Chapter 450: The Competition Is Over!

Lin Lei’s careful thinking, how could it be hidden from him, but Qin Xuan didn’t care too much.

The reason why he took out a Dark Lord Godhead as a prize today is mainly because he is leaving and he does not know when he will return. After all, these people are people he knows in this world, so give them a little benefit. It’s nothing!

As time slowly passed, and the time for the test was getting closer and closer, at this time, everyone was also nervous, and a dignified breath spread!

“Ahem! Okay, it’s time for the competition, everyone, stop!”

At this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly shouted to everyone!

“What? The time is up, how come so soon! I just caught such a little! George, why are you fishing so much! It seems that I have no chance for that master godhead!

As soon as Qin Xuan’s words fell, I heard Yale’s exclamation!

“Ahhh! Let’s take over!”

Hearing this, George couldn’t help showing a smug look on his face, but he spoke modestly!

“Damn! George, you don’t have to be too proud! Maybe 06 you are not as heavy as mine!”

Seeing George’s smug look, Beibei couldn’t help but said irritably!

“Hey? How much did you catch?

Hearing that, George couldn’t help but take a look at Beibei’s bucket. When he saw a few fishes, there were only a few fish, and they were all very small fish. He immediately said with disdain: “Cut! That’s it? Beibei didn’t mean I said you.” , Just don’t compare it with your technology!”

“You, you…huh!

Seeing this, Bei Bei was so angry that he was pointing at George, and she couldn’t say a word!

After all, fishing is really not his strong suit!

“Okay! Put your buckets away, let me see who catches the most!”

At this time, Qin Xuan once again commanded everyone!

After speaking, he walked towards everyone!

Seeing this, Lord Death, Lin Lei and the boss wife also came to be interested, and immediately followed them!

Qin Xuan was the first to come to George’s. Seeing him with a proud look, he couldn’t help but smiled, then lifted his bucket and weighed it!

“Yeah! Not bad! The fish that George caught was 46 kilograms, or 92 kilograms!

After putting down George’s bucket, Qin Xuan applauded him, and then shouted!

Seeing this, George couldn’t help showing a satisfied smile on his face. This time, it can be said that he has already used his whole body’s solution, and it is the one he has caught the most!

However, he said: “This is nothing, mainly because I have bad luck today, otherwise I can catch a hundred catties at least!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan stopped paying attention to him, but walked towards the front!

Soon, Qin Xuan came to Yale’s side and glanced at him in the barrel. Although it was not much, it was not a lot, but compared to George, it was still far behind!

After weighing it, Qin Xuan shouted again: “Yale forty-one catties!”

After speaking, he continued to move forward.

“Babe eight!”

Hearing that, Bei Bei couldn’t help but look embarrassed!

“Babe is eight catties!

Seeing that Beibei was a little embarrassed, Qin Xuan couldn’t help but patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: “It’s okay, keep working hard in the future!”

After finishing speaking, he ignored him and continued to walk forward!

“Haha! Beibei, I thought you were so good, but I didn’t expect to have only eight catties!”

Seeing this, George couldn’t help but laughed, then pointed at Beibei and laughed!

“for, for…………

When Bei Bei heard it, she was also frustrated!

At this time, everyone heard Qin Xuan’s shout again!

“Babe’s father is forty-nine catties.”

“Beirut is forty-one catties.

“Hogg sixty-three catties!

As Qin Xuan counted one by one, George’s face couldn’t help but become more proud, because these people all fished less than himself.

“Haha! It seems that this main godhead belongs to me!”

George couldn’t help laughing!

After speaking, he walked in the direction of Qin Xuan letting darkness rule the godhead!

Came to the lunatic, picked up the godhead, and played obsessively behind him!

Seeing this scene, Beibei couldn’t help but gritted his teeth, but he didn’t have the brain to refute, after all, he knew that George was telling the truth.


Qin Xuan came to the last one, next to Lin Lei’s mother Linna, and looked at the bucket full of fish next to her. She couldn’t help but feel a little weird at the moment, but didn’t say anything, just lifted the bucket to weigh it, and then went straight. Shouted loudly: “Mrs. Linna two hundred and thirty-one catties!”

Although Qin Xuan’s fishing technology is not good, I still have some experience after fishing for so many years. Technology is important, but sometimes luck is more important!

What’s more, fishing is more than endurance and calm psychological quality. It should be said that among the people here, the best psychological quality is not George, who has the best technology, but Linna.

Linna is the person with the purest soul. Otherwise, the Holy See will not give her soul to the Lord of Light. After the pure person, the mood is the easiest to stabilize, and she is the most patient in doing things, and she doesn’t care about it. Gains and losses.


As Qin Xuan’s words just fell down, everyone could not help but look at Linna after hearing only a slap!

And after George heard Qin Xuan’s report, the whole person was stunned. The original excitement suddenly fell to the bottom, and George looked at Linna in disbelief!

“Two hundred and thirty-one catties? How is this possible?”

George said in disbelief!

After finishing speaking, he ran 530 towards Linna, came to the one next to Linna and looked into the bucket, and saw a bucket full of fish, suddenly came down!

Haha, “George, you still feel embarrassed, my aunt is mighty, my aunt is domineering! Haha, it’s a relief!”

Seeing this, Beibei couldn’t help but burst into laughter!


Even the boss lady and Lord Death couldn’t help laughing when they saw this!

“Ha ha!”

Yale and others are also smiling happily!

“Boss! Beirut senior, you…you guys.”

Seeing everyone laughing at themselves, George, who has always been thick-skinned, could not help but blush!

“Haha…Second, no… I’m sorry, I… I really can’t help it, let me laugh for a while first. Haha…

Yale laughed constantly, patted George on the shoulder and comforted him!

“Boss! I want to break with you!”

Depressed George, when he saw this, he couldn’t help but roar in despair!


After a while, Qin Xuan coughed two people. Seeing everyone looking at him, he immediately said, “Hey! The first place in this competition is Mrs. Linna!”

Hearing that, everyone came forward to congratulate Linna!

Only George stood there depressed!

Can he not be depressed?.

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