Chapter 571 Excited Xiaoyin and Kiki!

“Big Brother!

At this time, Qin Xuan, who was meditating, was also awakened by this sound!

Following the reputation now, I saw Xiao Guo Guozheng and Qiqi holding hands and hopping in!

“I’m back? How, are you happy?”

Qin Xuan asked with a smile!

“Yeah! Big Brother, you don’t know, Kiki has a lot of delicious food!”

When Qin Xuan asked, Xiao Guoguo said with excitement!

“Hey! I have a lot of delicious food, Big Brother, would you like to eat a little too?”

After hearing what Xiao Yinyin said, Qiqi beside her nodded, and then asked Qin Xuan!

“The Big Brother will not eat it, so I will give it to you and the community!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan suddenly felt funny, and immediately shook his head and replied!

“Ah! That’s a shame!”

Qiqi said with a pity for Qin Xuan!

“Well! It’s a pity!”

The little Yinyin beside him nodded and responded!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan suddenly felt a little speechless!

“Because, have you played enough here? If you have enough fun, we will go to other places to see, you know, this world is very big!”

“Eh? The Big Brother, where are we going to 907? How about we bring Kiki with?”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Xiaoguo was a little stunned for an instant, and he couldn’t wait to ask when he brought it back to his senses!

And Qiqi next to him is also looking forward to Qin Xuan!

Qiqi stayed in Qingqiu Mountain. The other fox races were busy with business or cultivation, and no one played with her at all. And now it is hard to see Xiao Guoyin again, Qiqi is also reluctant to leave her!

Therefore, after hearing that the community asked Qin Xuan to bring herself, Qiqi was happy, but also very worried!

“Yes! But you have to ask Qiqi to see if she wants to follow us!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan also smiled and nodded, then said, after speaking, he looked at Qiqi next to him!

After all, bringing one is also a belt, and bringing two is also a belt, there is no difference, but this matter has to be approved by Qiqi, if Qiqi agrees, then he will go and say hello to the ancestors of the fox clan. I won’t refuse to pick myself up!

“Yes, Kiki is too willing!”

After hearing Qin Xuan’s consent, Qiqi nodded her head without thinking, and then said!

Hehe “! Qiqi, we can play together again in that climate!”

The small picture on the side (agbc) saw that Qiqi was also walking with him, and I was very happy, and immediately hugged Qiqi and said!

“Hey hey hey! By the way, Big Brother, when shall we leave!”

Hearing this, Qiqi nodded, her eyes jumped involuntarily because of happiness!

“Aah! This is up to you to decide! But before we leave, we have to talk to Qiqi’s ancestor and your Xin Big sis, lest they worry!

Seeing the two of them so happy, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but become happy, and immediately said to the two!

“Okay! We get it! Tutu Big sis, let’s go, let’s go tell the ancestor and Fox Xin Big sis now!”

Hearing the Big Brother let the two of them make a decision, Kiki couldn’t wait to pull Xiao Yinyin, and then quickly ran outside!

“Hey! Take your time, what are you doing in such a hurry?”

“No! We have to tell the ancestors and Huxin Big sis quickly, and then there are a lot of things to pack!”

“Kiki! What else do you want to pack?”

Xiaoyin asked with some doubts!

“Have you forgotten what we two hid?”

Qiqi reminded in a low voice!

“You mean the delicious ones we hid?”


Kiki nodded!

“Kiki, if you don’t tell me, I really forgot it! Yes, we have to take everything with you!

After Qiqi’s reminder, the small picture suddenly realized, and now he also agreed with a positive expression!

Looking at the disappeared backs of the two villains, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head, and then whispered: “As for? It seems that I and the two of them are not on the same channel at all! Forget it, they like to bring Let them bring whatever they want, anyway, it’s not impossible to bring them!”

After speaking, Qin Xuan also sighed, and then walked into the house!

In the fox hall!

There is a long table in the middle of the hall. The clan ancestor is sitting on the main seat, and the two rows next to him are also full of clan Elders, and Kexin is also inside!

“Ancestor, do we want to explain the news that is spreading outside?

One of the Elder looked at the fox ancestor and asked!

You know, this rumor is about two great teachers, and three of them are Sage!

There are now rumors outside that Jiejiao and Buddhism are only afraid of their fox tribe, but in fact, all the fox tribes present know that Buddhism and Jiejiao are not afraid of their fox tribe at all, but they are afraid of Tang senior who lives in their fox tribe!

It would be okay if Tang senior was here, once Tang senior left.

For a long time, although Tongtian Sage and Zhunti Sage may be nothing, but the disciples of the two teachers, or those Rogue Cultivators, are not guaranteed!

God knows, will those Rogue Cultivators launch an offensive against the Fox Clan in order to please the two teachers!

“Um… forget it, don’t pay attention to this matter. After all, it is related to Tang senior at this time. If we explain, I am afraid that Tang senior’s existence will be leaked!”

Hearing this, the fox clan ancestor pondered for a while, then shook his head and said!

The ancestor of the Fox tribe naturally knows the relationship, but he can’t explain it, because once the Fox tribe has made an explanation, it will take so long to tell the entire prehistoric people that there is one in Qingqiu Mountain that makes Sage feel scared. exist!

The reason why he didn’t give an explanation was because he knew that Qin Xuan didn’t like someone to know his existence, but preferred to hide behind him!

“Oh~! Forget it, I’ll go to see Tang senior later and see if he can do anything!”

Thinking of the end, the fox ancestors didn’t have the best of both worlds, and he sighed helplessly at the moment, and then secretly said in his heart!

Patriarch”, Patriarch. Are you in there? Qiqi has something to tell you!”

Just as the fox ancestors and the fox Elders were discussing countermeasures, suddenly a tender voice came through the door!

Everyone in the hall looked towards the door, and saw that Qiqi was pulling in Xiaoyin and running in from the outside, and everyone couldn’t help but wonder!

“Ancestor, you are really here. Huh, so many people? Huxin Big sis didn’t expect you to be here too!!”

After Qiqi and Xiaoyin ran into the hall, they directly saw the fox ancestor sitting on a chair facing the door, and later found that there should be a lot of people inside, and even their Fox Xin Big sis was among them. Can’t help asking!

Qiqi “Yueyin! Has something happened?”

After seeing that the people here were Xiao Guoyin and Qiqi, Hu Xin also asked with some doubts!

“Hee hee! Big sis and I are here to find ancestors, and big sis Huxin you!”

Qiqi didn’t look at everyone’s doubts at all, but said with a smile at Hu Xin!,

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