Chapter 537: Xiao Ruoyu Is Seen By People?

Hearing that, Xiao Ruoyu pouted his own mouth, and replied reluctantly!

“Ding Ding! Look at you with a reluctant look. Next time, next time you have time, your grandparents and grandmothers are taking you out to play! Isn’t this all right?”

Seeing Xiao Ruo Yuyu’s reluctant look, Ye Qingxian didn’t know what the little girl was thinking, and immediately shook his head helplessly, and then promised!

“Really? Grandpa Grandma will bring ~ Ruoyu out to play next time?”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu’s eyes lit up, and then said happily!

“Well! Grandpa Grandma wants you to promise! I will definitely bring Xiao Ruoyu out to play next time!”

Ye Qingxian nodded affirmatively, and then said!

“Really? Grandpa grandma will bring Ruoyu out to play next time?”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyu’s eyes lit up, and then said happily!

“Well! Grandma’s grandmother wants you to promise! I will definitely bring Xiao Ruoyu out to play next time!

Ye Qingxian nodded affirmatively, and then said!

“Hehe! Grandpa Grandma is the best! If you like Grandpa Grandma the most rain!”

Seeing Ye Qingxian’s face affirmed, Xiao Ruoyu jumped up with excitement!

Seeing Xiao Ruoyu happy, Ye Qingxian also laughed!

The reason why Ye Qingxian likes Xiao Ruoyu so much is all because she is very similar to the small pictures of the year, the same love to eat, the same love to play, the same clever and weird!

“Xiao Ruoyu! Don’t you just like grandma grandma, don’t you like grandma?”

Seeing this, Huo Ling’er next to him couldn’t help but laughed, and then joked!


Seeing Huo Ling’er looking at herself with a smile on her face, Xiao Ruoyu tilted her head for a moment, and then said: “Hey! Ruoyu also likes old grandma. And Liu Shen Big Sister, Yuxin Big sis, Xiao Ruoyu Red Big sis, Ruoyu also likes it very much!

“Aha! You little fellow can really talk!”

Hearing that, the women present couldn’t help but laugh!

“Huh? Someone came to us!”

While the girls were laughing and playing, Ye Qingxian suddenly felt something, and immediately said involuntarily:

After hearing Ye Qingxian’s words, the women also stopped, and then released their own Divine Sense.Sure enough, after a while, Liu Shen and Huo Ling’er felt that someone was flying towards him and the others!

“Well! This person has a real wonderland Cultivation Base!”

After Divine Sense detected this person, Liu Shen and Huo Linger sensed this person’s Cultivation Base, and nodded and said at the moment!

As soon as the words fell, the girls heard a sound of breaking through the air from a distance, following the prestige, they saw a figure flying in their direction, and in the blink of an eye, this figure had already arrived at Ye Qingxian. In front of all the girls!

In addition to making up for Heavenly Dao’s deputy sect master, who else can this comer be!

After seeing the women, the middle-aged man’s eyes flashed away. The main reason is that in addition to the stunning appearance of the five daughters of Ye Qing, his temperament really shocked him!

At the same time, he did not feel that there were any traces of the Cultivation Base in the third daughter of Ye Qingxian, but when he saw Xiao Ruoyu and Xiao Hong and Du Yuxin, especially Xiao Ruoyu and Xiao Hong, their bodies were fierce. Shocked, the eyes are even more shocked!

“Realm, although it is only an early stage, this woman should not be very young!”

The middle-aged man stayed on Xiao Hong for a while, then he couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart!

However, the middle-aged man turned his head and looked at Xiao Ruoyu next to Du Yuxin, his eyes were even more incredible!

“How is this possible! A little girl who is only five or six years old is actually a late stage Cultivation Base! Is this little girl transformed by an old monster?”

The middle-aged man used his own head and stared at Xiao Ruoyu suspiciously.

“Tianjiao, and also a peerless Tianjiao that is rare in the ages! If you bring this little girl into the sect, it will be appropriate to make up for the Heavenly Dao sect master soon?”

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but ecstatic, and stared at Xiao Ruoyu with his eyes shining brightly!

At this moment, what revenge for my son, I don’t know where the middle-aged man has been thrown to!

Now he has only one thought in his mind, that is, he must take Xiao Ruoyu back and earn his own!

When I thought, this little girl was accepted by herself, and under the careful guidance of own, she finally became the fairy king or the quasi fairy emperor, even the legendary fairy emperor, the middle-aged man couldn’t help but smile!

Just as the middle-aged man was looking at the fairies Ye Qing, they also looked at the middle-aged man with a strange look!

“Who is this person? Why did he stare at Xiao Ruoyu when he came here? And with such a perverted smile, does this person have any bad thoughts about Xiao Ruoyu?”

0…seeking flowers…

As for whether this middle-aged man will have unruly thoughts towards them, they don’t care at all!

In their eyes, don’t say that this middle-aged man has a true fairy Cultivation Base, even if it is a fairy king or a quasi fairy emperor, or even a fairy emperor’s Cultivation Base, they are not afraid!

You know, Liu Shen and Huo Ling’er are both quasi-immortal emperors, and they are even the kind of quasi-immortal emperors who can break through the immortal emperor at any time!

And Ye Qingxian even surpassed the existence of the immortal emperor Realm, it was very simple for her to clean up a immortal emperor!

And Xiao Ruoyu looked at the middle-aged man with curiosity, then tilted his head and asked: “Da Shuli, why are you looking at Ruoyu like this? Are you hungry? Xiang eat delicious? But Ruoyu There is nothing to eat!”


Hearing this, I don’t know that it is a middle-aged man, even the fairies of Ye Qing next to them have black lines on their foreheads, and they are even more speechless!

“What on earth is Xiao Ruoyu thinking about, why can’t everything be delicious?”

The girls couldn’t help thinking in their hearts!

“Little girl! Do you want to worship my door? I promise that as long as you worship my door, within a million years, you will become a powerful existence at the level of the immortal king, or even the quasi immortal emperor, or the legendary Immortal Emperor may leave!”

After hearing Xiao Ruoyu’s question, although the middle-aged man was very speechless in his heart, he still said with a smile on his face in an unusually gentle tone!

As for the fairies of Ye Qing next to him, he didn’t care much at all.After all, in his perception, the only people here that could pose a threat to him were Xiao Hong and Xiao Ruoyu!

However, in the heart of the middle-aged man, he is the existence of the pinnacle of true immortals, and Xiao Ruoyu and Xiao Hong, one is only the middle stage of the true immortal, and the other is the early stage of the true immortal. It is impossible to bring himself fatal. threat!

“Apprentice teacher? Oh! No, Ruoyu don’t do it! Ruoyu doesn’t like cultivation, but only likes to eat delicious food!”

Seeing that this Da Shuli actually wanted to worship him as a teacher, Xiao Ruoyu frantically shook her head, then stared at the middle-aged man and said!

For Xiao Ruoyu, her least favorite is cultivation. If it hadn’t been for these years, Huo Linger had been supervising Xiao Ruoyu, I am afraid that Xiao Ruoyu’s current Cultivation Base may not have this Cultivation Base! Ding .

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