Chapter 595: The Depths of the Elf Forest!

“Kiki, have you forgotten what the Big Brother said? Let us not eat things we don’t recognize outside!”

Seeing that Qiqi wanted to eat fruit that he didn’t recognize, the community couldn’t help but put his hands on his hips and said to Qiqi with a serious face!

As long as Xiao Yinyin is reprimanding Kiki, his eyes still can’t help but listen to the fruit, and he keeps swallowing saliva in his mouth!

“But… but they look really delicious! If these are really edible, will we waste it soon?”

Qiqi shrank her neck when Xiao Guoguo was reprimanded, and then whispered in a low voice!

Although Qiqi’s voice was small, she couldn’t keep her from the ears of the community. To be honest, the community was actually very moved, so she couldn’t help but suggest now: “Why not? Let’s pick these fruits and wait. After the Big Brother comes, we will show him again and see if we can eat it!”

“Hmm! I picked it up, I picked it all!”

Hearing this, Qiqi agreed without thinking about it!

After finishing talking, I didn’t wait for Xiaoguo’s reaction, so he picked it up and threw it into its own space!

After a while, all the fruits on this tree. So there is no one left by these two little guys!

“Kiki. Are you finished?”

“Yeah! Because of Big sis, Kiki has picked a lot!”

After hearing this, Qiqi also nodded quickly, and then replied with some excitement!

“Then let’s go!”

“Remember! You can’t eat them until the Big Brother hasn’t looked at the fruits!”

Seeing that Qiqi naturally stared at the red unknown in her hand, she couldn’t help but commanded again!

“Big sis! Kiki knows it! Kiki just looks at it and can’t eat it!”

After speaking, the two little guys continued to fly towards a deeper place!

The deepest part of the fairy forest!

There are huge trees growing here, and even the smallest tree is nearly tens of meters high.

And in these big trees, there are holes, and the trees seem to have been hollowed out, and in these holes, there are bridges, thank you for the bridges as natural formations, they link to another hole!

And in the center of these big trees, a big tree that just existed in ancient times, this big tree is several hundred meters high, the whole tree is like a giant umbrella, covering a few kilometers!

Moreover, as long as someone sees the green light radiating from this huge sky tree, they will definitely feel that this huge sky tree has incomparable vitality!

And before the giant tree in the sky, there is a huge palace!

This is a naturally formed palace, all made up of branches. The dew on the leaves evaporates under the sun, and it looks like a fairyland from a distance.

In this palace, a woman with long ears, long turquoise hair and turquoise eyes, wearing a long green dress, with her eyes closed, is sitting on the throne made of rattan. superior!

At this moment, a woman ran in from the palace, but when she entered the palace, her steps slowed down unknowingly, as if she was afraid of disturbing the woman in the green dress sitting on the throne!


The woman walked in softly to ten meters away from the throne, then stopped, and then whispered!

After hearing the woman’s voice, the woman in the green dress sitting on the throne also slowly opened her eyes, and then asked the woman who had just entered: “Xiguan! What can you do?”

Queen “! Dandi Elder, who was patrolling outside just now, suddenly sent back news that two human children were found outside our village!”

Hearing the queen’s question, the girl who had just entered, who was called Xiguan by the woman above the throne, saw her waist bend slightly, and said respectfully!

“Human child?”

After listening to what is known as Naxiguan, the queen frowned slightly, and then asked again: “Did Emperor Dan Elder really see two human children?”

“Back to the queen, Dandi Elder said, she really saw the two human children with her own eyes!

Hearing this, Xiguan nodded, and then said with a certain expression!

“Human child?”

The queen kept guessing in her heart, how could this human child appear outside the village?

You know, this is the deepest part of the Elf Forest!

Starting from entering the deep forest of the elves, on the way to the village, there are so many Magical Beasts on the way, and how could the children of humans come here!

Don’t say it is a human child, I am afraid it is a holy power among humans, and you have to hide carefully when you come here, for fear of being discovered by Magical Beasts!

And now, Elder, who was patrolling in the clan, actually said that there were two human children.How could this not surprise her as a queen!

Could it be that “what’s the conspiracy of mankind? And these two kids just know the bait?”

The queen couldn’t help but guess!

Thinking of this, the queen couldn’t help but commanded to Sifu below: “Xiguan, please inform Dandi Elder, let her follow the two human children at a distance, don’t act rashly for the time being!”

“Yes! Queen!

Hearing this, Sifu replied respectfully, and then turned and walked out of the palace!

After leaving Xiguan, the queen sitting on the throne could not help but fell into contemplation!

In a place tens of thousands of kilometers away from the village, there are three figures sitting cross-legged opposite each other!

Among the three figures, one of them is a figure full of muscles and a strong man, exuding a steely breath, and the other is a white-haired old man thinking of a long beard, seemingly ordinary, but is it right? It had to leak out a ray of cold light, making people feel chilly unconsciously!

The remaining one is a woman with fire-red clothes all over her body and red hair. This woman exudes a hot breath, like a sun, as if it can burn everything. Seeing the surrounding air, under this scorching heat, it is also a little distorted!

“Old man Bai, sister Huo (Nuo Li’s)! I think you have also received the news from below!”

The muscular man like Vajra looked at the white-haired old man and the woman in fire-red clothes, and said!

“Hey! The old man just received the news!

The white-haired old man nodded, and then replied!

“Big guy! Old man, you say. Is there any conspiracy for these two human children to enter our territory?”

At this time, the woman who was called the Huo Sister also asked the two of them!

After hearing the words of the woman in red, the white-haired old man frowned, suddenly guessing the accuracy of the red woman.

The brawny man next to him who looked like Vajra didn’t think so much. After hearing the words of the woman in the fire-red dress, he said directly: “If you want me to say, just grab the two human children, and then Ask, don’t you know everything? Why do you still think so much!”

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