Chapter 578 Qin Xuan: Are we from a big family?

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but laughed, and then applauded!

“Huh! So my lord is joking with me, I thought…

Seeing Qin Xuan burst into laughter, Field Winnie didn’t know what happened, and she was relieved right now, and then said!

At the same time, Field Winnie couldn’t help thinking: “I usually hear many people say that those nobles or large families are very arrogant, and even look down on them as commoners, but look at this adult and the person next to him. The two little girls are also from a big family, but I don’t think they look down on me without me!”

Thinking of this, Field Winnie couldn’t help but look at Qin Xuan, Xiao Guoguo and Qiqi again with some curiosity!

“What’s the matter? Is there anything wrong with the three of us?”

Seeing Field Winnie looking at herself and the young ones curiously, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but ask strangely!

“Ah! Nothing! It’s just that you, my lord, are different from many nobles or big families who came out on September 20!”

Seeing Qin Xuan discovering that she was secretly looking at them, Feldwini couldn’t help but be shocked, so she quickly explained!

Nobles “? Also from the big family? Us?”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but froze for a moment, then laughed again and said, “Haha! We are not a nobleman, and we are not from a big family!”

“Impossible! I think you have such a good temperament, and these two Miss are also so cute, how could it not come from a big family?

Seeing Qin Xuan actually said that they were not from a big family, Field Winnie naturally didn’t believe it, so she retorted!

“You really guessed wrong this time! We really are not aristocrats, nor are we from a big family!

Seeing that Field Winnie didn’t believe it, Qin Xuan said again!

“No? How is this possible?

Seeing that Qin Xuan’s face was not fake, Feldwini also felt a little unbelievable. Suddenly, she thought of something and immediately exclaimed, but when she saw that there were a lot of people around, she whispered. : “This lord, are you magicians or swordsmen?”

“Ahhhhhhh! It’s true!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan nodded, but did not refute.

After all, whether it is a magician or a swordsman, in fact, they are just cultivators, but there are many types of cultivators, and there are high and low!

This “sir, are you magicians or swordsmen?”

“Ahhhhhhh! It’s true!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Xuan nodded, but did not refute.

After all, whether it is a magician or a swordsman, in fact, they are just cultivators, but there are many types of cultivators, and there are high and low!


Seeing Qin Xuan’s confession, Field Winnie’s face couldn’t help showing a suddenly realized look!

You know, although there are many magicians or swordsmen in the Celestial Continent, they must be studied in the academy, but if you enter the academy, you must pay, and the cost is not low!

As for civilians like Field Winnie, where can we pay such expensive fees? Therefore, sometimes Field Winnie can only stand far away, looking at the academy, without knowing what’s in the academy. thing!

Of course, if you are a big family or a nobleman, you can also learn at home by yourself, because like these big families or nobles, there will basically be people like magicians or swordsmen in the family!

“I think you are in your teens too!”

Qin Xuan looked at Field Winnie and asked!

“Yeah! Sixteen years old!”

“Sixteen years old? It’s not too young, but looking at you, it seems that you haven’t started cultivation yet?”

Qin Xuan looked at Field Winnie a little strangely!

“Yeah! Little Big sis, are you the same as cause, don’t like cultivation?”

At this time, Xiaoguo, who was eating next to him, obviously heard the conversation between Qin Xuan and Field Winnie, and immediately asked involuntarily!

“Yeah! Qiqi doesn’t like cultivation, cultivation is not fun at all!”

Qiqi next to Xiao also nodded in agreement!

Go go! How can it work without cultivation? Also, Xiaoyin, didn’t you say that you want to protect the Big Brother and you from the Big sis? If you don’t cultivation, how can you protect me in the future? Fairy Big sis?”

After hearing the words of Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi, Qin Xuan also had a black line on his face.

“Ah! That’s right! There are also those who protect Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis, then they will definitely work hard to cultivate! This way, they can protect Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis. Um, we also need to protect Qiqi!”

Hearing this, I remembered this when I urinate, and then couldn’t help but say, after seeing Qiqi next to him, he added another sentence:

“Yeah! The same goes for Kiki, protect the Big Brother and Qingxian Big sis, and because of the big sis!”

When I heard that the novel wants to protect Own Qiqi, she was happily lost in her eyes, and then she promised!

Looking at the relationship between Xiaoyinyin and Qiqi, Field Winnie was also indescribably envious, thinking that her parents had gone to work since she was a child, and she was alone, and she basically had no friends, and she was alone. I dare not go out by myself, so I basically want to play at home alone!

Thinking of this, Field Winnie’s expression couldn’t help but dim a bit!

“what’s wrong?”

Seeing Field Winnie’s face suddenly dimmed, Qin Xuan also felt a little strange, and immediately asked involuntarily!

“Ah! It’s nothing, just remembered something just now!”

Field Winnie was also suddenly awakened by Qin Xuan’s voice, with a flustered look on her face:


“That’s right! My lord, what you just told me, I forgot!”

At this moment, Fieldwini remembered that Qin Xuan asked about herself just now, but she just remembered the past and forgot!

“I ask you, you are so old, why haven’t you started cultivation?”

Qin Xuan rolled his eyes and said again!

“My lord, you don’t know something, it’s not that I don’t want to cultivate, but that I can’t afford to cultivate!!

Hearing this, Field Winnie suddenly smiled bitterly!

“Can’t afford to cultivate?”

Hearing the reason why Field Winnie did not cultivation, Qin Xuan couldn’t help being a little stunned, but he soon figured out that it must be a matter of money. At the moment, he smiled and asked, “Then do you want cultivation? ”

“Yup! Winnie wants it all in her dreams!

Field Winnie replied directly without even thinking about it!

Who doesn’t want to be a magician or a swordsman, even if she doesn’t want cultivation, she has to cultivation for the sake of her family, but for a commoner like her, becoming a cultivation is simply a luxury, and it is simply remote for her. Out of reach

“If you want to cultivate, I can help you! After all, you are the first person we know since we came into this world! I am a person who believes in fate!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but said with a smile!

“Help me? Sir, do you want to accept me as a disciple?”

Hearing this, Field Winnie couldn’t help but stunned, but after she recovered, she looked at Qin Zhan expectantly!

“If you accept a disciple, then forget it!”

Qin 1.2xuan shook his head, and then said!

When I thought of the apprentices I had accepted before, they didn’t make him worry, so Qin Xuan was a little bit resistant to accepting apprentices!

“Not accepting disciples? How can you help me to cultivate, my lord?”

Seeing that Field Winnie couldn’t help showing a disappointed look on her face as she had guessed!

“Ah! You don’t have to worry about it, you just need to know that I can help you!”

Qin Xuan said with a smile!

Qin Xuan also wants to see how far this little girl can reach in this world with the help of own!

“My lord, my house is not far from here, do you want to go to my house?

At this time, Field Winnie remembered that Qin Xuan always stood and talked to herself, so she planned to invite Qin Xuan to her home!

If in normal times, Field Winnie would not invite strangers to her home, but today she doesn’t know why, since seeing the three Qin Xuan, she has an inexplicable affection for them!

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