Chapter 522 The entanglement of Dugu Baitian and others!

Hearing that, Dugu Baitian’s moving eyes suddenly brightened, and then they nodded in agreement with this proposal!

At this time, I saw Du Yuxin walk in from the door, and then said to the people in the hall: “Master! Seniors, I have prepared the food! You can eat!”

After speaking, he looked around the hall and found that Qin Xuan was not there. He couldn’t help but asked strangely: “Hey! Where is Tang senior? Didn’t he still exist just now?

“Late! Tang senior has gone out for something, and will be back in a while. Let’s wait! When Tang senior comes back, we will eat together!”

At this time, the corpse fairy emperor also Du Yuyuxin smiled, and then explained!

“Oh! That’s it! Then let’s wait for Tang senior first!”

Hearing this, Du Yuxin also nodded, then smiled and replied!

After speaking, for me, he walked in the direction of Liu Shen and Xuan Xuan, and then found a place to sit down!

Du Yuxin respected the master of the corpse immortal emperor very much. Now that he has said so, Du Yuxin certainly has no comments.

What’s more, Tang senior is the master of Shi Wu senior and Ye Fan senior, and the reason why his family feud can be repaid, and that he can worship the corpse immortal emperor as his teacher, is the reason for Shi Hao senior and Ye Fan senior!

the other side!

After Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian left the void, they rushed towards the god tomb cemetery!

After a while, the two returned to the tomb of the gods, and then walked in the direction of the hall!

“Hey! Everyone is still there! What are you talking about? So happy talking!”

After Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian walked into the hall, they saw everyone chatting happily, and they couldn’t help but ask with a smile at the moment!

“Master! Master! You are back!

After seeing Qin Xuan and Ye Qingxian coming in, Ye Fan and Shi Hao also quickly stood up and asked!

“Tang senior! Ye senior!”

After seeing the Qin Xuan and the other two coming back, the others also stood up one after another!

“Aha! Sit down, all sit down, don’t be so angry!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan smiled, then pressed his hand towards the crowd and said!

After everyone sat down, everyone started talking and laughing!

After a while, Shi Wu suddenly smiled and said, “Master! Master! The food is done by yourself! How about we find to eat?”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan thought for a while, then nodded in agreement!

After the meal, Qin Xuan called the crowd again!

“Heavenly Dao has fallen!”

When everyone is ready, Qin Xuan’s first sentence is!

Hearing that, Dugu Baitian and others’ bodies were also slightly taken aback!

“Heavenly Dao… has it fallen?”

Although they had already guessed this result, they were a little shocked in their hearts after hearing it with their own ears!

When I thought that I had been waiting for people for so many years, I was planning to destroy Heavenly Dao.Now I heard that Qin Xuan himself was destroyed by him.

“When you think about it, you should have guessed, what do I mean by this?!

“Heavenly Dao fell behind, the laws of this world, and because there was no suppression by the power of sentient beings, riots began to appear, although I temporarily suppressed it! But this is not a long-term solution!”

“So, I hope you can quickly choose a method!”

Seeing Dugu Baitian and the others were all stunned, Qin Xuan said again!

After hearing Qin Xuan’s words, Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Chen Nan and others fell into silence!

Especially the Demon Lord, Chen Nan and others, they also heard Dugu Baitian talk about this matter just now, and now they heard Qin Xuan ask about this, they have been in their hearts, and they don’t know what to do!

After being silent for a while, the Dugu Defeat Genius asked Qin Xuan, “Tang senior, how long can you suppress the laws of riots for the time being? Give us a few days, can we discuss it?”

Dugu Baitian naturally knew that the hearts of the Demon Lord, Chen Nan and others were a little confused at this moment!

After all, once you have joined Heavenly Dao, you must cut off all your own emotions and selfish desires. If they hadn’t met Qin Xuan and others, many of them would be willing to do this!

But now I met Qin Xuan and others, knowing that there is still one day to the sky, knowing that the own Cultivation Base can continue the Ascension, and may even surpass Heavenly Dao, so now who is willing to cut off own emotions and selfish desires, go to Heavenly Dao?

0….Look for flowers…

After all, they also have their own relatives, friends, and a great road to the sky is clearly in front of them, who is willing to do this!

However, if they don’t do this, they feel very reconciled. What if the newly established Heavenly Dao does not have the same people, and eventually becomes the same as the previous Heavenly Dao and produces wisdom?

Then they want to go the same way again?

“Well! I can still help you suppress the law for a while! Then you can reply to me in a few days!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan nodded and said!

“Thanks to Tang senior! So, then we will go back to discuss it first, and wait a few days. We will definitely come over and give senior a reply!”


Seeing Qin Xuan agreed, Dugu Baitian, and the Demon Lord and others, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then stood up one after another, bowed to Qin Xuan, and said!

“Yeah! Okay. Then you go back first!”

Qin Xuan waved his hands and said!

Seeing this, Dugu Baitian and the others didn’t say anything, turned around and left the hall!

In the hall, there are only Qin Xuan, Ye Qingxian, Liu Shen, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, and the two masters and apprentices of the Corpse Immortal Emperor!

After seeing Dugu Baitian and others leave, Qin Xuan said to everyone present: “Hey! When this matter is resolved, we should also go back!!

Hearing that, everyone also nodded in agreement!

Ye Fan and Shi Wu originally came to this world to experience, and now Heavenly Dao himself was wiped out by Qin Xuan, it was difficult for them to find an opponent.

But this time coming to this world, whether it is Ye Fan or Shi Hao, they all have gained a lot!

Among them, Shi Hao himself began to integrate the power of destroying the rules.I believe that as long as he goes back to Closed Door Training for a period of time, he will merge the power of destroying the rules abruptly!

The same is true for Ye Fan. Before coming here, his destiny Feng Shui Compass was nearly half of his own. And this time, when he was fighting with Jian, he also had some in-depth understanding of the rules of fate. If you go back to Closed Door Training for a while Time should be able to integrate all the destiny Feng Shui compass! Ding.

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