Chapter 546: Excited Shi Yuan!

After understanding why the old village chief and them lived for so long, Shi Hao also punched in the palm of own right now, and then said!

After speaking, he ignored Ye Fan who was next to him, and walked quickly toward the front!

“Oh! This Junior Brother Shi Wu is really……………

Seeing Shi Hao’s disappearing back, Ye Fan suddenly felt speechless. He shook his head and sighed and said!

After speaking, he also chased in the direction where Shi Hao had left!

However, after saying goodbye to the old village chief, Shi Hao and Ye Fan were ready to meet those little friends back then!

On the way, Shi Hao learned from Fan that it turned out to be Master’s old man. The bamboo house where he had lived before exudes a strong force of rules, which made the old village head and others who did not have Cultivation Base survive. So long!

After learning about this at first, Shi Hao was also shocked. After much deliberation, he prepared to let Tieshan and the others protect the bamboo house, so that the old village chief and them could live longer!

“Hey! This Junior Brother Shi Wu is also true……………….

Seeing Shi Wu’s disappearing back, Ye Fan suddenly felt speechless. He shook his head and sighed and said!

After speaking, he quickly walked in the direction where Shi Hao had left!

In a place not far from the old village chief’s house in 827, there is a huge house.Although this huge house is not magnificent, it is just built of huge stones, but it is unusually majestic and allows people to enter. Here, I can’t help but feel fear!

A hundred meters away from this majestic house, it is surrounded by huge walls, making it impossible to see the scene inside!

Moreover, there is a strict guard here. Every corner of the wall will be held by someone. The Cultivation Base of these people is basically above the array level. It can be said that it is difficult for even a fly to fly in here!

And on the door of the house hung a plaque with two large characters engraved on it!

Ancestral Hall

These two words exude a special atmosphere. Look at the person who engraved these two words, Cultivation Base must not be low!

Outside the wall, Shi Wu came here first and Ye Fan!

Tieshan “Dage and Shi Meng should be in there!”

Shi Wu looked up at the huge house, and then muttered to himself!

Because Shi Wu was in this house, he felt the breath of Tieshan and the others, so I found it here!

After confirming that Tieshan and the others were inside, Shi Wu walked towards the inside of the house, but when he reached the door of Gang, he was stopped by two of them!

These two people are the guards guarding here!

“Stop! You can’t enter here casually!”

After Shi Wu stopped, one of the guards said blankly!


Hearing that, Shi Hao also asked with a puzzled look!

“Because this is an ancestral hall, except for worshiping spirits and ancestors, you can’t enter the rest of the time!

The guard explained again!

“Couldn’t it be accommodating?”

After all, Shi Wu grew up in Shicun. Since Shicun has such a rule, he doesn’t want to break it!


The guard shook his head resolutely!

“Since you are not allowed in, please help me inform the people inside and say that Shi Wu is coming to them!”

Seeing the resolute expressions of the two guards, Shi Hao couldn’t help but laughed bitterly!

If he were in other places, I’m afraid he would have broken in directly, how could it be so troublesome!

But Shi Hao was unwilling to do this here, not to mention that they were all his playmates when he was a child, and it was very rude to just break in like this!

What’s more, this is the ancestral hall of Shicun, and if I didn’t have Shicun’s nurturing when I was a child, I am afraid that I can live or not!

Therefore, Shicun has the kindness to nurture him. If he just broke into the ancestral hall directly, he would not be an ungrateful person!

“Huh? Who are you? How do you know someone is inside?”

Who knows, after hearing Shi Hao’s words, the two originally expressionless guards became serious involuntarily, and then asked Shi Wu seriously (agbc)!

You know, where is this place, this is the ancestral hall of Shicun!

The people enshrined in it are all heroes who have made great contributions to Shicun, and the people who can live in it are all Shicun’s cards.How does this person in front of him know that someone lives in it?

You know, apart from the old village chief and the few captains in the entire Stone Village, only these guards who have been guarding here can know who lives in it!

The guards here are all carefully selected by Tieshan and they have been guarding here, and those who can be selected by Tieshan are naturally very loyal to the entire Stone Village!

As long as Shicun is in danger, these guards will definitely put own life and death out of the way and rush to the forefront. Therefore, these guards are now hearing Shi Wu say that they come here to find someone, and of course they will doubt Shi Wu!

“The old village chief told me that if I come here to find someone, I will find it!

Seeing whether the eyes of the two guards had to flash a flash of cold light, Shi Wu also shrugged helplessly at the moment, and then explained!

“Old village chief?

Shi Hao said that the old village chief asked him to come. Suddenly, the suspicion in the eyes of the two guards disappeared without a trace, and then continued: “Since the old village chief asked you to come, I will sell you to wait a moment. Next, I’ll go in and report!”

After speaking, the guard who was talking turned his head and walked inside!

Regarding the words of the old village chief, the two guards did not dare to give the slightest suspicion.It is possible to say that the entire Shicun people might betray Shicun, but the old village chief alone cannot betray Shicun!

“Huh? Why is Junior Brother standing here? Didn’t find anyone?”

While Shi Hao was waiting, Ye Fan’s voice came from a distance!

Following the prestige, I saw that Ye Fan was stepping forward and walking towards himself!

When Ye Fan walked to his side, Shi Wucai told Ye Fan what happened!

“That’s it! Then let’s wait for a while!”

After listening to Shi Hao’s explanation, Ye Fan also suddenly realized with a look, and then said!

After Shi Wu and Ye Fan waited at the door for a while, they saw the guard who had just gone in to inform them, and there were a few people behind this guard!

“Master Tieshan, Master Shi Meng…this person said that the head of the village asked him to come to you!”

The guard came to Shi Hao, pointed at Shi Hao, and said respectfully to the few people behind him!

And those who followed the guards didn’t pay attention to the guards’ words at all, but looked up and down Shi Wu!

“little guy?

At this time, the middle-aged man standing at the front, looked at Shi Wu and cried out with some uncertainty!

This middle-aged man is tall and burly. Although he is wearing a sackcloth, he still can’t stop his bulging muscles. The whole person exudes a steel-like aura, like an ancient demon standing on the top of the sky!,

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