Chapter 530 The Five Daughters of Fairy Ye Qing: Finally I Met Something Fun!

However, they said that Ye Qingxian, God Liu and other women came to a town in the Fire Territory of Three Thousand Dao Regions!

The streets in the town were full of exquisite delicacies, and because Xiao Ruoyu couldn’t stand the temptation of these delicacies, Ye Qingxian took her to buy it!

In a restaurant not far from them, two men stood!

One of them is a middle-aged man, dressed as a housekeeper!

In front of the middle-aged man was a young man who was about 20 years old.This young man was wearing a white robe and holding a white fan in his hand!

“My son! Look at the beauties! And there are still five!”

The middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper suddenly caught a glimpse of the fifth fairy Ye Qing, and immediately said to the young man in front!


Hearing this, the young man followed the middle-aged man’s gaze, and his eyes suddenly brightened!

“Peerless beauties! And three of them are rare peerless beauties!

After seeing the five girls of Immortal Ye Qing, the young man couldn’t help but ecstatic!

Right now, I took the fan back, and then said to the middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper: “Feng Elder, go down and invite those girls to come up, saying that this son has something important to discuss with them! Live, don’t scare them!”

Finally, the young man did not forget to warn the middle-aged man!

“Hey! Don’t worry, son, I will definitely get things done! Let the five girls come to see you willingly!”

Hearing the young man’s instructions, the Feng Elder smiled suddenly, with a wretched look in his eyes, and then assured him!

“Yeah! Go!”

Hearing this, the young man patted Feng Elder on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then said!

“Yes! I’m going now!”

Feng Elder responded respectfully!

After speaking, he turned and walked downstairs!

on the street!

“Grand Master Grandma! This is really delicious! Do you want to eat a little too, “!”

Xiao Ruoyu bit the food in her hand to chew, and then asked Ye Qingxian!

“Ah! Xiao Ruoyu, you can eat it! Grandparents and mother-in-law don’t eat it!”

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian also smiled, and by the way helped Xiao Ruoyu scratch the oil stain on the corner of his mouth, then shook his head and said!


Seeing that the grandmother-in-law refused, Xiao Ruoyu didn’t care, but continued to eat the food in her hands!

“If it rains! Yuxin Big sis wants to eat too, can you give it to Yuxin Big sis?”

Seeing Xiao Ruoyu happily eating the food in her hand, Du Yuxin beside her couldn’t help but joked!

“Ah…No, this is bought by Grandpa Grandma for Ruoyu! You see, there are many more there, Yuxin Big sis, if you want to eat it, then you can ask Grandpa Grandpa to buy it for you too!”

Seeing that Du Yuxin wanted to eat the food in her hands, Xiao Ruoyu was immediately unhappy. She shook her head and said!

“Aha! What a stingy guy!”

Seeing this, Du Yuxin couldn’t help squeezing Xiao Ruoyu’s face, and then said with a smile!

“Huh! Yuxin Big sis is a big badass, if Yu is not a stingy!”

Seeing Yuxin Big sis actually said that she was a petty ghost, Xiao Ruoyu was a little unhappy, she saw her staring at Du Yuxin, and then retorted!

“Ha ha!

Seeing this, Ye Qingxian, God Liu, Huo Ling’er, and Huo Ling’er’s maid Xiao Hong, couldn’t help laughing!

The five girls were originally rare beauties. Among them, Ye Qingxian and Liu Shenhuo Ling’er were peerless beauties who were rare in the past. Standing at them and laughing like this, immediately caused everyone around them to look at them!

“How are you girls!”

Just as the five females of Ye Qing were laughing, suddenly a soft voice came into their ears!

After hearing this gentle voice, the five females of Ye Qing couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly, and immediately followed the prestige!

I saw a middle-aged man dressed as a housekeeper, walking towards them, and there were a few people behind him. These people were the guards at first sight. This middle-aged man is not the wind, who else can Elder be!

“Who are you?”

Huo Ling’er glared at Feng Elder fiercely, and then asked harshly!

“Haha! Good! As expected, they are all peerless beauties that are rare in the ages!”

Just now because of the distance, Feng Elder could only visually observe that these five women are rare beauties.Unexpectedly, looking at it up close, Feng Elder’s eyes suddenly brightened!

In Feng Elder’s life, he has never seen such a beautiful and refined woman, especially the three of them, it is even more so that he can’t even think about it!

I’m afraid, only their Qingyi Holy Maiden can be compared with these three women in appearance, but in terms of breath, their Qingyi Holy Maiden is still worse!

“A few girls, our son wants to invite you upstairs to gather together!”

When he thought of the son still waiting upstairs, Feng Elder didn’t dare to waste time, so he explained immediately!

Although these five women are rare beauties, Feng Elder dare not think of any bad thoughts!

Thinking of the cruel appearance of the son, Feng Elder shuddered suddenly!

“Your son would like to invite us upstairs to gather?”

After hearing Feng Elder’s words, the five fairy Ye Qing suddenly understood what was going on!

The son of the middle-aged man must be a child of a certain family or Sect. He might see himself and others standing there, so he ordered the middle-aged man to invite himself!

Thinking of this, the five fairy Ye Qing couldn’t help but look at each other!

Which of the five of them is not the proud girl of the sky, especially Ye Qingxian, Liu Shen, and Huo Ling’er. The three of them are the lowest of the quasi-immortal emperors. Among them, Ye Qingxian surpasses the level of the immortal emperor!

Among them, Lingerhuo is the Holy Maiden of the Fire Race, and it was all the arrogances that pressed the entire Fire Territory back then, making them unable to lift their heads!

Now there is a dude who hits them with an idea, and they think it is ridiculous!

“Hey! I don’t know which family or Sect is the son of you (Zhao Haohao)?”

Huo Ling’er once glanced at Elder, and then asked with some playfulness!

For the five daughters of Immortal Ye Qing, who the middle-aged man’s son was, and what kind of power they were, they didn’t really care!

It’s just that they finally came out to play, and now they have such a good flavoring agent, how can they let it go?

At the moment, the girls became conscious and ready to have a good time!

Think about it, too, except for Du Yuxin who is the weakest, even Xiao Ruoyu and Huo Ling’er’s maid Xiao Hong are true celestial existences!

There are also the Willow God and Huo Ling’er at the level of the immortal emperor, and Ye Qingxian who surpasses the immortal emperor.Is there anyone or force in this world that can threaten them!

“Haha! Several girls, I can’t tell you who our son is, but you can go and see him. Will you ask him soon?”

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