anyone attacking the enchantment, but looked at the two human children they had discovered before!

This time due to being closer, Dandi Elder felt from Xiaoyin and Qiqi that these two human children are people with very pure hearts, so they did not attack them!

However, Elder Dandi, the elven clan, received an order from the queen, saying that someone had attacked the enchantment in the clan, so he found it along the fluctuation of energy. Two human children!

At the moment Dandy Elder asked these two human children, but the answer was that no one had been here except for the two “nine and fifty”!

And Danti Elder did not believe that it was these two human children who attacked the enchantment, and after some getting along, she discovered that these two human children were actually people with pure hearts, and she would not believe it. Two human children with pure hearts are the ones who attack the barriers of their own race!

“Because, Kiki! How did you two get here?”

Dandi Elder asked the two gentlemen towards the community!

She is also very curious about this matter, knowing that this is the deepest part of the elf forest!

The entire elven forest is so big, coming here from the periphery is at least a few thousand kilometers, or even tens of thousands of kilometers, let alone the danger!

There are many beasts in the periphery, even low-level Magical Beasts, and here are full of high-level Magical Beasts.

And how did the two children who don’t have any Cultivation Base travel thousands of kilometers, or even tens of thousands of kilometers, and escape the attacks of the beasts, Magical Beasts, to come here?

“Hehe! Dandi Big sis, Yin and Qiqi are here with Big Brother!

The small picture said with a smile!

“Big Brother?”

Hearing this, Dandi Elder frowned involuntarily, and then asked again: “What about your Big Brother?”

“Unexpectedly, there are other humans here! So, is the Big Brother in their mouth the one who attacked the barrier?”

Dandi Elder couldn’t help but secretly secretly!

“Hehe! Dandi Big sis is so stupid, of course the Big Brother hasn’t come yet! It was Qiqi and Big sis who ran in first!”

Seeing that Dandi Big sis didn’t even know this, Qiqi next to her couldn’t help making a face at her, and then said!

“Huh? Haven’t come yet? Did you guess wrong!”

After hearing Qiqi’s words, Dandi Elder frowned even more!

“Since your Big Brother is not here, how did you two get here? Didn’t you encounter any beasts or Magical Beasts?”

Dandi Elder meant to say, how did you two human children who do not have any Cultivation Base walk through these tens of thousands of kilometers and come here from the outskirts of the Elf Forest!

Don’t say it is tens of thousands of kilometers, even if it is ten kilometers, two human children without any Cultivation Base can’t finish walking. What’s more, they are not walking on the street. There is no way in the fairy forest. They go!

“Of course it flew over!”

After hearing Dandi Elder’s inquiry, Qiqi looked at him strangely, and then replied!

“Fei Feifei came here!”

Hearing this, Dandi Elder was also stunned!

“Yeah! Yin and Qiqi just flew here!”

At this time, Xiao Yinyin also nodded and admitted!

“How is this possible, you two, don’t lie to Dandi Big sis!”

Dandi Elder asked again with a look of disbelief!

“Huh! Tutu Big Sis and Qiqi are good boys, they won’t lie!

Who knows, when she saw Dandi Elder didn’t believe them, Qiqi couldn’t help but pouted and said with a dissatisfaction!

After speaking, in the incredible gaze of Dandi Elder and the elves, the whole person floated, and flew around them twice in midair before falling down!

“Huh! See if Qiqi is not a lie!”

Seeing everyone looking at herself in horror, Qiqi immediately held her head up and said proudly

“Huh! What’s so great, because it can fly too!”

Seeing everyone at the scene looked at Qiqi in shock, Xiao Xiao suddenly stopped doing it, and said immediately!

After speaking, he flew up like Qiqi, and then flew two laps at them before landing!

“How can this be?”

Dandi Elder seemed to have been shocked by something, he stepped back a few steps, and then he became confused!

You know, flying is the symbol of the holy order, even the elves who are beloved by nature, can’t escape this law!

“You won’t be a dragon in form, right? No, a dragon can fly, yes, but a human being in a dragon form is impossible before becoming a holy rank! Say, who are you?”

Dandi Elder, who had recovered, looked at Xiaoyin and Qiqi with a guarded look!

“Who are we?”

After hearing Dandi Elder’s words and seeing her look guarded, Xiaoguo and Qiqi were obviously also in a daze!

Wasn’t it okay just now? Why are you asking who Yin and Qiqi are now?

“Transformation? Because you can’t transform it! But Qiqi can transform it!”

Xiao Guoguo shook his head, and then explained with a blank face!

“Huh? Kiki? What kind of incarnation are you? Why don’t I feel the slightest breath?”

After hearing Xiao Guoyin’s words, Dandi Elder immediately stared at Qiqi again!

On the other hand, Qiqi looked at Dandi Elder, who was constantly changing his face, with a dull face, she didn’t even know what happened!

“Kiki is a little white fox!”

At this time, the neighboring community continued to say!

“White Tiger? Or white fox?”

“It’s not White Tiger! It’s a little white fox, it’s so cute!”

Xiaoyin remembered that little white fox Kiki was very cute when she hadn’t transformed, so she said immediately!

Dandi Elder was also relieved when he heard this white fox, not the White Tiger he thought in his heart!

If it is the White Tiger in my heart, I am afraid that things will be difficult, it is a holy beast!

He is born with the strength of the holy rank. Once he reaches adulthood, his strength will break through. However, there are only four holy beasts in the entire Celestial Continent. They are the Azure Dragon in the East, the White Tiger in the South, the Vermillion Bird in the South, and the Black Tortoise in the North!

However, these four sacred beasts generally fall into a deep sleep, and they will only wake up unless they are disturbed by something, and no one can know where they are sleeping!

“But, Qiqi is in the form of a white fox, why can’t I feel her breath 1.2? And, there is no trace of cultivation on her body. Could it be that she ate something like Heavenly and Mortal Treasures? ”

Dandi Elder couldn’t help but guess!

“That cause! How did you fly?”

Dandi Elder also remembered at this time that the girl named Yinyin in front of him has no form of transformation.It has been a long time that she is a human, but it is impossible for a human to fly before becoming a holy step!

“I don’t know how I can fly! It seems a long, long time ago, because I could fly!”

Hearing that, Xiao Yinyin also looked at Dandi Elder blankly, and then replied: “What’s the matter?”

Seeing that Xiaoguo didn’t look like a liar, Dandi Elder couldn’t guess why. He shook his head and said, “Forget it, anyway, this matter is beyond imagination, so go back and report it to the queen. ! Maybe she knows something…,

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