Chapter 442 Tang senior! Why are you so cold-blooded?

Lin Lei said that it was understandable for Augusta to do this, but he understood it, but this was about his mother. He actually dared to lie to himself, how could this not make Lin Lei angry!

“Lin Lei! You should settle your mother’s affairs quickly! Because the deity seems to have already handled the affairs of The Netherworld, now it’s only waiting for you!”

The lady boss looked at the angry Lin Lei, and immediately continued to say!

“Huh! Thank you Mrs. Boss! I’ll go to Augusta!”

Hearing this, Lin Lei let out a sigh, then nodded to the lady boss, and said!

After that, he turned to Qin Xuan next to him, hugged the cupped fist and said, “Tang senior, then I will leave first!”

“Yeah! Go!”

Qin Xuan nodded and responded!

Seeing this, Lin Lei broke through the space and left, it seems that he is ready to clean up Augusta!

Only a little speechless Beibei remained.

Just now about the conversation that the three only saw, Beibei couldn’t speak at all, and could only listen silently by the side.Now that the boss has left, he also saluted the two Qin Xuan, and then turned and left. !

“Tang senior! Do you think Augusta can survive Lin Lei’s hands this time?

Only Qin Xuan and the lady boss are left by the lake, and the lady boss can’t help but ask curiously! 483

“With Lin Lei’s character, Augusta will definitely not survive this time. As for Off, he should be seriously injured. There is no tens of billions of years that can’t be recovered!”

Hearing this, Qin Xuan didn’t turn his head back, staring at the fish float naturally, and then shrugged!

“Oh! It seems that another master has fallen!”

The lady boss sighed and said!

“Late! By the way! The face of the Dark God you returned, how come there is no rule of the law of darkness! Didn’t the face of the Dark God have a ruler yet?”

Qin Xuan couldn’t help but ask curiously when she heard the lady boss mentioned this incident!

It has been millions of years since he came to his position, but he has seen the rulers of other attributes, but the ruler of the law of darkness has not seen him!

“No! The Dark God’s face has been born to a Dark Lord before, but he actually wants to refine the creatures in the entire Dark God’s face, so that he can break through to the rule of rule, even to the level of the higher god.

“But in the end he was discovered, and he was killed by other masters, and his godhead was taken away by the Death Supreme, so (agai), now, no Dark Lord has been born!

Hearing this, the lady boss couldn’t help but stunned, and then explained with a smile!

“Oh! I didn’t expect this Dark Lord to be quite ideal! Although the method is a bit extreme!”

Qin Xuan nodded slightly, then said approvingly!

After all, before he came, even Lord Death didn’t think about it, and he knew that the ruler wanted to surpass the ruler, and even the Supreme God, although he didn’t succeed in the end, at least he tried hard not!

Hearing this, the lady boss gave Qin Xuan a blank glance, and then said: “What you said is nice, do you know how many people died in the face of the Dark God because of this incident, that’s nearly half of them!”

“What’s wrong with this! Do you know how many worlds there are outside of Chaos? There are not many of the same level as this world, and there are not a few higher than this world.”

“Every minute and every second now, there may be a world destroyed. At that time, it was just a mere majority of the living creatures in one facet!”

Qin Xuan glanced at her, then said disdainfully!

“Why are you so cold-blooded!

The lady boss glared at Qin Xuan with dissatisfaction, and then said!

Cold-blooded “? Ah! It’s just that our level is different!”

“A mere divine face can become a person who transcends the world. I think he will be willing to change to Hongmeng!”

Hearing that, Qin Xuan gave her a blank look and thought, what did she do so angry, I am not talking about her again, I can’t help but give her a blank look, and then said with a sneer!

“Hongmeng? Who is Hongmeng?”

The lady boss asked curiously!

“Want to know, then ask your deity, she knows it too!”

“Forget it! If you don’t say it, forget it. You said you are not cold-blooded. What if there are your relatives and friends in it?”

Hearing that, the lady boss rolled her eyes involuntarily, and then asked back!

“Of course not! If someone dared to touch my relatives or friends, I would just slap them and destroy them!”

Qin Xuan replied without even thinking about it!

Although Qin Xuan praised the Dark Lord, once it’s time for his own relatives and friends, it won’t work!

People who have cultivated to the level of Qin Xuan, their minds are as hard as steel, ordinary things can’t shake his mind at all. This can’t be said that Qin Xuan is a ruthless person, but hides own emotions and converts them into reason. This way, I don’t know how to help my cultivation, and I can better distinguish what to do to make myself more beneficial!

“Ah! I think you are a person who does everything for your own benefit!”

Upon hearing this, the lady boss gave a sneer, and then said angrily!

“Uh! Forget it, you don’t understand this! When you reach that level, you will understand what I am saying now! Of course, if you are not convinced, you should ask your deity and see Is she the same as me!”

Seeing this, Qin Xuan shook his head helplessly, and then said:

“Impossible. My deity wouldn’t be as ruthless as you!”

The lady boss directly retorted without thinking about it!

“Why am I not as ruthless as Tang senior?”

Just as the boss’s words fell silent, a voice came from behind her!

The lady boss turned her head and looked around, and saw that Lord Death was standing behind Own at some point!

“My deity! Here you are! Has the matter been settled?”

The lady boss quickly stood up, and shouted!

“Yeah! It’s done!”

Lord Death nodded at her, and then asked curiously: “What were you talking about just now? Why can’t I be as ruthless as Tang senior? Isn’t Tang senior ruthless!”

“My deity! This is how things are… if you definitely wouldn’t do it, right? So, don’t you say that Tang senior is very ruthless and cold-blooded?

Hearing that, the lady boss told the story of the matter, and then looked at Lord Death expectantly!

Although her own deity cultivated according to the Death rule, she would not believe that her own main body would be such a ruthless person!

“Uh! If it were me, I would be like a senior!”

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