Chapter 542 The changes in Shicun over the years!

“This is Shicun that Junior Brother Shi Wu often mentions? It looks pretty good!

Seeing all this, Ye Fan nodded involuntarily, and then said!

After speaking, I am ready to walk towards Shicun!

“Stop! Who are you? How come to my stone village?”

Just when Ye Fan was about to walk into Shicun, a voice suddenly came over!

Ye Fan followed the prestige, but saw that a young man was walking by himself not far away!

This young man is about two 15 or 16 years old, and he exudes a strong aura from his body. It seems to be a cultivator who cultivates his body all the time!

The young man came to Ye Fan, stared at Ye Fan so straight, and then asked again: “Who are you? Why can you come in?”

At this time, the young man’s heart was also full of doubts.You must know that in the periphery of Shicun, the strong people in the village have laid a large array. If ordinary people break in, the large array will be activated, and then he will be teleported out!

But the man in front of him has never seen him before, and the big formation has not been activated, how did he avoid the big formation and come in?

Is this man a peerless strong man? He broke through all the big formations outside the village before he came in?

“Ah! Of course you walked in like this!

Ye Fan said with a smile!

After speaking, Ye Fan found that the young man’s expression became serious, and he immediately understood what was going on, and then said again: “Hey! You mean, why didn’t the formations outside stop me, did they?”

“you know?”

The youth looked at Ye Fan with a strange expression!

“Those formations outside? Haha, I have also studied formation for some time. Although I can’t be a master of formation, I still have some understanding of formation!”

Looking at the youth, Ye Fan couldn’t help but explain with a smile!

“Are you proficient in formation?”

Hearing this, the youth’s eyes flashed with joy, and then he looked at Ye Fan with excitement and said!

“Huh? I can’t talk about proficiency, I just learned some furs!

Seeing the youth looking at him with excitement, Ye Fan felt a little strange, but he nodded and turned back!

Seeing Ye Fan’s admission, the youth’s eyes immediately stared at Ye Fan!

“Uh? Why are you looking at me like this?”

Being stared at by this young man in this way, Ye Fan couldn’t help showing an awkward look on his face, thinking, wouldn’t this young man be a comrade?

Thinking of this, Ye Fan couldn’t help but shudder!

“Can you teach me formation?”

At this moment, the youth suddenly said!

You know, Tieshan and Shi Meng are the most powerful in the village, and the big formation outside the village was laid by them, and this person in front of you can pass through the big outside the village silently. Formation, isn’t his formation Cultivation Base better than Tieshan and Shi Meng?

If you learn from him the way of formation, won’t you quickly surpass the adults of Tieshan and Shi Meng and become one of the peak powerhouses in Shicun?

“Huh? Follow me formation?”

Hearing that, Ye Fan was also a little dumbfounded!

“Yes! Or I can worship you as a teacher!”

The youth nodded affirmatively, and then said!

“You don’t need to be a teacher, but it’s okay to give you some advice!”

Ye Fan shook his head, and said something Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

“Hey. Senior, I wonder if you came to our Shicun for anything? You might as well tell me, maybe I can help! By the way, my name is Shi Yuan, senior, you can call me A Yuan. NS!”

Seeing that Ye Fan didn’t intend to accept a disciple, a trace of disappointment flashed in the young man’s eyes, but he quickly restrained him, and saw that he looked at Ye Fan with some curiosity, and then asked!

“My name is Ye Fan! I came here to find my younger brother! By the way, my younger brother is called Shi Hao!

Ye Fan said with a smile!

“Shi Hao? Why is this name so familiar? I seem to have heard of it somewhere!”

Hearing this, the young man couldn’t help showing a look of doubt, and felt like he had heard the name suddenly, but he couldn’t remember it for a while!

“The senior you are looking for is called Shi Wu, right? Let’s go, I will take you to find the old village chief. The entire village has been registered with him!”

After thinking about it for a while, the young man still couldn’t remember, where he had heard the name, so he shook his head right now, and stopped thinking about it anymore!

“No need! I can feel where he is, you just have to follow me, so I don’t get misunderstood!

Hearing this, Ye Fan waved his hand and said!

“Senior, do you know where your junior brother is?”

“Okay then! Then senior, you lead the way, and I can just follow you!”

Although the young man was surprised, he nodded and said:

After speaking, the two walked towards Shicun!

After walking for a while, Ye Fan suddenly stopped!

“What’s the matter senior?”

Seeing Ye Fan stopped, the young man couldn’t help but asked in confusion!

“Do you know who built that bamboo house?”

Ye Fan pointed to a bamboo house not far away and asked!

0……Look for flowers…

The young man looked in the direction pointed by Ye Fan. After seeing the bamboo house in the distance, he also shook his head immediately, and then said: “I don’t know! This bamboo house already existed before I was born. ”

“But I heard the old people in the village say that this bamboo house has been in the stone village for nearly a million years. They also said that this bamboo house was lived in by a powerful cultivator couple. Later, the couple left. This bamboo house has always been here!”

“What’s the matter? Senior, is there anything wrong with this bamboo house?”

The youth looked at Ye Fan, and then asked curiously!


Ye Fan shook his head and said!


Hearing that, the youth is not asking any more!

If the youth is more careful, you will definitely find that Ye Fan’s eyes are full of shock and understanding!


The shock was because Ye Fan felt a familiar and powerful force in this bamboo house, which was a bit similar to the rules of destiny in his destiny Feng Shui compass!

However, the rules of destiny in the Feng Shui compass are full of misty and unpredictable aura. It seems that you have caught it, but it has slipped out of your hands, and you still don’t know it. How did it slip out of your hands!

And the breath on this bamboo house, although not as ethereal and elusive as the rules of fate, it is also full of extremely powerful vitality.

If someone lives in it, or lives within a thousand miles of a bamboo house, even if it is an ordinary person without cultivation, as long as there is no accident, they will live for tens of millions of years as if they were playing!

As for the obvious, it was because Ye Fan was listening to the youth mentioned that a couple once lived here, and instantly understood what was going on! First release…

In this world, besides Master and Madam, who else can use the power of this powerful rule to build this bamboo house!

“It seems that Master and Madam also stayed here for a while, and this bamboo house is where they live!”

Ye Fan guessed in his heart!

Forget it, “I don’t want to! Let’s find Junior Brother Shi Wu first!”

I shook my head and didn’t continue thinking about it.Now it is important to find Junior Brother Shi Wu first, otherwise it will take time. Master, the old man blames him, but he is going to suffer!

“Go, Shi Yuan! Let’s go find my junior brother first!

Ye Fan said to Shi Yuan next to him!

After speaking, he continued to walk in the direction that Shi Hao was told! Ding.

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