Chapter 569 The whole Honghuang is in an uproar!

And Zhunti Sage didn’t stay long after the Master Tongtian left. After saying goodbye to Qin Xuan, he took the medicine master and others to leave Qingqiu Mountain, and then flew to the west quickly!

He was afraid that if he left a little later, he might have something earth-shattering in that little girl’s mouth!

“Well, you still don’t understand now, you will understand when you grow up!

Seeing Xiao Yinyin who was still at a loss, Qin Xuan shook his head helplessly at the moment, and then said!

“Ah! When will it grow up?

Hearing that, Xiao Yinyin is no longer entangled in the bald head, and then asks expectantly!

“Almost soon!”

Qin Xuan said perfunctorily!

“Tang senior! How about talking in the clan?”

At this time, the fox ancestor next to him suddenly suggested!

“Okay! Let’s go in because of Big sis, Kiki has a lot of delicious food!”

Before Qin Xuan can answer, Qiqi next to her can’t wait to answer!

After finishing speaking, before Xiao Guo had any reaction, he directly dragged her into the tribe of the fox tribe!

“Kiki, do you really have a lot of delicious food?”

“Yeah! There are many, many! Because of Big sis, I tell you that those 06 are all hidden by Qiqi herself. You can’t tell others, otherwise Qiqi won’t be delicious in the future!”

“Hmm! Because Big sis will help you keep it secret, I will never tell anyone. But if you have something delicious, remember to divide me half!”


Seeing Yin and Qiqi in the community quickly running towards the tribe, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but shook his head, thinking: “It seems that no matter what it is, in the eyes of Xiao Tutu, it is not as delicious. !”

“Tang senior! Please inside!

The fox ancestor raised his hand and invited!

After speaking, he took the lead and walked inside!

Qin Xuan nodded, and then followed too!


Zhunti Sage, after returning to the West, can’t wait to rush in the direction of the pick up!

Sumeru in the mountains!

Suddenly sat cross-legged on the golden lotus. Seeing Zhunti’s expression anxious, he hurriedly walked towards him. He was also a little confused at the moment, so he frowned and asked: “Junior, haven’t you gone to Qingqiu Mountain? Why is this? Looking anxious, didn’t the pharmacist rescue them?”

“Catch up brother!”

Zhunti Sage first arched his cupped hands towards the lead, and then sat down cross-legged. Then he said, “Brother Guidance, if they have been rescued. But these things happened in this!”

After that, Zhun said that Sage couldn’t help but smile wryly, and there was a flash of terror in his eyes from time to time!

“Huh? What happened?”

Seeing this, the lead Sage couldn’t help but straighten up, and then asked seriously!

This has been the second time I saw Zhunti Sage showing such a look.The first time was when the two of them set up a religion and became holy. Because of their lack of merit, Heavenly Dao appeared at that time, and Zhunti also showed a neutral look. Finally, he had to set forty-eight. willing!

But now Junior Brother Zhunti showed this look again, which had to make Sage Sage more cautious!

Seeing the inquiries, Zhunti no longer concealed it, and immediately said what he had experienced in Qingqiu Mountain!

“Are you sure that the little girl you mentioned has Sage’s Cultivation Base? She also said that she came from chaos?”

“Also, the person coming from Cultivation Base really surpassed Teacher Hongjun? Are you sure you are joking?”

After hearing Zhunti’s narration, the lead Sage frowned at the moment, and then stared at Zhunti Sage stubbornly!

Then quoted “Brother, I can assure you about this, not to mention that Tongtian was also there at the time, and he also knew about this!”

Hearing this, Zhunti suddenly smiled bitterly, and then said:

Zhun mentioning Sage is not to blame Xiuying for not believing him, but for whoever it is, it is impossible to believe it in a few words!

If you haven’t experienced this before, I am afraid that you will not believe it if you hear others say this!

“Tongtian is also here…

Seeing that Junior Brother Zhunti didn’t want to make a joke, he squinted Sage’s eyes and fell into thought!

“It seems that Teacher Hongjun is full of a lot of things for us! Take the brother, do you say that Teacher Hongjun knows something, but he conceals us, even the holy position is arranged by him?”

At this moment, the quasi-refreshing man suddenly said!

“Senior brother, speak carefully!”

Seeing Zhunti, Sage dared to say this to Teacher Hongjun behind his back. Suddenly, she was taken aback by the introduction of Sage. He stared at Zhunti sternly, and then shouted!

To say that the most feared Sage is not the remaining Chaos Demon God in the Chaos King, but Heavenly Dao Hongjun!

In their opinion, those Chaos Demon Gods made them lose face at most, and they couldn’t kill them at the root (the holy fighting thinks so), even if they fell unfortunately, they would be reborn through Heavenly Dao!

Therefore, although they remain in awe of the Chaos Demon God, they are not afraid of them!

But Heavenly Dao Hongjun is different.They have always had a feeling in their hearts that their teacher Hongjun Daozu, there is absolutely a way to kill them, and it is still the kind that cannot be reborn!

As for the former Heavenly Dao, the primordial spirits of myself and others are all there, and it is not very easy for them to clean up you!

And Zhunti now arranges Teacher Hongjun like this, how can he not be afraid of the introduction?

“Junior, it’s best not to talk about Teacher Hongjun behind your back!”

Thinking of this, Sage could not help but warn again!

After speaking, don’t forget to point to the sky!

“Uh! Brother, it’s the brother, isn’t it? I won’t do it next time!!

Seeing this, Zhunti Sage also instantly understood the meaning of own, who is the referral brother, and he is also a guarantee right now!

“Then what shall we do next?”

After 907 finished speaking, he looked at the lead, wanting to hear his opinion!

“What have you done recently?”

“Junior Brother Zhun mentioned, you have stayed in the Sumeru Mountain recently! If it’s okay, don’t go to the east in Pingfan, wait for a while!”

“By the way, you are warning your disciples not to provoke the fox tribe in Qingqiu Mountain. If anyone provokes them, they will be judged. It is best not to go to the east!”

Sage was led to think about it for a while, then looked up at Zhun Ti and said!

“Okay! I got it, brother!”

Hearing this, Zhunti Sage also nodded!

Then he stood up and walked out!

“Ms. Hongjun…”

After Zhunti Sage left, the gaze in Sage’s eyes flickered, and finally he closed his eyes and calmed down!

After a while, there was news from Western Buddhism that Buddhist disciples were not allowed to provoke the fox tribe in Qingqiu Mountain, otherwise they would be judged.

Not only Buddhism in the West, but also Buddhism in the East, and this is also an order from the Master Tongtian himself.Like Buddhism, if the Buddhism in the Buddhism provokes the Fox Clan of Qingqiu Mountain, then it is not the Buddhism in the Buddhism. !

As soon as this news came out, the entire prehistoric land was in an uproar!

You know, Sage, the Buddhist sage, went to Qingqiu Mountain in person, but it has attracted the attention of most people in the prehistoric age. Now the two religions have such a news, which has to make people guess!

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