Chapter 505 Heavenly Dao’s Left Hand!

I hope this can arouse their potential and enable their Cultivation Base to quickly Ascension. As long as one of them can grow to his level, this wish in his heart will be realized!

Therefore, every time Dugu Baitian and the others fight against them, Heavenly Dao is not the real Heavenly Dao, but a clone of Heavenly Dao.

Moreover, after the Battle of Defying the Sky, there are always a few of the strongest people who can survive, and Heavenly Dao always does not know why, every time he is seriously injured and has to fall asleep, this is all Heavenly Dao does not want to kill They, otherwise they won’t live until now!

Of course, Dugutian and the others had suspected it before, but they were quickly overthrown, because they couldn’t find any reason, Heavenly Dao would do this, and, Heavenly Dao’s acting was so good, it ended up in the end!

This is why Qin Xuan was puzzled when he came to this world and saw why Dugu Baitian was able to survive the battle of Slashing the sky every time!

If things go on like this, it will only be endlessly repeated battles of cutting the sky, and then most people will fall in the battle of cutting the sky, and only the strongest existences will survive. In the end, You have to wait until a person can reach the level of Heavenly Dao, then this kind of thing will end!

But Heavenly Dao didn’t expect that Shi Hao, Ye Fan, and the corpse fairy emperor actually came to this world, which caused unknown variables in this world!

And Heavenly Dao also had to wake up from his sleep because Shi Wu broke into his sleeping place (unknown space), and saw that Shi Wu was actually a strong man, so she couldn’t bear to meet Shi Wu personally. After getting started, when Shi Hao escaped, Heavenly Dao didn’t stop him either!

Later, after Shi Wu escaped, Heavenly Dao also searched more, but what made Heavenly Dao strange was that she could not find the slightest information about Shi Hao, as if Shi Hao suddenly jumped out of the stone. It popped out of the stone, Heavenly Dao can also find it!

It’s as if this person doesn’t exist at all.

In the end, Heavenly Dao pursued the past, and when he saw the time and space passage that had collapsed, he came to the conclusion that this person was not a person in his own world at all, but came from another world!

At the level of Heavenly Dao, he certainly knows something.Although it is not very comprehensive about the heavens and the realms, at least he knows that in this world, not only own this world, but outside the world, there are many different things. world!

Therefore, he also inferred that Shi Wu was not a person in his own world!

Of course, he wasn’t very sure, so when Heavenly Dao met Ye Fan later, he asked Ye Fan this question!

At this moment, after Ye Fan summoned the long river of fate, although the whole body was still indifferent, his face became abnormally pale, and the aura on his body became very weak, but Ye Fan’s eyes were full of excitement!

“Heavenly Dao! This is my strongest move, if you can block it, then I will save it!”

Ye Fan looked at Heavenly Dao, who was looking at the long river of fate, and said!

“Haha! Very good! Very good! By the way, what is the law? Is it unique to your world?”

Hearing this, Heavenly Dao closed his gaze back, then looked at Ye Fan and smiled!

“You can block it first, and then I’ll tell you if you block it! If you can’t block it, it’s useless to ask!”

Ye Fan shook his head, then said!

After speaking, he pointed at Heavenly Dao, and then shouted: “Go!

Suddenly, the long river of fate that traverses the entire universe, like a surging wave, rushed over with the thought of Heavenly Dao!

Just as Heavenly Dao was talking to Ye Fan, Dugu Beitian, Chen Nan and others had arrived!

Seeing Ye Fanzheng and Heavenly Dao staring at each other, Chen Nan couldn’t help but asked the corpse immortal emperor next to him suspiciously: “Senior corpse! Who are they now?”

Hearing this, Immortal Corpse Emperor did not speak, but shook his head, indicating that it was not very clear anymore!

But what Dugu Baitian and the others didn’t know was that in the space not far away from them, a woman in white clothes was watching all this!

This woman is no one else, it is Ye Qingxian who is ready to shoot!

Not only Dugu Defeating Heaven and the others, seeing Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan who were fighting each other, they didn’t even notice Ye Qingxian!

It turned out that when the unknown space was not broken, Ye Qingxian came here by herself, but she did not show up, but hidden in the space, watching silently!

Seeing the fight between Heavenly Dao and Ye Fan, Ye Qingxian’s heart was also a little bit enthusiastic. If it weren’t for Qin Xuan’s instructions, let her take action at the critical juncture between Ye Fan and Shi Hao, otherwise she would like to follow him now Heavenly Dao is fighting!

At the same time, Ye Qingxian also noticed that Heavenly Dao did not show any real strength in the battle just now, just playing with Ye Fan!

What made her unexpected was that Ye Fan actually had such a strong move. Of course, if she faced Ye Fan’s move, she could still easily block it, but she didn’t know if Heavenly Dao could stop it. Got this trick!

“Haha! Good coming!”

Looking at the long river of fate rushing towards him, Heavenly Dao not only was not afraid, but laughed!

It’s not that Ye Fan’s move is not a threat to Heavenly Dao, but that Ye Fan’s move is a fatal threat to Heavenly Dao. How can Dao not be excited!

Looking at the rushing river, like countless great worlds attacking me, I thought of believing that as long as I was hit by these rivers, I would definitely fall for it!

However, Heavenly Dao is only now (Nuo Wang Zhao feels that every drop of blood in his body is boiling, and the hairs are also standing up, and even the long-silent heart now seems to be alive again!

However, Ye Qingxian, who was hiding in the space, felt this breath strangely familiar at the moment Heavenly Dao raised his left hand!

At this moment, Heavenly Dao’s left hand suddenly exudes an extremely strong aura, Henggu, Cangcang, although this aura is extremely powerful, but it is incompatible with Heavenly Dao!


The long river of fate has now come to Heavenly Dao, and he saw Heavenly Dao’s left hand crossed. Suddenly countless runes spread to his entire left hand, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking Heavenly Dao and destiny. Changhe’s middle reading!

The huge and incomparable phantom roared up to the sky, and a strange wave radiated from the phantom, and this strange wave suddenly met with the long river of fate!

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