Chapter 515 Qilin?

The gray Qilin projection actually started to be dragged bit by bit, and the whole body seemed to be distorted, and it would shatter at any time! At this moment, I saw the body of the Qilin projection, with a faint yellow halo. , And then raised its hooves, and slammed into the void!

Suddenly, a strange wave spread to the surroundings!

After a while, this weird fluctuation spread, and the whole void!

And Ye Qingxian, when she was swept by this strange wave, she suddenly felt that own body sank, and her whole person seemed to be suppressed by countless Universes, making her move slowly!

Ye Qingxian believed that if he hadn’t strengthened the swallowing rule once when he broke through before, I am afraid that he would be crushed by this gravity now!

“This is the rule of soil?”

Feeling that he was being suppressed by this boundless gravity, Ye Qingxian couldn’t help but frowned at the moment!

This “What the hell is Qilin? Can he use the power of rules?”

“Although the power of this rule is not as complete as the own swallowing rule, it also makes oneself dull!”

You must know that although the power of this rule is incomplete, Ye Qingxian herself did not fully understand the devouring rule!

If Ye Qingxian fully understands the engulfing rules given by Qin Xuan, I am afraid that her Cultivation Base should be more than that, and there must be Chaos Supreme Realm Cultivation Base before!

Thinking of New Years, Devouring Demon God is Chaos Supreme Dzogchen Realm, it is almost able to enter the existence of Chaos Dao Ancestral Realm!

You know, in the chaos, there were only a few of the most powerful Chaos Demon Gods, Cultivation Base entered the Chaos Dao Ancestral Realm, and the rest were basically the Chaos Supreme Realm, and there were even some Chaos Demon Gods. Cultivation Base still stayed. In the Chaos Heavenly Dao Realm!

And Devouring Demon God relied on this devouring rule, in the chaos at that time, except for the top chaos demon Gods Qin Xuan and Pangu, it was not counted, such as time, eyebrow raising, destruction and so on. It is also a relatively top-level existence.

At that time, although Canglong, Phoenix, White Tiger, and Qilin were among the strongest group of people, it was not that they were very powerful.

However, once the four of them unite and set up a large array, I am afraid that like the hour, the raised eyebrows and the like can only escape!

And the Devouring Demon God was in the chaos, but it swallowed many other Chaos Demon Gods, and those chaotic creatures were even more swallowed by him!


Feeling that the pressure on his body is getting heavier and heavier, Ye Qingxian drank fiercely, and then his whole body seemed to be struggling violently!

Just listening to “click!”, the space around her suddenly shattered, and the gravity that was suppressing her body also gradually disappeared as the space shattered!

At this moment, as soon as Ye Qingxian raised his hand, a dark magic pot appeared in her hand out of thin air!

Swallow the Heavenly Demon jar! At this moment, as soon as Ye Qingxian raised his hand, a dark magic jar appeared in her hand out of thin air!

This magic jar is completely dark and exudes a weird aura.There are grimace mask patterns engraved all over the jar, and people will fall into it at first sight!

This dark magic jar is Ye Qingxian’s life weapon to swallow the Heavenly Demon jar!

This Swallowing Heavenly Demon jar was made by Ye Qingxian back then, using what she said before was cast all over the body except for the head, and the superimposed Swallowing Heavenly Demon lid was cast with the essence of the devilish skull, and finally became the Swallowing Heavenly Demon jar!

Later, Ye Qingxian met Qin Xuan, and the Cultivation Base skyrocketed. As Ye Qingxian’s Cultivation Base skyrocketed, Swallowing Heavenly Demon Jars was no longer in hand!

But this Heavenly Demon pot was originally created by Ye Qingxian with his own body, so he was reluctant to throw it away, so he took it back and didn’t use it!

Later, Qin Xuan saw that Ye Qingxian didn’t have a weapon to take advantage of, so he added some materials to the Heavenly Demon canister and refined it again, and finally the current Heavenly Demon canister was created!

And now the Heavenly Demon tank has been re-refined by Qin Xuan, and the level is also Ascension Innate to the highest level, and it almost becomes the Innate Supreme Treasure of Chaos Spirit Treasure!

It’s not that Qin Xuan couldn’t swallow the Heavenly Demon Ascension to the highest level, but at that time, even if the Heavenly Demon Ascension was swallowed to the Chaos Lingbao level, Ye Qingxian could not exert its full power, instead let Ye Qingxian use it. It consumes more!

Otherwise, let alone Chaos Lingbao, even if Ascension reaches the Chaos Supreme Treasure level, for Qin Xuan, it is not a matter of success!

Besides, after Ye Qingxian sacrificed the Heavenly Demon jar, the Heavenly Demon jar quickly flew towards the vortex above Heavenly Dao, and suddenly became submerged in the vortex!

After the Swallowing Heavenly Demon canister sinks into the whirlpool, the whirlpool suddenly seems to have added 10,000 perpetual motion machines, and it soars suddenly, covering the entire void in an instant!


At this moment, the whirlpool after the skyrocketing, like a full 10,000 horsepower, turned crazy!

As the vortex turned rapidly, that terrible suction suddenly soared!

Just listen to “click”!

Heavenly Dao below the vortex, and the Qilin projection he summoned, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, and then was directly sucked into the vortex!

After seeing Heavenly Dao and the Qilin projection being sucked into the vortex, Ye Qingxian began to lift the magic arts.As Ye Qingxian beat the magic arts, the vortex suddenly accelerated and turned!

However, although the whirlpool speeds up its rotation, the suction force has disappeared!

In the huge whirlpool!

Heavenly Dao looked around and found that it was pitch black and there was no color at all.Heavenly Dao couldn’t even hear a sound, but even so, Heavenly Dao, who stood (good king) in the darkness, still had a face. Unchanged, as always, expressionless!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao felt a powerful suction hitting herself again, and this suction was different from the outside. When outside, the suction was only in one direction, and now, this suction It was attacking him from all directions, as if to tear him apart from all directions!

More than that, compared to the current suction, the previous suction is not at the same level. If the two suctions are compared, then the previous suction can only be a black hole that swallows the Planet, and now it is a black hole that swallows the whole The black hole of the universe!

Feeling the suction from all directions in peace, Heavenly Dao finally frowned, and now even he feels a little tricky!

Heavenly Dao also didn’t expect that he had sacrificed his last hole card, but he still wasn’t the female opponent outside!

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